Edit a previous post in stead of posting 2/3 times in a row

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion HappyMind
  • Date de début Date de début


Sale drogué·e
Please don't post like this.
Please use this
image to edit a previous post in stead of posting several times in a row!

It's getting messy here on this forum.
HappyMind- It's not always an accident when these things happen.

Sometimes *I* do it as emphasis......

(I've been aware of the edit function since they put it here)

Jus as in a 'real' conversation, if a person is hammering a point, they may say the same thing two or three different ways.....it's not always an oversight.
Then you still don't need to post multiple times in a row
I'm with spice on this one.
Things would really get messy if spice has to put a 5 post rant into one.
My opinion: If you want to write something that is different than your original post, you are free to do so in a new post. If you just add something that is not really significantly different (but who's to decide what is?!?), you can just add it by editing an already existing post. It doesn't really bother me to read multiple posts by a single user.
Viva la resistance! We won't be told what to do!
Seriously though, I don't really see the problem, if you want to double-post for a specific cause then go ahead, if you just haven't seen the edit button yet use it from now on.

Edit button is for editting, not adding information like spice very often does.
It's not about someone telling you how to behave, but just to keep things clear.
Edit button is for editting, not adding information like spice very often does.

I have a feeling I should comment on something here, but I can't think of it right now.

Edit: Still cannot remember. But here's a link to get you back to the top of this page.