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Drugs & antidepressants?


Matrice périnatale
16 Mar 2005
I'm getting very desperate.

Do antidepressants substract effects of some drugs? I use 20mg seroxat (paroxetin) + 100mg seroquel (or something) daily.
I've tried some 'legal' highs, e.g. nutmeg, fly agaric, salvia and once marijuana. None of those have worked.

Reason for my desperateness is actually LSA, or rather Hawaiian Baby Woodrose. I took five of those yesterday.
I put those on hot (not boiling) water, drank it about 1½ hours later and afterwards chewed the seeds for five minutes and then swallowed.

All I could feel was a little pain on hands and feet, some but shortlasting giggling about half an hour after eating and some drowsiness. It felt OK at first, but after that I started thinking about what it should feel like and became very depressed. It wasn't anything.

So, should I take more, maybe ten, or should I hang on to things that work for me (alcohol, tobacco & coffee :| )?

Are there any things that lower the effects of some drugs due to my antidepressants?

Help :iconhead:


Elfe Mécanique
22 Sept 2004
You should be verrrrry careful using anti-depressants and drugs at the same time! Most anti-depressants work as mao-inhibitors which should increase the effects of most psychedelics but its important you take a lot of care. You could die from it, you know.
Please check this out first before attempting anything stupid: http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/maois/maois.shtml


Matrice périnatale
15 Mar 2005
In my experience of mixing drugs with anti-depressants (Zoloft 100mg daily) it very -slightly- weakened my mushroom & mescaline trips emphasis on the slighty, cannabis was actually potentiated so be carefull about that (i've also read some terrible horror stories about combining cannabis with anti-depressants over on erowid.org).
Ecstasy is also weakened and isn't the best thing to be mixing with SSRI's and *definently* not a good idea to mix with MAOI's.
Hope that helps answer part of your question.


Matrice périnatale
15 Mar 2005
I just thought i'd add that your medication (Paroxetine) is a SSRI type anti-depressant so you need not concern yourself with the dangers of MAOI's.


Glandeuse pinéale
14 Mar 2005
i tried all sorts of antidepressant stuff from my mothers medical cabinet back when i was young and stupid

A they usually require 2 weeks regular dosage before they do any good

B they don't mix with anything, very nasty side effects, chestpain , respiratory stuff ,

C bad usage , like taking one big dosage instead of normal daily dosages.. usually will mess up your brain chemistry and you end up mildly depressed even if you weren't before

all in all, i wouldn't touch anti depressants myself anymore... no sir


Matrice périnatale
16 Mar 2005
I probably have to clear some things out, if you didn't understand or something. Anyhow, here it goes.

The medicine I'm on are long-term antidepressants (I don't know if that is a good explanation, but anyway). So they don't make me feel better immediately, they only try to put my serotonine working... Yeah.

The main "ingredient" in my Seroquel tablets (that I'm soon taking 100mg per day) is quetiapine.

I have now taken, an hour and half ago, six Hawaiian baby woodroses, one capsule of Happy Caps' Trip-e and one beer. About an hour ago I took three HBWR:s more. Not any special feelings, maybe I'm a some calmer than usual, but it might be because of beer and two cigarettes I took. I shall update later if this changes...

By the way, I took those seeds au naturel = just chewed them like they are. Taste was a bit bad, as it should be, I think. Not any nausea recognised... It's monday, so it has been six days after my first experiment with HBWR:s... Is there some tolerance in these?

PS. Sorry about my English, I know it's not so clear, but I hope you'll understand. Ask, if something is unclear.

PPS. I don't know if weight matters in HBWR, but it's 50 kilograms (maybe 110 pounds?).


Glandeuse pinéale
14 Mar 2005
just did a quick search for Quetapine :

first website

Quetiapine is used to treat psychotic disorders and symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, and hostility.

second one

Seroquel combats the symptoms of schizophrenia, a mental disorder marked by delusions, hallucinations, disrupted thinking, and loss of contact with reality. It is the first in a new class of antipsychotic medications. Researchers believe that it works by diminishing the action of dopamine and serotonin, two of the brain's chief chemical messengers.

i don't know what they told you , but to me , this doesn't seem like a your average, over the counter, anti depressant... it's an anti psychosis drug... which probably explains why you ain't tripping when you drop or HBWR or any other psychedelic substance

further more , it seems to me , that your docter is trying to get you back in reality ... is there a reason for this? did he prescribe this to combat depression , or some other symptoms?

i mean , the seroxat is for anti depression, the serotonine upkeep ... but the quetiapine is for something else..

you should be very carefull in your attempts to trip, your docter seems to think you need antitrip

i dunno , i'm no expert, but it seems strange to me


Matrice périnatale
15 Mar 2005
Strange indeed, although I have a little bit of helpfull input on the matter because at the moment i'm trying to slowly ween myself off Olanzapine (anti-psychotic) so i'll be able to trip again.. the effects of all psychedelics have been reduced to an almost non-existant level of psychoactivity whilst on this medication.
Also, if your on this sort of medication in the first place you should take great care if you decide to use any kind of mind altering substances - for obvious reasons.


Matrice périnatale
16 Mar 2005
Noticed a very positive thing yesterday. I had taken last medicine sunday before that. And on tuesday I had the best trip.

But now I'm on medication again and taking a little break from drugs... I don't think it is clever tripping at a cost of my health so much, although I do not think that a break lasting for two or three days and then starting again is so dangerous.
Atleast I hope...

By the way, the trip I had was amazing. It's hard to describe with words, but it was something like watching television, and you see that you have won a million from lottery, then suddenly comes an extra news broadcast telling that a cure for every venereal disease is found... Then, after a years of impotence (still metaphoral) you notice yourself a hard-on, while listening in news that potency increases health and kills cancer. :high:


6 Avr 2005
I dont know shit about the chemical effects and stuff of LSA and antidepressants, but my andvice is: If you are abel to go one day whitout taking your antidepressants, dont take them the day you of tripp, and just focus on the tripp and the preparations for it. Try to have somewere were you can tripp totaly undisturbed and, if posible, sleep over. Bring only people you like, who is going to tripp or chill there whit you. When the time has come, consume 8-10 seads then chill. Smoke some weed if you want. After 3 hours, when your on top of the tripp, smoke a joint nice, big joint (no bullshit-ass bag-full-of-seeds-weed, make sure to get a litle quality smoke) so you feel a good high. After that, make yourself very comfortable, maybe lay down, close our eyes and try to relax your mind, like meditation or something. Then the show will begin ;)

-Not to anyone and everyone-
When tripping, you should always keep one thing in mind and that is that everything you will see, fell, think, it is just a part of the tripp that will last for about 8-12 hours (not the rest of your life as you MAY belive while tripping). All the fear or terror you may feel will come from your own mind, not someone elses. We humans cant telepath our thoughts or emotions to other people. The most important thing of all is to put !ALL! your trust in your body and the real fact that this is TOTALY SAFE. When you belive in your body to the fullest and the fact that it is no problem for it to handle this, your mind is free to go were evere you want.

Have a kick-ass tripp!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Déc 2003
1 154
We humans cant telepath our thoughts or emotions to other people.

I don't agree with you there mate ! You can, if you believe in it and try hard enough


Matrice périnatale
16 Mar 2005
Yeah.. I had two no-effects, one good trip, again not effect and one half-bad trip (nothing terrible, felt just nausea for some hours). Maybe this is it for me, at least for a while. My trippings should consist of television and Edith Piaf for now...

I don't know if it's because of the seeds, but I feel their taste now almost always.. It's very disturbing, I have to eat or drink something 24/7 if I don't want the HBWR-taste in my mouth.. Also things that were maybe little harsh in my mouth, like a red wine for example, are now almost impossible to swallow. Everything tastes worse than before, and I have increased my cigarette smoking too... Just to get the taste away. I'm getting used on it, but God I hope it won't last forever...