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Down the rabbit hole..


Glandeuse pinéale
15 Déc 2005
What the bleep do we know!?

Hello fellow psychonauts! :)
A few days ago I saw this kickass movie called "What the bleep do we know!?"

I enjoyed this movie very much, and i think many of you will also like it because it really fits the context of a mind traveller 8)

I hope you'll like the movie!

:arrow: Peace


What the Bleep Do We Know!? (also written What the #$*! Do We Know!?) is a controversial 2004 film that combines documentary interviews and a fictional narrative to posit a connection between science and spirituality based upon the teachings of JZ Knight/Ramtha, of whom the three directors are devotees. There is also an extended 2006 version, What the Bleep!?: Down the Rabbit Hole.

The topics discussed in What the Bleep Do We Know!? include neurology, quantum physics, psychology, epistemology, ontology, metaphysics, magical thinking and spirituality. The film features interviews with individuals presented as experts in science and spirituality, interspersed with the story of a deaf photographer as she struggles with her situation. Computer-animated graphics feature heavily in the film. The film has received widespread criticism from the scientific community. Physicists, in particular, claim that the film grossly misrepresents the meaning of various principles of quantum mechanics, and is in fact pseudoscience.


Sale drogué·e
8 Nov 2005
Did you hear about the movie , the secret ? I heard it is in the same line as this movie. Downloaded it recently (I know :o ), havent seen it. Whole hard drive is filling up with movies just to little time to watch them all.

In this movie they talk about the force of attraction, its all about the think patterns you emit. These completely incluence the events that happen in your life. Good luck, health and succes are all things we attract by thought, check out more here :



Elfe Mécanique
11 Nov 2006
Rutger a dit:
Did you hear about the movie , the secret ? I heard it is in the same line as this movie. Downloaded it recently (I know :o ), havent seen it. Whole hard drive is filling up with movies just to little time to watch them all.

In this movie they talk about the force of attraction, its all about the think patterns you emit. These completely incluence the events that happen in your life. Good luck, health and succes are all things we attract by thought, check out more here :

I've been looking for the secret for ages, where'd you get it? :)


Sale drogué·e
8 Nov 2005
Check out this site :

http://s157671911.onlinehome.us/Results ... d=&fz=&pf=

Searched already for you, somewhere in the middle there is a good divx version.

But its also already on mainstream torrent sites like this one :


That first site is improved and much better since only a few week or so. Most stuff you can find with it easly. You do need a bittorent program. I recommend Azureus but most of them are easy and fast. Good luck !


Elfe Mécanique
11 Nov 2006
Rutger a dit:
Check out this site :

http://s157671911.onlinehome.us/Results ... d=&fz=&pf=

Searched already for you, somewhere in the middle there is a good divx version.

But its also already on mainstream torrent sites like this one :


That first site is improved and much better since only a few week or so. Most stuff you can find with it easly. You do need a bittorent program. I recommend Azureus but most of them are easy and fast. Good luck !
Thanks! I already use azareus, good program. Have you tried looking on torrentspy.com for "peyote salvia" or something? You'll get a folder with around 9 gig's of psychedelic audio + video. Lot's of Terence Mckenna, it's great :).


Sale drogué·e
8 Nov 2005
Yes got that one, real good stuff , havent seen it all yet though. The torrent link was also here online some while ago, thinkt lots of members got it by now, great stuff !


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
I've seen the movie in hospital on DVD. Didn't get the stuff at all, maybe because of the pharmaceuticals 8[
I've got the book at home, I think it's better than the movie, the movie is way too fast.


How to effortlessly attract infinite wealth, health and happiness

Sounds like a very bad ad to me...

EDIT : I've just watched "The Secret", so basically I should be able to create decent psytrance tracks by the next few months ^^

Can't help but feel ALOT of skepticism, but maybe I'll give this stuff a try, my life would definately need some motivations ATM, I'm totally lost (not that I'm feeling bad or else, don't worry (yeah, I KNOW that some of you guys weren't worrying at all !!!))



22 Jan 2007
Saw what the bleep and it left me speechless, gonna check out the secret, any help on more interesting films/ documentaries? Thanks and have a nice day.


22 Jan 2007
Saw the secret last night and although it is true that Im not gonna become a millionaire sitting on my ass but I believe the message is not that.

What is important in life is it money, sex, etc?

I agree that what is important for me may not be the case for others, but i think the important thing in life is to be happy and comfortable with ones life and that is what the film is trying to say or at least that is what I got. Once you are comfortable and happy withyourself anything is possible and you will see life in a new light.

Who cares if you got millions if you aint happy money is worthless.

Although it would be nice to have a sweet ride. 8)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
Amen to that!

But there is a lot of this in some new age movements, this idea that you can wish welth into being by just believing in it. And a lot of people swear by it :)

Neale Donald Walsch touches the subject a number of times in his books and its also prominent in coarse of miracles. And in Holland, we have spiegelogie written by Willem de Ridder which is based on the same concept.

In Walsches books, there is a lot going on about the way you formulate a wish. The example given there is, if your wish is like this:

"I want to have a lot of money.", you can be sure this wish will be reality right away: 'you will want to have a lot of money'. Its suggested that you should word it differently:'I have a lot of money' for example. The question then is, watch out what you wish for because if a beloved one dies, its possible you inherit a lot of money ;)

A lot has to do with creating your own reality, taking control of your happiness. a bit like linguistic programming. If you convince yourself that you are happy, you will be happy. Keep repeating it, and it will become reality. Something like the infamous laughing therapy from Osho where you just force yourself to start laughing. At first it will be ackward but if you do this with a few people and keep it up for a minute or two, your stomach will hurt from laughing and tears may be rolling from your eyes.

I think thats the main lesson this movie and a lot of similar ideas try to get across: You are the only one capable of creating exactly that in your life, what you want'. The hardest part seems to be figuring out, what it is exactly what you want though :)


22 Nov 2006
It's amazing how long it took for these fundamental laws to get press. it's no secret, people have known this since the beginning of time. organized religion has shrouded it in mystery unfortunately.

We're in the process of an revolution of consiousness, I don't know about you, but I'm in!