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29 Août 2005
Hi, ive tried dmt for the first time a few weeks ago and it was amazing.
in the beginning i was scared to try it cuz 4 years ago ive tried alot of hallucinogenic drugs and had almost everytime a bad trip.
but the dmt was truely amazing i smoked like 200 mg on 1 day to bad it only last about 30 mins.
i stil have some dmt left, 5-meo-mipt and some shrooms so i was thinking to combine one of the 2 with the dmt i still have left.
would this be a good idea ?
ive had shrooms before and they gave me the worst trips ever.
5-meo-mipt is gonna be the first time so im not sure what to expect.


24 Mai 2006
Yo man where did you get the dmt or did you extract it yourself, I've grown some phalaris but the extraction is to much of a hassle.

Thanks in advance for the info.



29 Août 2005
i have it from a guy who extracts it himself.
5-meo-mipt was a wast of money btw, i started with 6 mg waited an hour and i only felt a bit euphoric so i took the other 44 mg together with 2.5g cubensis mushrooms and smoked some dmt.
i was a bit dissapointed cuz i thought after not having any mushrooms for 4 years i thought i would trip like the first time i tried shrooms but i gues it will never be like that anymore...
in 2 months i get some 5-meo-dmt maybe, is there a big differense bewteen dmt and 5-meo-dmt?
also, has anyone tried bromo dragonfly?
im a bit scared to trie it cuz it can make you trip up to 36 hours...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
I read somewhere that n,n-dmt and 5-meo-dmt are called "the power" and "the glory" because n,n-dmt is much more of a forceful trip while 5-meo is nicer with more happy colors and stuff. This is only what I read - all I had so far was a smaller dose of ayahuasca (psychotria leaves + syrian rue)


29 Août 2005
so far dmt is the best trip ive ever had.
i still have some Banisteriopsis caapi en Psychotria viridis for ayahuasca but im a bit scared to use it cuz i read the trip is a bit overwelming...
is it something you can compare it to, like mushrooms maybe ?
is there an other way then to make a drink from it cuz i tried that once but it tasted awfull and i couldnt drink it all...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
im a bit scared to use it cuz i read the trip is a bit overwelming...

If you already smoked dmt I think you don't have to fear the ayahuasca as long as you don't totally overdose. My second attempt with ayahuasca was successful, but it was a very light trip. I liked it really much, it was very enjoyable (though not strong - more next time!)


What did you experience while smoking dmt?
I was in "the void" where the creatures McKenna described were...
One of my most crazy, bizarre, enlightning and wonderfull trips I ever had!

That evening I did it 3 times, but only 50mg at a time.
Ok it was probably the most pure dmt you will ever find (McKenna only encountered it a few times) so I'm a lucky bastard :)

BTW 1 of those times was 5-meo and the other 2 was nn-dmt, nn-dmt get's you in "the void" and the 5 meo is more of a peacefull trip (I felt like I was being huged by Gaia :D)


Elfe Mécanique
26 Sept 2005
tryptonaut a dit:
This is only what I read - all I had so far was a smaller dose of ayahuasca (psychotria leaves + syrian rue)

tssk tssk don't you know this is only an analogue?

the madre is only present in Banisteriopsis caapi, which is ayahuasca...other harmine/harmaline containing plants are not the same

I haven't done any of them but that's how it is. I hope to test it some day


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
the madre is only present in Banisteriopsis caapi, which is ayahuasca...other harmine/harmaline containing plants are not the same

ok ok, but there's still the maoi and the dmt - and some also say the plant teacher from syrian rue. It's an analogue, I know (that's why I wrote the ingredients!) but it is a dmt experience and it's much closer to ayahuasca than for example smoking dmt.


29 Août 2005
Space-is-the-Place a dit:
What did you experience while smoking dmt?
I was in "the void" where the creatures McKenna described were...
One of my most crazy, bizarre, enlightning and wonderfull trips I ever had!

i smoked 40 mg dmt but didnt see any creatures :cry:
but i did saw a big temple surounded by clouds and i was standing on a big cristal stair leading to shiny golden gates.
To bad i couldnt move, maybe i was just to amazed to do anything or i simply couldnt move :)
when that ended and i opened my eyes there was this indian i think smiling at me just for a few secs and then he disapeared

everytime i smoke dmt i always have the feeling someone is watching me or the feeling im not alone.
does anyone else have this when smoking dmt ?


Alpiniste Kundalini
23 Mai 2006
Jaaah, nn-dmt het is heftig spul. ik had maar net geneg tijd om een tweede hijs te nemen voordat ik gelanceerd werd.. eerst veel kleuren en patronen, mijn gedachten op dat moment waren .. hier gaan we dan, komt het wel goed, wat gebeurd er, kan niet meer terug,, je hebt het nu voor elkaar/ misschien ist wel het einde nu.. etc
dit alles in enkele sec.
Toen kwam ik tot stilstand , ook voelde ik mijn ademhaling langzaam minder worden en zelfs stoppen, vervolgens voelde ik mijn hart niet meer kloppen en aanschouwde iets groots in een ruimte, een bewegend pulserend vervormend ding welke ik leek te herkennen van een heftige paddo trip. Om mij heen gebeurde van alles dat ik het bijna niet kon volgen. Ik voelde aanwezigheid en die aanwezigheid begon zich te bemoeien met mijn gedachten. Ik had nog steeds flitsend snelle gedachten van verwarring. Plots kwam er een hand uit al het organische/ mechanische "alles" en gebood mijn gedachten tot stilstand. De hand was van de aanwezigheid, en was een projectie daar "het" zichzelf niet in "stabiele" vorm/ kon/ mocht laten zien?
Ik moest in flitsen om mij hen kijken, het was net of er een diafragma zich kort stondig steeds sluitte en opende waardoor ik steeds beelden kreeg te zien. Op een gegeven moment hoorde ik een geluid wat "uit mijn lichamelijke" keel kwam. dit geluid vervormde in een knetterdende echo ofzo en werd in het universum om mij een geschoten. Toen kwam ik langzaam weer bij...
Ik heb naderhand idd erg mijn best moeten doen om alles een beetje terug te halen... en het is moeilijk te omschrijven.
Ik had veel gelezen en gereports gehoord van bv mckenna en was in eerste instantie wat teleurgesteld over mijn trip
En als ik nu naar mckenna luister denk ik eigenlijk dat hij ook probeert het onderwoorden te brengen, wij zijn het die het beluisteren en ons eenvoorstelling proberen te maken... wij maken zelf een interpretatie van een anders zijn interpretatie... Uiteidelijk rest ons niets dan hetzelfde middel te neem en zo kan het dus dat ik bv. qua entiteiten een hele ander ervaring heb gekregen die ik had verwacht als dat jij hem misschien ook had verwacht
Ik heb dingen gezien en gehoord op naar een volgende keer.... op naar een poging om 3 hijs binnen te krijgen!!!

Ik rook alle hijsen uit dezelfde pijp, doen jullie dat ook, of "laad"je em nog een keer.
Ik heb overigens ook een waterpijp met een rechte opstaande steel met bowl.. lukt het om "droog" hierin dmt te roken, of zal de dmt erdoor vallen

grt wazumkap



No man, you can't do it if you have to reload the pipe in between hits.
Me and some friends used a bong, have a filter thingy lying in the bong with some ash and the dmt, 1 guy is holding the pipe, 1 is holding the gaslighter (not the normal lighter but the blue flame kind of lighter).
Then the guy with the lighter begins to heat the outside of the glass of the bong, so the outsides of the dmt begin to scorch slowly.
After the first smoke apears, hit it!
After that 2 or 3 times more and you will be shooting out of your body in no time.
But sounds to me like your method works as well.


Alpiniste Kundalini
23 Mai 2006
Think it works.. yeah.
now i try to get my hands on some 5meo-dmt, they say its a bit slower and less overwhelming... :D


Yeah but it's still like one the heaviest things you will ever experience so still keep cautious...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
Well I finally managed to smoke my extraced dmt. 100 grams mimosa, we had about 80mg which is not a lot. I've evaluated my extraction technique and think I know what I did wrong. So yesterday I smoked about 30-40mg.

Very impressive, this big, ever changing thing, entity, presence, started to fold and unfold in my view. Very much like the thing I encounter on many mushroom trips. It was a very short trip, my sitters commented on my big smile.

It was too short to really settle in there and get used to the experience. By the time you start to ease a bit, the experience is already fading.

As far as I know, this has not been a full experience, I heard the crackling sound pitch up but never pushed through some barrier. Then again, people may experience it differently.

When I opened my eyes after a few minutes, I was still tripping very hard but it felt like completely down compared to the minutes before that.

Some body discomfort came up a few minutes after opening my eyes, vague nausea which went away in minutes. 30 minutes after toking, I had no feeling whatsoever left, only a memory that started to fade the minute it manifested.

After my trip, a good friend smoked about the same amount. He talked about gigantic colored palaces, swirling around some bright light, center of it all. Very impressive.

Then there was a little bit left and to my surprise, my girlfriend who only tripped twice in her life and only heard about dmt a month ago, said she wanted to try the last bit of it to get an idea.

She had a minor toke and relived a very frigtenning body discomfort that she had with her last mushroom trip. She had been afraid to trip again after that experience but the dmt helped her see it in perspective.

All in all it was a very positive experience for all of us and we have ordered some bigger amounts of rootbark for another extraction.

DMT is amazing...


Glandeuse pinéale
25 Oct 2006
A friend of mine commented only saying that they smoked DMT with a friend, and it was a beautiful experience. They inhaled, and as she exhaled, she felt herself leave her body and she just wept becuase of the beauty. She said it was short lived, but beautiful. Thats the short of it.

Now my question is smoking DMT.... is that the extraction? And what do you extract it from? Is it difficult for a newbie? Can someone explain in laymans terms how it works please?

Thank you in advance!!