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dmt for the masses modified


Glandeuse pinéale
1 Juil 2013
50 grams of Mimosa hostilis (powdered)
A wide-mouthed glass mixing jar with a tight-fitting lid 1 l
Lye (granulated sodium hydroxide)
A dust mask, safety goggles, and rubber gloves
Naptha (coleman multifuel)
4 chinese style tubs
750ml warm water
A turkey baster and pipette
Coffee filters
A freezer set to a very cold temperature


add 750ml of warm tap water to the mixing jar then add 50 grams of costic soda,mix then check the ph level(should be around 12). now add the rootbark to the solution and mix for 5 munutes untill all broken up.


now we add 100mls of naptha to the solution and mix for 2 or 3 minutes then leave it to seperate. use your turkey baster to pull the naptha out of the solution and put it in the chinese tubs then add another 100mls of naptha to the solution and stirr for a few minutes and let seperate. repeat this 2 or more times and let seperate and pull the naptha out and into the same tub.use the pipette and try to suck up any bits of solution that made it through. now let the naptha evaporate for around 10 minutes and then put it in the freezer untill theres alot of crystals and the naptha has went clear.

you can reuse your naptha a few times before you need to replace it. after around 4 recycles your naptha will be unusable but dont through it away you can freeze it and get dmt from it. one filtered use a knife to scrape out all the dmt thats stuck to the sides. once its filtered use some kitchen roll and wrap ot around the filter and it will dry quicker. once dried use a knife to brake it up and cut out any bits that are black. this should yeild you 1 to 2 percent of dmt.

this is a slightly modified version of normans dmt for the masses


17 Juin 2014
What if my bark is shredded, shall I soak it in the 750 mils and 50g of caustic for longer than 5mins, if so how long?


Matrice périnatale
18 Juin 2014
I've got a question.. Is there such thing as leaving the materials in the lye solution for too long? SWIM used STB, with 2.5 kg, and left it in for about a month and a half in total. He's been doing pulls and such, not yeilding a whole lot (about a g of greenish slime with .5 g of some light lime green xtals) and was wondering if the material has oxidized in the water?

He's planning on doing a re-x after doing a clean water/lye rinse, but still the issue remains.. Why is the yield SO low for the large amount of material used?


Matrice périnatale
18 Juin 2014
Also, SWIM was wondering if a sodium carbonate wash would help take away the colouration that entered the naptha due to the absence of the defatting step that comes with doing STB?


Glandeuse pinéale
1 Juil 2013
i dont use sodium carbonate but i assume it does the same job as the solvent cleaning. has anyone tried this green dmt? i have never seen or heard of green dmt before