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Je m'inscris!

DMT extraction (Chapilonga extraction)



A friend knows a guy who went to South America to a little village that is struggeling to survive and they have done ayahuasca for ages.
These people make big cloths with patterns, the one's you see in the membrane of coloured patterns before you shoot out into the void with DMT and these transform totally under blacklight, because they use natural color techniques and natural colors light up under blacklight.

This guy is gonna sell them to help the people there, he brought a lot of 'em.
But I deffinately want one of 'em.
Really cool to support those people and to have a cloth with DMT patterns :D


Alpiniste Kundalini
11 Mai 2006
Space-is-the-Place a dit:
A friend knows a guy who went to South America to a little village that is struggeling to survive and they have done ayahuasca for ages.
These people make big cloths with patterns, the one's you see in the membrane of coloured patterns before you shoot out into the void with DMT and these transform totally under blacklight, because they use natural color techniques and natural colors light up under blacklight.

This guy is gonna sell them to help the people there, he brought a lot of 'em.
But I deffinately want one of 'em.
Really cool to support those people and to have a cloth with DMT patterns :D


I think you are talking about Shipibo Indians in Yarinacocha , Peru , they have cloths and ceramic paints inspired in Ayahuasca , I ve been reading about it .