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DMT and dreaming


Elfe Mécanique
2 Jan 2007
Since dmt is suspected to be produced in the pineal gland when dreaming (i don't know if this is already demonstrated), i was wondering how this relates with having a dmt experience (particularly, smoked).
One thing i read somewhere was that a characteristic of dreaming is that your mind does not see it as an actual experience, and lets it slip away easily. That means you have to try real hard to remember it, or write it down.

I can remember some intense dreams from the past, the really special ones.. and remember dreams on a daily basis for about 3 hours, because they are usually crystal clear (when i wake up i try to remember it from the beginning, but sometimes loose track). I plan on keeping a dream journal, but I love my bed and keep minimum time between sleep and duties (only in the morning, ofcourse), but thats a different story.

I have read that when people have smoked dmt, they tend to forget big chunks of the experience due to sheer information overload and difficulty integrating the experience. For people that want to learn from it, a recorder can come in handy, or writing it down is another option.

So, if this is correct, its a nice similarity.. But what i want to know is:
Can anyone confirm this?
Does a dmt trip feel like a dream?
Can you remember it just as well as your dreams? (wich would be an advantage for me)
What are your thoughts about it :?:

I can imagine it's hard to say, because stuff you can't remember, you won't miss.. unless you recorded it somehow.. (like people saying: 'i never dream', i'm working on it for quite a while now :) )



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
Interesting observation: Many people who have had the DMT experience in their lives, sometimes in their dreams, lit a pipe, take a toke and get an actual DMT trip while dreaming.

I've never experienced this myself though :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Août 2006
1 620

great idea. I used to keep a dream journal many years ago; now I'm going to start writing down my dmt experiences afterwards.

And, yes, a dmt trip feels like a dream. It's incredibly real but very hard to remember or describe.

It's like dreaming for 1,000 years, compacted into 2 minutes. Obviously you're not going to remember all of it.


Elfe Mécanique
2 Jan 2007
@ Brew, Great!! good to hear my suspicions/expectations are confirmed here..
I will write down my dmt experiences for sure!!

Oh and @HeartCore, I have used drugs in my dreams as well (not DMT though), but only drugs i have done 'in real life' (for example, salvia, shrooms). It's really weird, it actually feels totally the same as it would if you were actually doing it. Gotta love it :P (though i had the same kind of 'i want to get normal' reaction in my dream on salvia, but i like to look back on it)

Dreams can be very fun and interesting!! and i bet DMT is too!! :D:D


Sale drogué·e
6 Avr 2006
Eversince I started wondering if DMT plays an essential role in dreaming, I awake in some sort of comedown-state(a bit similar to that of mushrooms/salvia, any psychedelic I've tried really). In this state I have very mild visuals, tracers etc. and I feel like having experienced some wonderful revelation. Might be placebo though...

I was wondering about deja-vu's too. Because when I have a déja-vu, I often remember dreaming about that moment in the past. I think a deja-vu might be somekind of accidental vision of the future?

Does anyone have experience with DMT and seeing the future?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
29 Mai 2006
1 076
VerusDeus a dit:
I was wondering about deja-vu's too. Because when I have a déja-vu, I often remember dreaming about that moment in the past.

This is exactly how I experience my déja-vu's and I hear about a lot of people that think about it in the same way.

I have no experience with DMT yet. I am very curious about it, but I know there is only one way to find out. :wink:


Alpiniste Kundalini
26 Juin 2006
Entheonaut a dit:
VerusDeus a dit:
I was wondering about deja-vu's too. Because when I have a déja-vu, I often remember dreaming about that moment in the past.

This is exactly how I experience my déja-vu's and I hear about a lot of people that think about it in the same way.

I have no experience with DMT yet. I am very curious about it, but I know there is only one way to find out. :wink:
I've read this before I went cycling on MDMA.. And I know a girl and when she was first with me we went to the supermarket and she had a deja vu. But we phoned allot before so I remember she told me we where in de C1000 buying pancakes.. We both had no idea how that's possible..
Cause you hear allot about deja vu's who are shortcut in the short memory. But after today I doubt it. I had a deja vu when I was riding bike. Strange thing was I was like 7years old when I had that dream,that I was smoking a cigarette and felt real happy on a bike in the dunes.
:? weird Offcourse(in contradiction of this girlfriend who told me about the dream and later had the deja vu) it could be that I made my own memorys.


Elfe Mécanique
2 Jan 2007
I dont think this counts as dejá vu, but I do have exactly the same dreams from time to time (although very rarely). Last time was about 3 to 4 months ago, I was dreaming the same thing I dreamt when i was only a little boy. At first I didnt think about it, but then i remembered it was all very familiar. PING! this is exactly the same!!


2 Avr 2007
this is an interesting debate. I do have one slightly off topic question for the forum. I read this in the cannabible (the first one) and have found it to be quite true. I smoke a fairly large amount of ganja, and smoke it daily. There seems to be some sort of connection between regular pot smoking and a sharp decrease in my ability to recall my dreams. I wake up and all Iam left with are after images. In times when it was dry here ( I live in semi rural maine ), I could vividly remember my dreams after about four or five days of detox (lots of water).

does anyone else have a similar reaction to budds, and does anyone know the actual nuero pharmicology behind this theory?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
29 Mai 2006
1 076
pattern_req a dit:
this is an interesting debate. I do have one slightly off topic question for the forum. I read this in the cannabible (the first one) and have found it to be quite true. I smoke a fairly large amount of ganja, and smoke it daily. There seems to be some sort of connection between regular pot smoking and a sharp decrease in my ability to recall my dreams. I wake up and all Iam left with are after images. In times when it was dry here ( I live in semi rural maine ), I could vividly remember my dreams after about four or five days of detox (lots of water).

does anyone else have a similar reaction to budds, and does anyone know the actual nuero pharmicology behind this theory?

Correct me if I'm wrong:
I've read somewhere that cannabis "deletes" short-term memories. Normally it's done by the body itself, but cannabis causes the same thing to happen. So if you smoke alot of cannabis, you have more problems memorizing things.
I always found it very hard to memorize my dreams, and cannabis has allmost made it impossible for me to do so. Luckily I don't smoke as much as I used to, so I'm making progress now :mrgreen:


Elfe Mécanique
2 Jan 2007
I also noticed that in periods where i smoke a lot of grass my ability to remember dreams decreases. I also need more sleep, and still feel tired in the morning. I suspect that you can't sleep very deep anymore, and therefore don't rest as well. This would mean more dreaming, and 'restless' nights (light sleep). But you will not be able to remember the dreams and just feel tired without knowing why.

This is all guesswork, based on my own findings and experiences (when smoking on a daily basis) No scientific data whatsoever.


Elfe Mécanique
2 Jan 2007
As i said in the first post, i am now able to remember dreams in detail when i focus on it. I attribute this to less drug use. I now use drugs less frequent than before, but in bigger doses. In my opinion this is a healthy solution wich yields more fun and keeps tolerance to a minimum. Your body can easily cope with extremities, its the regular use that makes the difference.

But having that said, weed is not very intense compared to other substances and will have a relatively small impact when used regularly. You will probably only notice it in things wich involve memory, but you can fully recover from it.

Again, all just my suspicions..


Sale drogué·e
6 Avr 2006
Eversince I started smoking cannabis on a daily bases, I seem to remember my dreams much more vividly. But what's even stranger: in the morning I can only recall vague pictures from my dreams, but then later on something might lead me to recall my dreams.

Like if I dreamt about mushrooms last night, and I'd see some during the day, that will trigger me to remember my dream.

But I do get what you're all saying, it doesn't exactly help you to remember your dreams(or even your name :lol: ). I just love the herb too much, to even be bothered by the lessened short-term memory :P .



Elfe Mécanique
2 Jan 2007
Soulcatcher a dit:
I also noticed that in periods where i smoke a lot of grass my ability to remember dreams decreases. I also need more sleep, and still feel tired in the morning. I suspect that you can't sleep very deep anymore, and therefore don't rest as well. This would mean more dreaming, and 'restless' nights (light sleep). But you will not be able to remember the dreams and just feel tired without knowing why.

VersusDeus a dit:
Eversince I started smoking cannabis on a daily bases, I seem to remember my dreams much more vividly. But whats even stranger: in the morning I can only recall vague pictures from my dreams, but then later on something might lead me to recall my dreams.

What you are saying is not completely in contradiction to my statement. I think you spend more time in the dream-phase. Maybe you suffer less from the decreased memory effect. Or the fact that you are trigger-sensitive and now have a bigger pool of dreams available, so your thoughts get directed there more often.

Its a wonderful world!


Sale drogué·e
6 Avr 2006
I think you're absolutely right, I have been training my dreaming to get lucid dreams. And I am very positive now, still haven't had a 100% lucid dream, but I did have some crazy experiences though. And my dream-recalling keeps improving.

Also: Cannabis is very nice when you are trying to reach the dream state with fully awake consciousness. The irony is, when I reach the dreamstate I lose my concentration and get engulfed by the 'dream', which might be related to pot smoking. But when I try it without smoking pot, I'm not even capable of reaching this state.

Reaching the dreamstate fully awake is a fantastic experience by the way, It's like tripping but it seems like you have much more control over your visuals.


2 Avr 2007
I used to lucid dream as a child. An old family friend gave me several steps to take in order to alieviate my nightmares when I was young. I did not understand the significance of this teaching until I was much older. As a young child (between the ages of 6 - 13) I had a recurring dream that I was standing on the median of a huge multi-lane highway. Cars were traveling at unimmaginable speeds and to each side of me was someone I cared about. I was forced, night after night to catagorically choose who was more important to me. My mother or my father, my sister or my best friend, my cousin or my grandpa. It was torture. I would choose to save one, only to watch the other die. The lucid dreaming helped to control this in spite of the fact I would wake up as tired as if I had had the nightmare.

This worked fine until I my teens, when the abstract/rational parts of our brains experience a growth spurt. My reason became paramount, my faith receeded for many years, and, lacking any basis for by struggle, I became an insomniac. All through high school I would sleep rarely, and when I did, poorly. Doctors tried all sorts of "medicins" to help me sleep, but they either did not work, or made me fuzzy in the head. It was not until I found ganja that I was able to sleep well. Perhaps its effects on dreaming are responsible for my parting ways with my bad dreams. I do not know. Just putting it out there.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Août 2006
1 620
I could totally buy that.

And I've said the same thing as Soulcatcher several times. Whenever I fast (not reeeaaally a fast); stop eating meet, drink tons of water, quit smoking weed and quit drinking alcohol, my dreams are much clearer and I wake up refreshed.

Unfortunate as it sounds, I think smoking marijuana really puts a damper on your dreams.


Sale drogué·e
6 Avr 2006
Ganja is so good as a sleeping-aid! but it's good as anything you want it to be:P

And as for DMT and dreaming, I think it's like this: Dreaming is just so damn strange it has got to be related to DMT!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
29 Mai 2006
1 076
VerusDeus a dit:
Ganja is so good as a sleeping-aid! but it's good as anything you want it to be:P

If I smoke a joint, wait for an hour (or 2), I fall asleep immediately.
If I smoke a joint, go to bed straight away... It takes about 2 hours to fall asleep.

Both ways, I wake up the next day with the feeling I didn't rest properly.

If I don't smoke weed, it doesn't take that long either to fall asleep, and the next day I feel rested and I can remember what I've dreamt :mrgreen:

Btw, I had a very strange dream last night, I ate shrooms in my dream with a couple of mates, and the weird thing was that I really believed I was tripping on psilo. :roll:


2 Avr 2007
Our minds can do that sort of shit. I would like to think that the human brain is capable of recreating psychedelic effects and that this is what causes flashbacks. My roommate had a very (I mean VERY) bad experience combining acid and mushrooms. Complete dissasociation, hulk like strenght, and a voice that was not his own. He has flashbacks semi regularly though the have gotten better in the past few years as he has avoided taking more hallucinagens.

As a reaction to this "bad trip" he remanifested a night terror condition he had severly as a child. He wakes up and tells me that he has an internal soaring sensation similar to acid. Certain movies, and conversational topic will also trigger the occasion flashback; particularly quantum physics. But his dreamtime is when most of these psychological episodes occur.