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Crystal DMT


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Mar 2006
2 454
I succeeded to find and get half-gram of DMT.
It's yellow when you extract it or synthesize it?(I sow some pict., and they are all yellow, sulphate is maybe in game?, DMT must be in salt form!?, free base is to much unstable for long keep?
And does anyone knows how much is enough for RIGHT TRIP!!! with superb DMT crystallize powder? I do not believe to any of Net sources. I need people how tried that, to tell me from their own experience.



15 Mar 2007
It'd be yellow if it was slightly impure...maybe it contains some plant coloring.
It'd be white or clear if it was 100% DMT, but that doesn't mean slightly yellow is bad.

50mg would be about right...maybe 60mg.

If you don't have a scale, it's very hard to eyeball, because crystals can be fluffy (less dense) or powdery (more dense). It may take more than what you'd think.

Maybe 3 big hits. Swim can almost get down 50mg in one big hit sometimes...that's the easiest thing because it's hard to smoke while coming up.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Juin 2004
1 974
Congratulation Goran :D

u have come across one of the most beautifull, spiritual, easy to use substances there are :D

well for a good trip I indeed recommend about the same dosage, but a milligram scale is really needed, cause else its impossible to say how much ur taking ..

u can purify the dmt yourself also .. but with this amount .. it may be a bit pointless .. because ur bound to loose some dmt in the process .. let alone that it will succeed :)

i`ve smoked it myself quite a few times, and I needed a few times to finally get some effects( like with salvia ) which I still have no effects with hehe

the body rush u will experience is unlike anything I've experienced. . and probably for you also :)

I wish u much fun with this jewel :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
I have smoked about 100 mg's last week and it was without a doubt the most mind blowing experience ever. I was ready for it, but don't underestimate the dose pal, you really need to weight it on an accurate scale. Optical there's only a micro difference between 60 and 100.

Only wrote a trip report in Dutch: http://www.drugsforum.nl/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=14583

I'd suggest you to stick with 60 mg.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Mar 2006
2 454
UF I have seen some Net tips but you are far, far more accurate, The Best!
When I sad yellow, I mean minimum lightly yellow color tone. Like one 1 from 20 grades scale. Also it is dense, powder, sticky on plastic ziplock, because half-gram is nothing (in larger scales of looking,but this is all relative). Also this could be 375 or 453mg? Who can tell? Gram is something so light, hard to define when you hold it.
Purification is out of question! This is not something which you can buy on every corner, maybe once in 2 years (if you doesn't extract it by yourself of course!
Where to get so fine scale? This should be with 0,000 variation-detecting area. But some of my friend have it, but what if that scale is out of FINE order? YES! I need to smoke one cig, take ash (defined fine-low weight) and simply build something like old scale similar or just like romans had.
Two alu foil dishes hanging on yarn which is connected on very light piece of plastic stick. And this is fine hand made scale! What you think?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Juin 2004
1 974
hey goran

I bought a milligram scale for about 100 euro's a few years ago.. works fine
I ordered it from some german website , but i`m sure u can buy em everywhere

its 10-0,001 gram scale

and I understand purification is out of the question indeed :D I would not do such a thing myself untill I have amounts like 5 or more grams I think

but i`m sure u read into the whole extraction thing..
and its really not that hard


Matrice périnatale
20 Avr 2008
hey goran,

from what you have there are about 3 or 4 doses. Split it into 4, smoke it in a pipe with some weed. Trust me, no worries, its how i smoke it normally. I don't bother weighing it out, what is there will work very well - accacia extract, pure & clean. :D


Alpiniste Kundalini
23 Mai 2006
look on ebay for a milligram scale,,, i bought one from china for 25 euro!!!!
but you CAN eyeball it a bit... its difficult to smoke tooo much... i eyeballed it and had the most interesting dmt trip for the first time!! put in a amount . taken one medium hit.... dont hold it in too long... then take a bigger hit... do not EXHALE until the moment you cant even tink about exhaling.... HYPERSPACE
there are some pics around which show a eyeball dose...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
alextacy a dit:
hey goran,

from what you have there are about 3 or 4 doses. Split it into 4, smoke it in a pipe with some weed. Trust me, no worries, its how i smoke it normally. I don't bother weighing it out, what is there will work very well - accacia extract, pure & clean. :D

Firstly you probably haven't noticed that it IS possible to overdose. Or at least have too much of a cardiovascular boost that pushes too much pressure on the heart and veins. And this interfenes with the experience, too. An heart attack is not out of the question if seriously dosed high.

Secondly, weed overpowers DMT and it's much harder to hold the smoke down. You better heat the pipe and then smoke DMT only.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Mar 2006
2 454
I will try it tomorrow(SAT) if weather will be good.
I du not know what will happen!! I read bout it but NET is objective, harsh, unreliable!

Can Dimitri knock me down on the ground? Like Salvia? I do not what to hurt myself! Salvia punch on my head and backs has been enough! :wink:

Bout sounds, buzzing, is it annoying or sustainable? This can kill you into bad trip!
OK, I haven't fallen in such pit but never knows!? Bad trip is only mind fight, in my eyes.

Can I use YOHIMBINE extract as MAOi? I know that YOHIMBINE is light MAOi but 10grams would do the trick?? Only anxiety by side effects can overthrow experience!?

Or can I use Dimitri by syringe by anal way? Seen that on You Tube. One girl talked bout harsh plastic smoke from vapors so she used DMT with syringe. And of course if I want longer XP some MAOi. WHAT U THINK???

Or maybe shooting substance in vain?? Risky, unknown, what else is in it, how can it effect me?? Once when I took morphine with needle in deep ass meat (with to short needle-for veins-sugar ones) infection burst out!!Surgeon, antibiotics and necrosis of ass flash starts! 400cm of muck-pus-manure come out of my flesh!!! One day or two before certainly septic shock!!!
From then I avoid needles and everything what include them!



Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Sept 2006
Can Dimitri knock me down on the ground? Like Salvia?

Yes, definitivly (depend on the dose of course)

Bout sounds, buzzing, is it annoying or sustainable? This can kill you into bad trip!

Bad trips can happen but recovering is very fast, faster than with salvia. The breakthruigh las less than 5 mn.

Can I use YOHIMBINE extract as MAOi? I know that YOHIMBINE is light MAOi but 10grams would do the trick?? Only anxiety by side effects can overthrow experience!?

I don't know but I would no advise that. A bit of benzo may help ro reduce anxiety and will not affect the trip that much.

Or can I use Dimitri by syringe by anal way? Seen that on You Tube. One girl talked bout harsh plastic smoke from vapors so she used DMT with syringe. And of course if I want longer XP some MAOi. WHAT U THINK???

Try smoking before, it's safer.

...One day or two before certainly septic shock!!!
From then I avoid needles and everything what include them!

Oh my God.. keep smoking instead.


Dimitri can really help you, really. Do it seriously, I mean with a serious untent and with a sitter the first times if possible.
When it becomes more familiar you can really "ask questions" to the hyperspace and you wil get answers. The issue is to translate answers in your normal day life.


Matrice périnatale
20 Avr 2008
Brugmansia a dit:
Secondly, weed overpowers DMT and it's much harder to hold the smoke down. You better heat the pipe and then smoke DMT only.

Weed overpowers DMT? You must be smoking some pretty kick ass weed dude! The other day i used my dmt pipe to smoke some weed as i'd lost my weed pipe. While i was expecting a bit of a mild dmt experience due to the residue in the cone, i ended up breaking through, which was quite unexpected & caught me by surprise. No probs with the weed overpowering the dmt though - the dmt experience is far more overwhelming!! When you come down you're just stoned though - as to be expected.

Goran - don't worry too much about the dmt, just go with good intention & expect good things & be relaxed. Don't do it standing up, but sit in a comfy chair or on the floor. It is a bit like salvia in that you lose all sense of who you are & its like being launched into a place where there is not context to anything, however it is much nicer & more friendly than salvia.

There is a bit of a plastic taste, that's why i smoke with some weed. You do lose some dmt because of burning it, but it still works fine. We've done it this way for the last few years & we all get plenty of craziness going on!

Best thing to do is not try to predict it as when you are there its hard to get a grip & no description of it is actually going to prepare you for the experience anyway!! This is where language fails us!

Enjoy dude!


Elfe Mécanique
18 Mai 2007
better let us know how it goes :P


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Avr 2006
4 228
"Alle Ding sind Gift und nichts ohn Gift, alein die Dosis macht das ein Ding kein Gift ist"


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
At Alex, The experience itself doesn't say anything about the power of the substance.

Salvia is a very light herb too, but may cause insane experiences. Cocaine has the most mild effects from almost all psychoactives, but it overpowers pretty much everything.

As for DMT, http://www.*******.nl/encyclopedia/48/DMT/ at the bottom it says:

Het is niet aan te raden om DMT met andere drugs te combineren; helemaal clean zijn geeft de beste trip. Zelfs cannabis maakt de effecten minder aanwezig.

Combinations: it is not recommended to combine DMT with other psychoactives; kicking off sober produces the best trips. Even cannabis decreases the effects.

I experienced this myself when smoking it with weed for the first times. But hey, each individual differs.

At Heartcore, slightly over 100 mg's I definitely experienced heavy and intense heartbeats. I guess 500 mg's wouldn't be fine. No one is gonna smoke that amount though, but still.


21 Juil 2007
5 922
i read a report where someone tested DMT and salvia extract together...
sounded like a cool story.... i guess it really was... at the beginning two women showed up and said to him he was going to a special place or something... :mrgreen:

nearly every drug can be overdosed... if you define overdose as a dose that is too much for having a pleasant experience with this drug for a specific person.
or going too fast or too intense....

so this would be possible with DMT too... but if you say overdose must be death or something similar then i don*t know if you can overdose DMT easily.

peace! :weedman:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
I guess it is physically impossible to overdose on DMT when smoking it. You're already in elfspace before you can take enough. Most that will happen is that you won't remember a thing.

Every substance has an LD50, though, so my guess is that DMT should have one too. If you IV a few grams of DMT, I don't know where you will end up.