cool, meditation!

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion GregAndrsn
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New member
I like that there is a meditation thread on here!!

Last night due to trouble sleeping i thought it would be a good idea to go into bed early and meditate for an hour before bed and see if i can induce some sleep.
So I did the regular breathing and the works and things started to unravel.... i was having flash backs of my childhood. I saw a dark sky behind a dark mountain and I began to weap. really. i used to do it as a child, the night sky or a dark sunset would cause me to just straight cry... id ont know why, its like an anger, sadness happiness energy all at once.

So i was sitting in my bed, cheeks red and tears forming. I think i realized why i cried.. In my vision, I was catapulted through the air. I flew through the air behind the mountain. and I saw that there was nothing. it was pure abyss. no light no color no nothing. I think i had had this fear of nothing, of pure negative, or pure zero existance.

I didn't want to leave, I wanted to stay, learn about why. I must have been there for 45 minutes, i laid down, fell asleep.

It was a very powerful experience for me. I've never had anything quite like it to be honest, or atleast when i was sober.

Today I was listening to a soong (the best song!) above some reports due, and i closed my eyes. The song is about 3 minutes long. I closed my eyes, and 'woke up' after the song had ended. I have NEVER been in that deep of a trance before, it was incredible. I had forgotton about where I Was and what i was doing. it was a very intense moment. I'm not sure if its the changeing of the seasons or what but I am definitely experienceing some big changes in my psyche!
Cool, I guess? :P Meditation can be very uplifting or very scary depending on where whatever your using to guide your meditation takes you. Ive had everything from relaxing peace that hovered just above sleep for a long duration to 'omg I cant believe im having this experience' moments of pure bliss. I always learn something about myself though usually I know its subconscious but I know they add up.

Our subconscious is an EXTREMELY active part of our existance more so even then our conscious. Kind of like the tip of the iceburg as they say. Its the underneath that destroys us if we arent careful.

Thats also why psychedelics are so 'enlightening'. They can bring the subconscoius into the conscious and let you look at it. Not always what you wanna see. Meditation can do the same thing. Mixing the two can be blast!

Just this afternoon I smoked 5x salvia and meditated and I felt like I was being crushed by this omonous light in the room that just turned out to be my lamp but as it washed over me I felt a sense of 'why am I afraid of the light?' and I realized that I was worryed somewhat about what the salvia experiences that I am getting into might uncover and finally I just told God "Alright. I'm letting go." and fell into the experience. Later on I had some personal revelations in the after fall about some of my 'bad habbits' that I have been trying to break for years.
Wow, you really don't need any psychedelics to trip. :P

Meditation is a good thing i started doing it a good year ago, i need to be doing it more again, but since i have little time i spend it more at reading in the week, i should do it more often, it makes me a better person.
DaZeD a dit:
Wow, you really don't need any psychedelics to trip. :P

No. Not really. I am in a near perminent psychedelic state of one degree or another now a days. Its not all mind blowing but it can be but most of the time its a low level kind of 'awareness' of my surroundings thats a lot different then my natural state was before I started doing drugs in college. I like it most of the time but it can be irritating occasionally.