Congress call for webdesign

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion joe.schraube
  • Date de début Date de début


New member

The Congress Entheo Science - Startseite des Fachkongresses Entheoscience - Fachkongress wissenschaftlicher Psychonautik, entheoscience was a great success last year in the fall. 250 visitors speaker 25 from 4 countries.

We are organizing a conference next year (Septemper 2014) Ahayuaska will be a key topic. The next Congress is German / English be.

We want to make our website from scratch.

The bad news is we do not have huge amount available, it needed someone with a love of the subject.

The good news: We need only the design / logo help.

We have very concrete ideas, so the idea is finished there are 2 graphics bought for someone who is fit and maybe just a day's work.

The old one was very Goa, very hippie. THe new one get to be different.
The old design is made ​​by me an absolute amateur. You may complain about it ...
On the server side there is nothing to do, we do everything yourself.

'm glad about contacts: joe at