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CONCRETE ideas on how to change this all?


Glandeuse pinéale
22 Juin 2007
silv a dit:
I'll have to agree at least to a certain extent with fork. As I've said a couple times before, you have to play the game and get to know the rules in order to change them (imho). That's why I'd never choose to go out of the society I live in. I see too many opportunities to make it better. At the moment I won't be too much of an influence but that's why I'm in college. I need to train my thinking and become more of a scientist before I can really start maybe influencing our society. This is what I feel now. Even though the entire idea of the island ofcourse is in some way really utopia! :)

There are possibilities to change this society, yes. But the only way to do that is with the whole society togheter. Some sort of 60/70 comeback? ;) I think we need this time now more then ever, Iraq, New World Order, Bilderberg and all the materialistic way of living nowadays.

I think it's quite wrong... Nowadays, everybody thinks that freedom is that you can buy whatever you want to. Everyone wants more, and more, bigger and better. But of course we all know that materialistic 'freedom' is of very short term. Once we have that new 'thing' something that's better comes on the market and we want that. Our 'luck' is not real luck. That's why, in one way, i really hate 'The Secret'. Of course it tells you to feel good, but also that you can have whatever you want... It is true, but does it make you happy? It think it's some sort of slimy blubbery substance around our bad feelings. It's just an illusion, we should change from the inside, wich is very difficult to make someone concious of in this 'materialistic' society.


Elfe Mécanique
7 Mar 2008
how to change the world?

Here´s what I think..

First, stop looking at other´s mistakes.. Thats the initial step.. We always tend to look at how the world is bad, ran by evil secret groups, bush is to blame, whatever whatever... But then what do many of us do? Smoke cigarretes, use cars when we could walk/use public transport, buy all sorts of industrialized products, watch tv, waste energy, take too long showers, eat bad food, agrotoxic-filled vegetables or tortured-animal meat, dont exercise, snort cocaine, take all sorts of prescription drugs, consume animal-tested products, have no patience with our families, forget about the poor people, etc etc

I feel the first step to changing the world is changing ourselves, in our microcosm, in our interactions and choices of what we consume and so on... For one to achieve this, its important to have ways to notice one´s mistakes, techniques, such as: introspection, self-honesty, psychoanalysis, yoga and meditation, relationships and being open to criticism, etc etc... The technique that I have found at least for myself to be one of the best ones is the respectful use of psychedelics. Big doses and rarely. I always take in controled situations, in comfortable places with very close friends, or in nature, or in ayahuasca shamanic rituals. Taking psychedelics can help with proper attitude, but not necessarily (which means, dont advertise it as a universal panacea, use it consciously if you can and educate others, but dont think everyone should take it. ´There are as many ways to god as there are created souls´).

I think that becoming conscious of things, acting in the microcosm is a crucial step towards a better world, without which nothing permanent happens.

But I also think, personally, there are those of us that have potential to do even more than that... I think Consciousness and it´s mental/social/ecological transformations can be manifested in all sorts of different areas. People can give their positive influence in all different levels, works and places.. It all depend on you finding what you do the best, what you have a vocation to, what you like the most, or so on..

Personally, I have thought about this a lot. I have been trying to act as consciously in the microcosm as possible.. But I feel I can also give a bigger more lasting contribution to the world. I have wondered how could one make a difference. Im graduating in psychology soon, but each day become more under the opinion that one-on-one clinical psychology can bring no lasting change, takes too long, works with already crystalized and society-brainwashed people. So I have come to a decision on what my plan will be: Work with children, make an education system..

I mean, you guys talk about an island, and I know its partially a joke, but just imagine it, what good would it do? The world would still be screwing itself and soon someone would invade it, rob us, whatever. There needs to be a lasting change made..

What I thought about the education system is because children nowadays are many times spending much more time in school than even with their parents. But school is a very bad influence: It is still based on the paradigm of the industrial revolution, more specifically the assembly line (where each ´stage of production´, or school subject, is hammered repeatedly, and is not aware of what comes before or next). So students are made to memorize arbitrarily decided socially valued information. They are not made to understand anything, to know how to live in the world. Students may know how to calculate the voltage or whatever, but they maybe dont know how to change a lightbulb..

So my idea is to create an educational system with an integral interdisciplinary attitude, where kids will not be there to memorize, but to understand and to integrate their understanding with the world they live in. Take physical education, for example.. It is not supposed to be ´ok now divide in 2 groups and go play ball´.. Physical education should help the student learn about their bodies, about how to work with it, about each student´s particular tensions and body postures, about how physiology works, about nutrition, and also about playing sports, but not only. So for example we already see how physical education cannot be separate from biology.. We must extend all subjects and connect them to others, teachers must know what the others are working, interdisciplinary projects must be made, and so on

I feel that the world is shit not because there are not enough cameras or police on the streets or propper punishments, because we are like baloons, and if you press on one side, the air will just come out on the other. The question must be dealt from the roots, and this is through a propper education that helps creating a situation where children grow their Consciousness, and not amounts of useless informations to score good on tests.

If anyone feels they have some contribution to make or would like to help me with this, or even if they just want to leave a comment or idea, by posting here or PM, its very welcome.

But for those that are not thinking of the education area, dont feel threatened or dont think that this is the only way. If you work in the health industry, or culinary, or whatever, you can make your own contributions to the world, but remember to first think of yourself

Peace to all, and good luck for us


What we need to ask ourselves is "Why hasn't this island idea already been realised hundreds of time already?"

I mean, it's really difficult to find the funds, but not THAT hard as a group ?


Glandeuse pinéale
22 Juin 2007
No it isn't... but you should go as a group. Let's say 40 people can go with us. that's 22.500 euro a person, this is something that can be done. Anyways, when all the people that come have the same tolerance and respect for each other it can become something great! We shouldn't have one leader, as if in a cult. Because when the leader dies the group falls in pieces :P ...

I think this is something that can be done, what a beautiful life it would be living on an island, on wich we don't need the masssociety and media. On wich we don't have war, on wich we sustain by planting and growing our own food and drugs. Building farms, all very sober and the group will grow, the island will grow. We need to keep in mind that this will never become a project for money. Of course, there will be people that want to pay or donate maybe (if we might bring out movies, books or something like that, time enough to do such projects) but with that money we can only make the island more beautiful!

It can be done!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
endlessness a dit:

I too think this is a possible answer for the betterment of things... but HOW would that be done? A total system reconstruction would have to take place.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
ZOF a dit:
Instead free your mind? I'm really busy freeing my mind and becoming more concious of everything. But everytime I go to school, piece by piece i'm being malformed into this perfect puppet to function okay in this society. I don't want that! Every time i watch tv, i see things that aren't right, or lies. I also know that hundreds, thousands or even millions see them too and will believe them and take them for granted. I don't want that.
How can you be conscious of being transformed into something you don't want or need? Isn't the fact that you are conscious of what it does to you doesn't work because you're conscious of it? Doesn't it just work when you are unconscious?
Do you know that i've been very busy informing people about how this society is controlled and working. I've been doing lectures (all localy) about, in example the food industries, the government, the Bilderberg group etc. The problem is, that a lot of people just don't care. They think it's all fine and they don't want a free mind. If it doesn't hurt them the way they live now, why would they changed. I always tell them that they are the perfect endresult of society and that almost everything they think about or have an opinion on is unconciously done by other things, like media etc. They don't believe it, well, they don't want to believe it.
Why are you trying to convince people that their lives are based on lies? Do you really even bother to suspect that people will change their minds just because you tell them? And wouldn't it then just turn you into their next influence? Can you guarantee that you are a good influence on them? Can you claim to be free of the want of power? Do you know yourself?


Glandeuse pinéale
22 Juin 2007
I admit i don't...

But living a lie is not living in freedom, I want to live in feedom, so i try to not live a lie. But now, i'm dependent on this lie because i'm still very young and first need to become an 'adult' in our land. By making people concious about this lie, we can create a group, and alternative group. Bigger than any other, so we might be able to change this try to make a new world order.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Avr 2007
2 290
I'm leaving belgium in august.
Go travel and work in france, portugal and spain. Won't come back untill december. hope to travel much further when i'm back.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
Trying to not live a lie is living a lie. Try living the truth for a change.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Avr 2007
2 290
Forkbender a dit:
Trying to not live a lie is living a lie. Try living the truth for a change.

what is the thruth? who knows the goddamn thruth? and who's to fucking say waht is the thruth? :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Drugs are controlled by international treaty . No country would sell you an island and give you independance / sovereignty , and the UNO would not recognise you . You would also get invaded by criminals .

" paradise"

A very short term fools paradise . We live in paradise now and we have shit it full . How long would it take you to shit your fantasy island full and where would you run away to then ?

"it can be the first step to standing up for yourself"

Running away from reality is not standing up for yourself . Its doing the same thing that caused our problems in the first place , the same things that keep drugs illegal .

"stop looking at other´s mistakes"

People who dont learn from their mistakes are destined to re live them , over and over again .

"Trying to not live a lie is living a lie. Try living the truth for a change."


"what is the thruth? who knows the goddamn thruth? and who's to fucking say waht is the thruth?"

There are truthes and ultimate truths . Reality is mass concensus .

Can i say something very , very funny please........... its a joke......

What about calling it "Fantasy island" ? You could even make a remake of the TV series , but then again there was only one dwarf in that comedy..........


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Avr 2007
2 290
Look at the guy from Virgin Airlines....


21 Juil 2007
5 922
Lion a dit:
Forkbender a dit:
Trying to not live a lie is living a lie. Try living the truth for a change.

what is the thruth? who knows the goddamn thruth? and who's to fucking say waht is the thruth? :)

Concerning your life i guess the only one who knows the goddamn truth is you.

But as you already say you're living a lie, you probably are not aware of the truth about your life.

But you're maybe doin quite well, if you want to go travelling and working in other places, that's good... because you will get to know new facets of yourself . By that you can create truth in your life by letting go of the lie.

Maybe you are stuck in a life situation where you are now and maybe many others are and that's why you can't embrace the truth in your life.
I say it is already there. You just feel that a greater portion of your life is a lie than it is truth... that's how i feel sometimes about my life...
don't let the lies dominate the truth ... but be careful about the "truth" as well....

self-revelation is annihilation of self.

peace. :weedman:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Avr 2007
2 290
I'm not saying my life is a lie(or did i?)
i just mean my surrounding is a lie. everybody around me. well not everything and everybody ofcourse..


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
^I was talking to ZOF primarily. Which would be obvious if you had read his post.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Avr 2007
2 290
Ând i'm talking to BrainEater. Which would have been obvious if you read the post above mine.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
If you would have read that properly, you would have seen that I used the phrase living a lie first in relation to how ZOF expressed his feelings, and that BrainEater was quoting your reaction to my post.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Avr 2007
2 290
ok thanx, my bad :D
now smiiiile =]