Calea Zakatechichi + psychedelics

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Matrice Périnatale
Hi everybody!
Calea Zacatechichi is generally used to make one's dreams brighter, more realistic, to increase the probability of lucid dreams. They say it may cause surrealistic and "psychedelic" dreams. I've decided to try it and ordered it this morning.
What I want to ask is whether somebody experienced it's (or analogous, e.g. "Silene capensis") influence on psychedelics' action. Stan Grof in "LSD Psychotherapy" stated that trip is a process very similar to dreaming. Maybe we can expect Calea to enhance the action of psychedelics or to change some of it's characteristics.
I have never met anything on this topic so would be glad to receive any data while preparing to try calea with shrooms.
So... has anyone tried to mix it with shrooms, acid, cacti or something?.. Or heard about anything like that? Maybe some suggestions?
hey!!! well i don't know... what i know is that i have almost never taken shrooms and then went to sleep. so maybe it's not the best to combine, because calea seems to be more about the sleep state or the realm of dreams?? but yeah, i don't really know..

I think those who resort to using CZ are mostly trying to achieve lucid dreaming; in a natural, safe way.
And I think we can say CZ+melatonin is not a fruitful mix.