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Caffeine - What's it like for you?


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Août 2006
I was wondering how your relationship with caffeine is.

I was never a coffee drinker untill recently, like a year ago i began drinking coffee, and now i drink it quite often.
It gives me the adrenalin i need, it makes me feel euphoric and i like the cozyness factor of it too, but when i drink too much coffee i start to feel very tense and i can be very agitated too.

Also, when i quit drinking it for a while i feel a little down the first two days, so i guess it's pretty addictive, the effect also decreases when i drink it too often.

So i was wondering, what's your relationship with caffeine?, do you drink it often, everyday, or only when you need the extra energy, does it make you feel agitated aswell, do you drink it all day long or only in the morning, does the euphoria fade away or does it last when you dose your caffeine input over the day, i really like to know.

If you like to combine caffeine with another type of drug i'd like to know what your preferences are too, i'm just very curious about it i guess. :P


Alpiniste Kundalini
5 Jan 2009
I was a real coffee (and caffeine in general) addict until i got very ill some weeks ago...

I was a hardore addict :p when i woke up, first thing i did was smoking 3 to 4 sigarettes, with 3 to 4 cups of coffee...
and i also drank a cup of coffee after lunch and after dinner
When there were exams, i drank like 2 liter or more a day... So that wasn't not very healthy

But as i said, i got very sick few weeks ago, and after that i have only been drinking one cup of coffee in total.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
I don't really feel the effects you are suppose to from coffee - I get more of a... tunnelish vision type feeling. It's not exactly great.

In order to feel caffeine at all it needs to be placed with sugar, but if this is done, after the initial high (Which lasts an hour) I have about 30-45 minutes of "ahh what the hell I feel sick".

always happens. Not my favorite drug, but it's not bad I guess. If I want to be awake I take amphetamines.


Alpiniste Kundalini
17 Avr 2004
Coffee can give me a great feeling, quite euphoric, but usually not when I drink it daily. When I have coffee daily (1 or 2 cups a day) it only makes me more awake but also a bit more tense. Withdrawal can be quite severe for me, with headaches and depressed feeling for a couple of days. So I always have these periods when I drink coffee daily, and then decide ¨I shouldn't be addicted" so I quit and only drink coffee a couple of times per week, and then after some weeks/months fall back into my daily habit.


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Août 2006
Shamanita a dit:
When there were exams, i drank like 2 liter or more a day... So that wasn't not very healthy

Good thing you slowed it down, 2L. a day is way too much, can't be healthy for the heart i assume.
When i drink too much coffee i feel way too tense, i couldn't handle 2L., damn, i'd overdose. :P

IJesusChrist a dit:
I don't really feel the effects you are suppose to from coffee - I get more of a... tunnelish vision type feeling. It's not exactly great.

always happens. Not my favorite drug, but it's not bad I guess. If I want to be awake I take amphetamines.

I know what you mean, when i first started to drink coffee i had that feeling also, but after some time i began feeling euphoria, unless i drank too much, then there's the tunnelish feeling again like you described.

As for the Amphetamins, i had it with those, speed and xtc almost wated my soul, when i was young, around 15 i started taking pills and sniffing speed when i went out, up to 8 pills in a night, or sniffed more then half a gram of speed at once, then i started using in the week too, i enjoyed it a lot, but after my serotonin balance was pretty much destroyed i payed a price for all those wonderful serotonin orgies.

It didn't restore anymore, i felt low all the time, when i took xtc i needed a lot to feel a little happy, but sometimes it didn't do much else then making me feel in a sleepwalking state, i'd black out and mumble strange shit and when i snapped back it was like i just woke from a surreal dream.The days after where morbid, dark, depressing, and empty as hell.

I was about 21 then, i'm now 27 and still feel the effects from xtc and speed overuse, it got me severly depressed and changed my whole personality, i'm almost back to normal, but it took me a lot of emotional pain to become who i truly am again, i went through hell and back. (sorry for the off topic rant, but bah, i hate amphetamins. :twisted: )

JJJ a dit:
Coffee can give me a great feeling, quite euphoric, but usually not when I drink it daily. When I have coffee daily (1 or 2 cups a day) it only makes me more awake but also a bit more tense. Withdrawal can be quite severe for me, with headaches and depressed feeling for a couple of days. So I always have these periods when I drink coffee daily, and then decide ¨I shouldn't be addicted" so I quit and only drink coffee a couple of times per week, and then after some weeks/months fall back into my daily habit.

I'm a lot like you in that case, i love the euphoria coffee can give, but when i drink it too much it's just an energy boost, but not as powerful as it could be, and too much just brings tension.

Like with all drugs moderation is a good thing, i used to smoke weed all day from morning to evening untill one day i just decided to take a 30 day break, very hard, but also very rewarding, after that break i'm finally able to use cannabis in a very controlled way, only in the evening, and most of the time i save it for one day in the weekend only, before weed controlled me, now i'm in control (i like to think).

Sometimes i smoke weed 4 times a week, sometimes i leave it alone for 2 weeks, i'm fine with that, that's a huge difference, cause before i smoked it even if i didn't even felt like it.

So yes,moderation is definatly a very good thing, it teaches you to appreaciate the feeling much more, to make a ritual out of it, and to enjoy it to the max on a time when you really decide to feel like that, and not just on automatic pilot, respect for a drug is respect for yourself and your health.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
heh, not been there dazed, my amphetamine use is that of ritalin, and maximum i take is 5mg lol. I'm a lightweight in that reguard.


Elfe Mécanique
4 Jan 2007
I rarely drink coffee, for the same reason as IJC; if I drink more than half a cup of coffee in the morning, I feel tense for the rest of the day, and I really dislike that feeling. So I try to avoid coffee as much as I can, and only drink it when I need to be awake but am not at home. As for being at home, I drink guarana coffee/tea (also contains caffeine, but is said to be more equally distributed throughout the body compared to coffee beans). It doesn't give me the tense feeling as easily (although after 2 cups it starts coming up), but it does wake me up, and makes me slightly euphoric.
Regardless however, ritalin takes the crown. At the dose I tried it (10mg on 3 seperate occasions) it made me fully awake, very clear headed and a bit euphoric/warm feeling from the inside. As I take stimulants only when i need to be awake and clear headed for e.g. an exam or presentation early in the morning, ritalin is the perfect drug. Whenever I don't have access to ritalin, I'd take guarana instead (which is most of the times :P). Same kind of feeling, but less intense imo.


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Août 2006
I never only took Ritalin when i was still a child as it was supposed to treat ADHD symptoms, but i had to stop taking it cause it only made them worse lol.

Now that i'm an adult i dunno what it would do to me, it sounds like it's pretty much harmless and safe to use but i think i'll just not try, i tend to lose control pretty easily and push my boundries sometimes, i'm afraid i might like it i guess.

I know the tense feeling you guys get from coffee, but the thing is, sometimes i feel tense and agitated and sometimes i just feel good and euphoric, i never know beforehand, and i nebver know how much is too much, one day i can drink two cups and feel good, on another day i drink the same and feel tense.


19 Jan 2010
I drink between two and three cups a day, with sugar and cream. I don't take other sources of caffeine, because they don't give me what I desire. Coffee isn't just a source of caffeine, it's also very tasty and gives me a warm, relaxed feeling after each sip. There's nothing like cannabis and coffee in the early morning.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Dazed - I will say I'm addicted, but if I take a full pill (10mg) fuck man, I am just wired. If I'm taking an exam, I sweat, my hearts beating... it's ridiculous. Half a pill makes me concentrate - induced motivation, I find it makes me more 'me'. I say what I want to say, and do what I need to do, rather than wishing I had said or done something.

I drank some coffee the other day to analyze it more, I do get the euphoria, but its also met with a tension in the gut, almost a sickly feeling like my intestines are stressed or something? I dislike that - but that was 2 cups within 30 minutes heh.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
I drink 7 to 8 cups a day. I love the euphoria and frisky mood I get out of it. One of the greatest psychoactives I have ever known. And to me, by far the most addictive from the moment I discovered its effects. Tobacco, amphetamines, cocaine and heroin were never my drugs (I tried these with no further consequences). I love strong and pure coffee, no additions.

Tension only occurs with a lack of activity, and I'm always occupied myself.


8 Juin 2010
its relaxing at first. then it exacerbates my anxiety/ocd. then i drink some more and from there on i "dull Out"


17 Juin 2010
i love real coffee, and drink far too much of it.
if i have a break for more than 24 hours i have some unpleasant withdrawal effects - headache, mild nausea and slight muscle pain - that last 4-6 hours. i should really use the opportunity to quit or start drinking decaff but i always go straight back to the strong black. what can i say? im a foolish monkey.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
haha. i used to work in a coffee shop(roughly a year). at which point in my life i was consistently having "random" chestpains, that, over time, started to become more frequent. the kind of chest pain that is sharp and penetrating to the core. it would seize my breath, and i could sometimes inhale through it, other times, this made it more excruciating. i would drink coffee and espresso the majority of the day, as well as really any pastries i desired...

since, i have cut sweets out. and after i got the flu from way back at the beginning of last year, i could not drink caffeine without my brain literally feeling heated up, especially behind the eyeballs, and this caused a pretty solid headache as well, so i decided to abstaine from all caffeine for a while.

if it was any wonder haha, i no longer get chest pains.. especially the more i incorporated healthy foods into my diet. now i only rarely drink coffee, anywhere from a half cup, to a third of a cup, maybe one to 3 times a week, depending on my sleep schedule. i've found that to be my perfect range. and so when i stay inside of it, it gives me the perfect awakening energy boost. if i stray any more past a full cup, i start to cold sweat, get chest pains, not to mention i feel like i have to shit. liquid. it's not good, especially when there is any substantial amount of milk in it.

i generally take my coffee/espresso black, or with a few drops of milk(just enough to perceive the color change, or literally maybe 50 or so grains of (raw)sugar if i had to guess how many, if it's not quality brew. the majority of the time it is my own coffee, and therefore black.

i always take my coffee with water now, as i've found out now with my kickboxing training that i used to be regularly dehydrated, (as im sure alot of you are too, just unaware. you know you should drink at least a half gallon of water a day? if you do rigorous excercise, it's more like a gallon or more). with experimentation, im now positive that was the cause of my headaches, and since i started this new regimen built around coffee i have had no further problems. sorry this is so long, it wasnt my intent, had to cover all the bases:lol:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Jan 2007
4 506
I like a tea sometimes.
When I need to be awake I take some energy drink, my preferred being Guru


Alpiniste Kundalini
15 Mai 2008
Like OP, I never drank coffee until about a year ago when I started drinking it fairly regularly
I find it to be slightly euphoric and 'cozy' feeling; great for mornings when I'm up early alone and want to get some work done
The synergy between coffee and Cannabis to be particularly nice as the coffee offsets the lethargy of the Cannabis and the Cannabis offsets the slight abrasion of the coffee
Which brings me to my next point: I do not like the jaw tension that coffee will sometimes give me after several cups
Does any one know any good herbal combos that might offset this side effect?

Two years ago I was drinking tea pretty regularly, I should get back in to that
I love chamomile tea :)


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Août 2006
Damn, since i opened this topic i kinda forgot about it, sorry.
Now i'm offcially hooked! :P

Not really that hooked, but it became a ritual, waking up and drinking a cup of STRONG coffee, if i forgot to drink it i feel more tired, maybe it's all in the mind, but then i like the placebo effect anyways. :D


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
I love coffee, it just tastes damn good. I've had a period of time now in which I drank a tad too much, 2-3 cups around midday after getting up, in combination with a few rounds of super smash bros left me shaking and mixed up :lol:



Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Août 2006
Sometimes coffe doesn't even work, today i woke up pretty damn tired, i drank a strong cup and i was still tired till noon, it got me tense, but the fatigue was still there.

I think coffe works best when you are already pretty energetic, then it can give a nice boost.