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Being Hasty, Wrong, ¿Ignorant? to learn about oneself.


Matrice périnatale
22 Oct 2008
Being Hasty, Wrong, ¿Ignorant? to learn about oneself.
What I mean by this is, particularly in conversations, I (maybe you too) find myself overly excited in the process and fail to think out my answers/responses. In this case I often find I say something silly, or ignorant, or just downright wrong, but at that point there is nothing I can do about it. It is not the simplest thing in the world to just take back what I have said, and even at times upon learning of my flaw in speech, I will continue to defend this ludicrous statement I have made.

After having these experiences I often find my mind tormented by it, not a very admirable occassion, but at the same time I have learned of a flaw in my own thinking.

The question I wish to propose is, do you think that one can learn a deeper truth about oneself from an experience such as this? For example, maybe this mindstate in all its excitement is a more pure form of ourselves, than one in which we choose to think out our answers (not to say thinking is not without merit, quite on the contrary in fact).

In any case, has anyone had this experience?

Another closely related idea, though maybe not exactly the same, is that I personally am trying to "curb my wicked ways", that is to say, become a better person. But all the same I find myself falling back into excessive behaviour and forming hypocritical or even downright nasty thoughts, or commiting nasty actions. Anyone had an experience like this? Meaning, has anyone ever felt that if they don't watch themselves closely they might, perhaps after the fact, find that they have done something reproachable by themselves?

For the record I am not a person in self loathing, in case that helps to clear up some ideas about these two topics. I find too that I am capable of great actions. In saying this last bit I am not practising my humility, but the acceptance of my good (in comparison to earlier, my bad) qualities.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
3 Nov 2007
4 166
I never had this experience.
I always think about what I am going to say. And I never said something stupid or wrong.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


11 Juil 2008
magickmumu a dit:
I never had this experience.
I always think about what I am going to say. And I never said something stupid or wrong.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:P mr spontaneous

I say allot of dumb shit, mainly when i`m not really interested... :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
4 Juil 2008
1 374
I sometimes let my mouth do the talking. be possessed by your lips. Only when I allow it, surrender to it, do I feel interesting things come out.
I've been experimenting with some other tortoises with speaking, all of us, at the same time. The other day it came weird, there was four people talking at the same time, and I felt I was paying attention to all of them while I was speaking.
If you program your lips. the minds is left alone for listening. the mind "speaks" to the lips, internally, and the lips "hear" and acts to its own will. If you program your mind to do this, you can watch the whole show being played in front of you.
Maybe I'm terribly wrong, maybe I'm just a bit crazy.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
sometimes i think things, but say it out loud. it can causea lot of confusin. myself, you can say anything to. if i get offended i concider it a failing on my part. its aq scottish thing. we all take the piss out of each other constantly, its a great leveller :lol:


Matrice périnatale
22 Oct 2008
Oh dear god, I cannot find the words!

I am going to try to avoid interepreting the messages here, because if I do I will probably just relate them to myself anyway.
It seems like you all have a philosophy built up for yourselves. And this is probably half of what I'm talking about, and maybe that is why you cannot relate so much? (I'm not sure if you can or can't) It is almost as if my philosophy becomes conflicted with itself. I will often have thought conversations with myself, literally arguing things out. Then I will end up saying something, realize I don't agree with it at all, and have to wander off into the bushes and argue with myself a little more. It is as if I can never get my ideas just kicked into my mind, which is something Nomada (I think) said comes naturally. Just let the mind loose, in a way, and it'll run itself fine. But for me it seems the opposite, my natural inclination, perhaps, as a human animal is to run my body into the ground.

Even this! I should say, though it's a different feeling because I have it simultaineously, I could disagree with. My writing often feels like I'm hinting at some end of days for myself, which is pretty far from the truth because I'm actually quite happy about these thoughts, about these debates, even though they can seem painful, I just want to learn what they mean, why do I contradict myself?


Elfe Mécanique
17 Sept 2008
I have two highly conflictive philosophies right now that are extremely challenging as well. I tend to naturally follow Buddhism but with the political atmosphere changing to the right, with increased restrictions to civil liberties and freedoms... I am a very peaceful person, but I feel that I am being cornered to go against some of the Buddhas main teachings. I am a huge fan of Che Guevara. Peaceful protesting will not work against the new world orders war machine. You can only watch so many of your fellow peaceful protesters getting taken out before you lash back.

I think my only solution is to leave. Leaving my family, friends, colleagues and coworkers will be difficult.

I'm not a paranoid person, but it would not surprise me to find out that my internet activity was being monitored.


Matrice périnatale
22 Oct 2008
That's an interesting problem that you bring up, especially since it seems to hold a lot of importance in the material world, that is making a descision that directly influences your life. And I wonder how that relates in the same sense to the growth of ourselves as people, to the problem of conflicting mental terms which actually hold no relation to the real world, in that they can just be entirely forgotten and our lives would not have changed for them, where as your problem (if I can call it that) would make a difference in your life depending on which descision you made.
The two ideas are obviously connected, in that there is a struggle between making a descision that seems to outrule itself depending on which side of the argument one places oneself, and I think your problem too would amount to a greater change in your actual person. In that you could either choose to remain passive, or in peaceful protest, and that would mean a lot to your outward (as well as inward) character. Or else you could choose, as you said, to take a more immediate stand, which may include violence, or just lead to some form of violence, which too would reflect in your character.

There is an idea I've heard a few different arguments on that when atrocities are accepted for the sake of a revolution, it can often come about that, as a product of those attrocities, the effects cannot be undone. And the product will be more tyrannical than the government that was orginally overthrown.

I'd actually be pretty interested where you go with that idea of yours, even if it seems like you've undergone no chance, or made no action, for inaction is in itself a stance.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. - Albert Einstein


Matrice périnatale
22 Oct 2008
Forkbender, care to clarify?
If you mean the way that I spurt out things i later regret, that generally must come from my unconcious, so I'm trying to correct it with my conscious mind now, right? :P


Alpiniste Kundalini
22 Mai 2007
i recognize what you say,

like you telling yourself youre wrong and finding a new conclusion, which could again be reconsidered. Or the same conclusion but from another point of view.

I think it is healthy if the mind corrects itself ;)

About feeling dumb about things you said, the decision you make in the moment saying what you say, doing what you do, can make you feel like you made the wrong decision.
But this doesnt really matter, becouse you already made the decision and there is no point in feeling bad (especially about things that dont REALLY matter).
But well if you murder someone you should regret it :P

There is a point in noticing what you said was wrong it try to do better next time ;)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
CroakingCridler, I think you have too much feedback. I know because I used to. It is not a bad thing in and of itself, in fact, it's a sign that work needs to be done. And this is good because you can now search for what's not right in your persona. Because what we show to others is a construct and you can choose how you want it to be. Remember you can't talk and think about what you're saying at the same time, you either plan beforehand or stop in mid-discourse to think. Both terrible alternatives. I don't think you talk dumb things but that you're so caught up in self-regulation that you step on your own tail and obfuscate the natural flow of words. I think that a mind at ease with itself is successful in dialogue because it's open to any topic in a passive but reactant state. Let your lips free a bit, like Nomada said, and thrust more in your instinct.

Talking to/with yourself is actually very entertaining. I sometimes give impromptu speeches to imaginary listeners. Did you know is possible to talk uninterruptedly about Nothing and All without thinking much about it, in a kind of spontaneous, cohesive and coherent never ending glossolalia? try it while high, it's fun!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Jan 2007
4 506
???????? a dit:
Talking to/with yourself is actually very entertaining. I sometimes give impromptu speeches to imaginary listeners.

I do this ALL THE TIME when I'm alone and have nothing to do. Especially when I quit cannabis when I became full of energy I could spend an hour walking around in my house and speak to myself / imaginary listeners. (I'm not crazy, I know there's nobody :P )


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
"Of course I'm sane, when trees start talking to me, I don't talk back." Terry Pratchett in The Light Fantastic

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
CroakingCridler a dit:
In any case, has anyone had this experience?
Yes, I very often regret things I said or did, even though I felt quite good when I said or did them. But that's just part of life. There's simply no time to carefully think out every comment or answer you give. Especially when speaking or interacting, you've got to keep up with the speed of the moment, and that often leads to blunders. But to recognize your own blunders in retrospect means you're willing to reflect, which means you're humble and desirous of improvement. Throughout the years you'll continually reflect on your words and actions, and become more and more in control of what you say and what happens. If you keep learning about the world and enlarging your world view, you'll find it easier and easier to abstain from "nasty actions". Don't force it, just let it come naturally, by becoming more and more broadminded. Better make hundreds of mistakes in conversation and action and learn from them than to withdraw, ignore and be lazy.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
An innerlife with tolerance, tenderness, serenity and contentment will make a remarkable positive contribution amoung you and interaction with others. It flows naturally without having to remind any purpose.

I do believe myself that this realm can be acquired by every self through the sensible and sane use of entheogens.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310

what do you mean by your signature?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
Well, in an argument, or when you are saying things generally, you need to have a certain position on things. I guess your mind just "fixes that for you" from situation to situation. The fact that we all don't know definite truth never kept anyone from saying so ;)

No really - the fact that you even think about what you have been saying makes you a thinker. Most people just say stuff and never think about it again, that's normal. You however are able to analyze your behaviour and become a better person - congratulations! Just don't over-analyze yourself and don't bother yourself about stuff you said and you wish you hadn't. Most people won't remember anyways.


Sale drogué·e
14 Déc 2007
I understand what you are saying. And you are not alone.

To be honest, anylizing of my actions and thoughts (the inner dialogue, or may I say monologue) became, over time, part of me. In trying to become a better person and in trying to correct the things, wich, I consider not very healthy for me and for whom surrounds me.

Still I had that problem , that tryptonaut wisely said, of over-analyzing myself, actions, thoughts. And most of those from the past. But over time I managed to improve the way I analize things. And I just try to analize them without getting emotionaly involved with them.
Sometimes I feel myself as if I were an "experience", for my soul/counsciousness/what-ever-you-would-call-it.

I had terrible times confronting myself with the countless "me/I(s)" (as Gurdjieff put it) , and dealing with them. It can be pretty kaothic watching many masks talking at the same time contradicting each one at the same time. But on the "back-stage", there's this one "I". The artist of my existance. The I that is observing the talking and not judging and, sometimes, struggling not to identify with any of those confused "beings" (masks/I(s)/me(s)) or even situations that occur outside of the body.

It's a puzzle, we just have to get the pieces slowly and patiently together and start seeing something building up.. and try to reach the stage where you can dance your whole life without worrying. Because you trust yourself.

Thanks for sharing your experiences.

And thanks for the warm repplies, from other users.



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
random a dit:
I understand what you are saying. And you are not alone.

To be honest, anylizing of my actions and thoughts (the inner dialogue, or may I say monologue) became, over time, part of me. In trying to become a better person and in trying to correct the things, wich, I consider not very healthy for me and for whom surrounds me.

Still I had that problem , that tryptonaut wisely said, of over-analyzing myself, actions, thoughts. And most of those from the past. But over time I managed to improve the way I analize things. And I just try to analize them without getting emotionaly involved with them.
Sometimes I feel myself as if I were an "experience", for my soul/counsciousness/what-ever-you-would-call-it.

I had terrible times confronting myself with the countless "me/I(s)" (as Gurdjieff put it) , and dealing with them. It can be pretty kaothic watching many masks talking at the same time contradicting each one at the same time. But on the "back-stage", there's this one "I". The artist of my existance. The I that is observing the talking and not judging and, sometimes, struggling not to identify with any of those confused "beings" (masks/I(s)/me(s)) or even situations that occur outside of the body.

It's a puzzle, we just have to get the pieces slowly and patiently together and start seeing something building up.. and try to reach the stage where you can dance your whole life without worrying. Because you trust yourself.

Thanks for sharing your experiences.

And thanks for the warm repplies, from other users.


...well, that sums up 100% of what I thought but didn't write in my first answer. :)