Are psychonauts special?

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Game on.

Lets hope not.
What kind of judgement is that ?

Honestly, it's hard to figure wether or not a psychonaut is special because there can't be real exploration without giving away freewill and self-importance in a way that is to say, special.

But you could say it's your speciality to not be special and really high ; thus for an observer you'd definately look doubly special !
Well depends which , some voyage with sacred substances, others recreationate with chemical products huh... can't put em all in the same bag.

It's kind of ironic, because after all, we still haven't defined exactly what is a psychonaut, there is this definition there... but it's incomplete.

What do you explore ? Your own mind, so it's each in his own little world, or is there common ground making it worthy at least ?
Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
It's kind of ironic, because after all, we still haven't defined exactly what is a psychonaut
Exactly, and it's unlikely there will be a consensus as to what it means.
Oh there is one... I can readily observe it every night... but they would punch me in the face before acknowledging it. I just means too much !

I guess the only thing to do is give time well time to time-out 8)
I think if we'd want a definitive meta-physical definition of special it would be :

That highlights itself as a specie, without effort.
Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
I think if we'd want a definitive meta-physical definition of special it would be :

That highlights itself as a specie, without effort.

But psychonauts are not a species. And why should it be a meta-physical definition?
psychonauts maybe more enlightened then a great portion of the population.

still that doesn't make them special , because in every human being lies the potential of becoming and learning something else.
Some of the first psychonauts of the 60s and 70s were called freaks. From wiki:
The word "freak" is commonly used to refer to a person with something unusual about their appearance or behaviour, and dates from the so-called freak scene of the 1960s and 1970s. "Freak" in this sense may be used either as a pejorative, a term of admiration, or a self-description.

The freak scene was a term used by a slightly post-hippie and pre-punk style of bohemian subculture. It referred to overlaps between politicised pacifist post-hippies, generally non-political progressive rock fans, and non-political Psychedelic music and Psychedelia fans. The individuals moved between rock festivals, free festivals, happenings and alternative society gatherings of various kinds. The name comes, at least partly, from a tongue-in-cheek reference to the beat scene.
Because if it's not metaphysical it has no purpose other than fun ?

Some psychonauts could eventually define themselves as a specie, but you're right it's not clear enough by now.
If something as special exists in general, how closely tied is it with privileges in general?
Well since we learned to be civilised, it would have to have no tie at all to privileges ; rather community.
The inhuman race is not civilised .