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Je m'inscris!

Another experience, like any other


Alpiniste Kundalini
15 Fev 2006
Totally different, but yeah I also like those substances :) Nevertheless, SD intrigues me ....


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
It took me at least 15 tries before I was able to get a Salvia breakthrough which was more interesting than 'o, I feel like I'm one with the couch' (not making fun of you, I actually experienced this myself :) ).

I was only able to breakthrough by smoking .7 grams of 10X extract. I had to smoke that in three, massive tokes. keep in mind that I possess leather lungs and I find smoking DMT actually tasty ;)

So holding in the smoke as long as possible seems to help but also, heating up the plant material is essential. With a normal lighter, I understand this can be a challenge so personally, I only use a torch lighter for it which definitaly works.


Alpiniste Kundalini
15 Fev 2006
Funny, I never could acquire a torchlighter .. or never tried to, but I've allways succeded with a normal lighter. But yes, for smoking the extract it's important to burn it at a high temperature. The dried leaves however burn very well just with a normal lighter .. and once burning they don't need to be lit if you just keep inhaling.

Appearantly I seem lucky to achieve breaktrough on such low dosage. Viva la countertollerance :)


Matrice périnatale
21 Juin 2006
i find this really fascinating.

for me this fits with the idea that our world consists out of thoughts -> energy and information. (quantum fysics)
we experience our own thoughts in linguistic form. before that, it is that is is just a concept floathing in an endless empty matrix along with all possible concepts of energy and information combinations.
your trips give me the idea that salvia gives you an illustration (or maybe this is really what is going on) of how we make reality of these thoughts.

i'm going to smoke 10x extract soon, if i can effort it again :p.
with these posts in my mind, i will try to remember most of the trip by speaking it into a memo.
it will definately be postet here.
1000 times thanks for your effort to write it down!