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Another 2012 theory, related to dmt


Sale drogué·e
14 Sept 2007
I think this is the appropriate section for this post for as it has everything to do with the spirit molecule.
Me and several other people I know have been noticing increasing dream intensity and activity. Also, twice now in a short period of time and for the first times in my life, I have woken op, talking out loud in the real world for a brief time as a continuation of dream dialogue (dont know if I spelled that correctly), before realizing that I was back into the 'real' world again.. So I came up with this theory.

I've had one ayahuasca experience. It offered me insights about myself and my sometimes mean behaviour towards others, and has had a profound effect on my life and my view of reality. If only more people could have this kind of an experience I think the world would be a (MUCH) better place. That being said, what if the dream and normal reality are slowly somewhat being merged towards end 2012, possibly bringing this cleansing experience about on a global scale?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
wake up.

sorry I'm being blunt, i just REALLY don't buy anything about 2012.


Sale drogué·e
14 Sept 2007
Well I'm not counting on anything happening either. But it would be pretty cool if something would happen wouldn't it? :mrgreen:


Glandeuse pinéale
1 Déc 2009
Swim agrees with christ on this one.................

Do you remember back in 2003 when ''the sun'' new paper said scientists believe that the sun will explode tomorrow. and the Y2K crap about how when 2000 hits everything digital will stop working.

Trust when 2012 comes and nothing irregular occurs, give it a year and then...........

''the draconian lizards will apparently start ruling the earth and the Illuminati will eventually mind fuck us all into slave labour''

It seems as if as soon as the ''predicted disaster'' does not happen another outlandish theory comes into play about how something radical and totally unexpected will comes in a few years.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
2012 does hold a very, VERY important election for the united states though.

I can see that breaking the devil from the chains.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Sept 2008
1 072
Sorry, old topic, but had to react to this comment;

vibrancy3 a dit:
Do you remember back in 2003 when ''the sun'' new paper said.....
Have you ever looked at the "news" paper the sun?
This is not news, this is shit that's being made up by a bunch of coffeedrinking 9 to 5'ers.
Don't mean to judge, but what they put in their paper is absolute rubbish.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Déc 2006
3 774
''the draconian lizards will apparently start ruling the earth and the Illuminati will eventually mind fuck us all into slave labour'

um.....that's already happened....it was called

'the industrial revolution'


27 Mai 2009
regardless of what the Mayans said it looks to me like we are nearly over-due for a transformation in consciousness. if such doesn't happen starting around 2012 it will be because y'all are fucking slackers.

mainstream human thought/ethics/philosophy has been mostly static for centuries meanwhile we are becoming more and more out-of-sync with our rapidly destabilizing environment.

i believe the relevant concepts are "critical mass" and "a narrow window of opportunity." if you love this planet now is the time to start acting like it. by 2012 that effort will start to bear its first fruit.

of course if enough boneheads work against us purely for the sake of antagonism that flower which bears that fruit might not bloom.

i don't care WHAT it says in the newspapers. "The Map Is Not The Territory." get with it already- time is short i kid you not.


Psycho disparu·e
22 Juin 2006
1 858
's gonna be a day just like any other... exept that I will play the lottery because most of people will think it's useless if they die ...


21 Juil 2007
5 922
peace to the gods!!...
a lot of you guys are too blind to see, but if you believe, you will be saved. not only believe in yourself, believe in the world, in the people, nature and the god(s). i KNOW that sometimes that can be tough, regarding how ignorant many people seem to be and how desperate the situation might seem to be.
the global community is growing and it's merging in consciousness. be aware, that many evil tendencies have to be cleansed, in order for our world to become a sustainable environment for all kinds of life and also for itself a once again "sane" organism.
nature is the strongest force and our higher nature, as humans, is a connective element, which we all should be remembering for the higher purpose of life.
"how would you be able to distinguish a dream from reality if you can't distinguish reality from a dream?" ...and...
"what if you had a dream, you were so sure it was real.. and what if you were unable to wake from that dream?"
put energy rather in the dreams of a good, worthwile living and happy future than in the dreams that appear to suggest a reality opposed to the latter and don't be driven too much by egoistic goals, but don't dismiss these on a scale that leaves you completely out of the picture or something like that, except of course you want to step out of your own ego-frame(ing). humanity is the bigger family, we all are a part of. a lot of bonds have grown cold, but that's natural. only those who love will not be thrown over board. everyone gets as many chances as they deserve. be prepared and be kind, take it easy and do what you have to do. each of us has a important role to play and each of us is a significant part of the whole and can make a difference in helping to save our beautiful world from succumbing to the puny masses of sucky individuals .



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
sorry we can't be on level with you brain eater.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
oi, if you believe something is going to happen 2012... you are on another level :D


21 Juil 2007
5 922
actually, i think i know something is going to happen!.. ha!!.. :P :D


Matrice périnatale
17 Jan 2013
BrainEater a dit:
peace to the gods!!...
a lot of you guys are too blind to see, but if you believe, you will be saved. not only believe in yourself, believe in the world, in the people, nature and the god(s). i KNOW that sometimes that can be tough, regarding how ignorant many people seem to be and how desperate the situation might seem to be.
the global community is growing and it's merging in consciousness. be aware, that many evil tendencies have to be cleansed, in order for our world to become a sustainable environment for all kinds of life and also for itself a once again "sane" organism.
nature is the strongest force and our higher nature, as humans, is a connective element, which we all should be remembering for the higher purpose of life.
"how would you be able to distinguish a dream from reality if you can't distinguish reality from a dream?" ...and...
"what if you had a dream, you were so sure it was real.. and what if you were unable to wake from that dream?"
put energy rather in the dreams of a good, worthwile living and happy future than in the dreams that appear to suggest a reality opposed to the latter and don't be driven too much by egoistic goals, but don't dismiss these on a scale that leaves you completely out of the picture or something like that, except of course you want to step out of your own ego-frame(ing). humanity is the bigger family, we all are a part of. a lot of bonds have grown cold, but that's natural. only those who love will not be thrown over board. everyone gets as many chances as they deserve. be prepared and be kind, take it easy and do what you have to do. each of us has a important role to play and each of us is a significant part of the whole and can make a difference in helping to save our beautiful world from succumbing to the puny masses of sucky individuals .


Looking back on this, now in 2013, you are right BrainEater. If you are willing to "jump on board" (stealing your ship reference), you will notice that what seemed to be a raft full of people had grown into something more comparable to the Titanic. Open up your heart to humanity and to the world, and you'll be amazed by the great things you draw into your life. It's slow, but very steady. I'm on the same page as you BrainEater, as is everyone else I truely know.


Matrice périnatale
17 Jan 2013
And touching on DMT. Through my personal experience, and thoroughly reading Dr. Strassman's book on the sacrament, I would say DMT is gaateway, if that's the best way to put it. It's an out of body experience, and it's called that for a reason. Your consciousness has the ability to think, communicate, and understand without being aware of it's body. Within my own personal experience, I encountered human figures that were made of vibrating light/energy and each was a different color (5 altogether) They offered me a cup to drink from and assisted me in doing so. Within this world, I felt dioriented, like having sea legs. But I figured out that you could communicate with the others through your emotions. I focused on the feeling of love and I felt it weave itself between me and all the others within the space. However this love was very different between each figure, like your love between various friends. Every motion, "Thought", and action you performed within this world was out of love, the divine love that sits within us all.