Alcohol and weed, alcohol and shrooms

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Elfe Mécanique
Yesterday I drank a lot of alcohol on my own at home to see what the effects are. Might sound strange to some, but I've never been someone who goes drinking with his friends and gets drunk.

So, being on my own and all, I was in a good situation to observe what was happening. I was pretty drunk and felt very carefree. I wasn't having a very hard time keeping my eyes open, but I was close. Then I smoked a bit of weed and noticed that it was far easier to let it do its thing than when sober. So the effects of the weed seemed stronger, and/or influenced by/mixed with the bliss-feeling of the alcohol.

My idea at the time was that normally I mentally or physically block the effects of the weed to a certain degree, but since on alcohol I couldn't really feel them until they got real strong, I couldn't block anything in the early stage.

I'm interested in other peoples' experiences with this combination. I've read a few times it's a no go, makes you throw up and all, but apparently that's not always the case.

I also wondered what it will be like starting out on a magic mushroom trip from the drunken state. Will it make one resist less, or will the downnarrowed mind scream even more when it is forced to release control to the mushroom? I guess it is also very likely this combination will quickly help you empty your stomach through your throat...

Again, I am very interested in any experiences with this combination.
I do actually find this topic very interesting. If you are an alcohol virgin and totally blast yourself with some hard liquor one night, you are going to definitely have a mind-altering experience in itself. I do think though that what you can get out of such experiences diminishes rapidly every time you do it (tolerance goes up quickly too!). I'm at a point now where I really don't drink much anymore except a sip to warm my belly now and then, or a very occasional social binge. I like a light intoxication, but I don't enjoy getting drunk at all anymore. To be fair, my tolerance to alcohol got ridiculously high at one point a few years ago.

As more specifically to your question. I have to be careful. If I drink a lot and then smoke weed, I just feel more drunk and then I can seriously get the spins. I think this is because, like I said above, the novelty of being very intoxicated has long since gone for me.

My favorite combo for alcohol+weed is to smoke first, then just have maybe one drink (or even a half) after. One drink seems to slightly boost the effects of the weed (as well as soothe the throat if I just smoked). Drink too much, and the alcohol starts taking over and I no longer really feel the effects of the weed.
alchohol and shrooms: i guess it could be as you described, but i have never done it. probably you would throw up more easily, because your downnarrowed mind wouldn't have anything to resist and therefore making the coming-up of the trip stronger accompanied by the releasing of the "bad stuff" in the body like toxics which alcohol indeed is???

alcohol and weed: i have tried that many times and i felt similiar as you described... like the effect of weed got somehow intensified, but somehow a bit also the other way round. but the latter depends on the amount of alcohol consumed as well.. i felt like i was soooo drunk and at the same time soooo baked after having smoked ... the interesting thing i observed was that the combination of the mind-numbing alcohol and mind-expanding cannabis was that sometimes conscious thinking would stop and the feeling was sort of deliriant like being really euphoric (effect of alcohol ?), but at the same time i noticed that the thinking didn't really stop, but only my awareness of the thinking stopped.

but at some times i wasn't so sure whether my awareness of the thinking had stopped or the thinking really had stopped.

on some occasions, the drunk feeling and the "head-spinning" :mrgreen: took over that kind of sucked though , but i am sure many brain-cells sacrificed themselves willingly for that experience.

also what i noticed was that when i smoked a lot of weed in a small period of time and didn't drink alcohol frequently or at all in this period; then i would get really drunk really fast, like 1-2 beer = really drunk. :mrgreen: :rolleyes:

peace :weedman: a dit:
I do actually find this topic very interesting. If you are an alcohol virgin and totally blast yourself with some hard liquor one night, you are going to definitely have a mind-altering experience in itself.

I can assure you from experience that this is not necessarily the case. I never drunk in my teens and only tried it a couple of times afterwards. The first time I didn't notice a thing, not even after 8 shots of tequila. Other times I have felt the effects, though, even after only 1 drink. I didn't really find it mind-altering in any way, but maybe I'm just too uptight.
I do have a friend who drinks (a lot) when on acid, but you wouldn't discern him from someone sober.
You know what, I have no problem with using narrow minding psychoactives.

But combining them with psychedelics is just plain dumb and no benefits apart from 'being wasted' or there.

Alcohol is primairly used to suppress feelings apart from the joyness in the now. It closes all confrontation parts in the brain. It's also QUITE toxic to the body and stomach.

The fresh awareness of your body, detailed orientation and long-term thoughts which are the basics of a psychedelic trip are exactly the opposite.

Nevertheless, alcohol is just a no go for me. (Only drinked twice in my entire life) It's utterly expensive, very toxic, decreases empathy, and there's a disconnection with reality as in terms of not being in able to judge wisely.

I have done GHB like a 700 times and it amazes me that this awesome material never seem to win popularity. It's an excellent substitute for alcohol.

It's more euphoric, more blissfull, very cheap, non-toxic, no hang over, no dehydration, and it has some flows that are sort of psychedelic.
Brugmansia a dit:
I have done GHB like a 700 times and it amazes me that this awesome material never seem to win popularity. It's an excellent substitute for alcohol.

It's like trying to replace a 3-year-old's toy. It won't work.
Alcohol isn't necessarily about just the intoxication though. Not everyone drinks to get drunk. There is the fine art of making tasty drinks, wines, scotches and training your senses to enjoy them for the flavor, body and feeling... these traditions have been around in various forms as long as any sort of psychedelic usage.

I really disagree that alcohol decreases empathy. Like many psychoactive drugs, what you will get out of it, intoxication aside, depends on what you bring to it and what you expect to get out of it. (Also the amount of experience you have in using it)

Alcohol has drastically different effects from person to person. It tends to exaggerate aspects of one's personality without one even noticing. It does turn some people into complete loudmouthed assholes in a way as bad as coke. For me and many people I know it simply makes us social and somewhat philosophical, evoking long conversations that span entire nights.

The problem with GHB (well not WITH the drug) is its popular reputation. The media is calling it the "date rape drug" these days, which is really sad.. a few creeps ruin it for everyone else.

For me, I'm not really into intoxicants, unless they are tasty. When there are alternatives to alcohol that taste and are as smooth as a good single malt, I'll be much more interested! a dit:
Alcohol isn't necessarily about just the intoxication though. Not everyone drinks to get drunk. There is the fine art of making tasty drinks, wines, scotches and training your senses to enjoy them for the flavor, body and feeling... these traditions have been around in various forms as long as any sort of psychedelic usage.

Wonder why they never did that to that degree with non-alcoholic beverages, then.
alcohol is toxic, but not the substance that carries it which is for example wine and beer. the body can get rid of toxics to some degree, but limited. if too much alcohol is consumed in a too short period of time then it gets absorbed more and more and therefore the amount of it in the blood increases and hence more toxic in the brain = feeling of being drunk, dying of some braincells because of accumulating toxics (=alcohol).

the beverages like beer and wine in itself is good and healthy for the body in some aspects if consumed in moderation and in some cases also in combination with different foods.

Wonder why they never did that to that degree with non-alcoholic beverages, then.

Actually you could almost apply the same rules somewhat to caffeine, some people go to elaborate lengths to have that perfect italian coffee... mmmm.

Of course in the end it's because humans like their booze. :lol:

Also alcoholic drinks actually require a level of technicality, time factor and work if you don't want something that tastes like.. swill. Wines and ales take months, or on a different scale, scotches require sitting in a keg of special oak for 12+ years to seep in the flavor of the wood.

If you want to know what bad cheap alcoholic drinks are like, I do know those who actually like to get drunk and they buy the cheapest beer they can find and get loaded. Cheap beer actually tastes like alcohol with a bit of yeasty grains thrown in. Eww!
Interesting topic... I don't drink alcohol but it's no good to consider it a "bad" substance because of the abuse of people (no substance should).

I have had combos of cannabis plus tequila and beers and it was very enjoyable. I must say though I'm not a drinker so I just take sparse shots, usually with a few I can feel the effects lol*fan described.

Also, years ago I tried to drink on par with a friend AND smoke (he didn't) and after x beers I ended puking, shitting, with a tornado in my stomach and in bed with fever... there's like a point of no return so one has to be careful not to over do it.

hehe I find funny the mental image of lol*fan drunk out of his mind somewhere in his house :)

I find interesting what you said about the body/mind blocking the effects of weed. I think this is what happens to first time smokers, the do get high but they just can't tell. And experienced users can sober up very well if the situations calls for it even though they are really high. Also, sometimes I've been smoking daily and someday I get this super good magical high out of nowhere... I have thought about it and maybe is just that the situation, set and setting are so appropriate that my body/mind is completely at ease with the fact of being baked and there's no effort in controlling anything, hence why it feels so good.
i can mix alcohol and weed without problems no matter the amount.
though i think i will puke my gits out on shrooms AND alcohol :/
the worse thing about alcohol and shrooms is the alcohol wears off leaving you with a hangover before the shrooms stop working. its difficult to keep drinking fast enough to avoid a hangover while on mushrooms
Forkbender a dit:
Brugmansia a dit:
I have done GHB like a 700 times and it amazes me that this awesome material never seem to win popularity. It's an excellent substitute for alcohol.

It's like trying to replace a 3-year-old's toy. It won't work.

The main difference is that GHB allows you to explore your inner realm and I still have the benefits from various experiences. There's a tremendous willingness to stay vitally alive.

I have never heard that someone on alcohol sat alone in his room and cried spontaneously even he had no reasons to do so.

Crying on GHB is a very pleasurable activity. It is no crying 'cause of experiencing the divine as on psychedelics, just the activity itself.

The fundaments of G are exactly the opposite as those of alcohol. The social aspect is somewhat similar.

Btw, GHB shouldn't be combined with any entheogen too IMO.
Alcohol + Weed (if done in that order, with a lot of alcohol first and then a fat joint) leads to loss of orientation and heavy puking in many cases. It can work out ok if the alcohol hasn't been too much and you're still in control of your weed consumption - then both effects are just amplified a lot. But usually people drink quite a lot and then, when pretty drunk, decide to smoke a joint. Because they are drunk the joint becomes extra-fat and they suck it in extra fast. Bad idea. I've spoken with many people and most of them said the same thing...
If you smoke the weed first then you usually won't get down enough alcohol to become really drunk before you smoke the next joint. In the end you'll quit drinking after the second beer or so and stay with the weed. I never managed to become really drunk when I started a night with weed.

Alcohol + Shrooms: With lower doses I always thought it was a nice combination because the cozy alcohol-feeling smoothed out any side effects from the shrooms and it was just a lot of fun.
With higher doses I more and more stayed away from the alcohol before taking shrooms, because the side effects of this combination are annoying and can totally ruin a good trip. I tend to "black out" for moments, then realize I can't remember the last 30 seconds, and then it happens again. Very annyoing. I also experienced multiple times cramp-like movements in my arms and legs. They didn't hurt or anything, but I wasn't able to control them. Kind of like a light form of epileptic seizure - I thought that was pretty scary (even it didn't hurt me at all)

So, nowadays I stay away from the alcohol when I want to trip.
I also don't like being really drunk. I like social drinking sometimes when it doesn't get out of hand. However, alcohol usually makes me greedy for more and then I drink too much and hate myself for it afterwards.
I've seen this problem with greed for more alcohol in a lot of people who have quit taking amphetamines or coke. However alcohol is a bad substitute because you never reach a high like on ampetamines or coke, but your brain thinks you can if you just have a little more...
i used to seek the effects of too much alcohol then hash. i loved laying on the carpet holding on while the room spun. now i never get that. i remember the last time and it took a chillum of red beard and manali. i think you learn to "drive" all the drugs after a while.
good point about the ex amphetamine/coke head looking for the high in excess alcohol- i am that man. im an ex speed head and ive taken thousands of £ worth of coke. i was addicted to speed and alcohol together. now its easy to get a lifetime ban from bars because i think i can still drink 15 pints of stella without making a tit of myself. im banned from 4 bars at home.
Me 2 . Did it . Took loads of speed and dropped 10 pints . The last one came straight back up and shot over the bar ..... all over the landlord . After i cleaned it all up i got banned .