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A sad day for Salvia Divinorum lovers


Matrice périnatale
1 Juil 2008
Today is a sad day for Salvia lovers everywhere. As of July 1, 2008, Salvia has been a classified as a schedule 1 substance similar to LSD or Marijuana (lol) under the laws of Florida, USA. So as of today you cannot possess the living plant or any of its derivatives in this state. Another ignoramus casualty of the "War on Drugs".

I blame in large part the videos of people doing SD posted on You Tube and other sites. In fact they were these very same videos that Governor Crist (Crist by the way is a contender for VP under McCain) of Florida cited as "evidence" that SD was a "wicked" plant and had it banned. I personally have experienced SD and have learned that SD is in fact a sacred plant and must be treated with the utmost respect. Only then will it reveal it's secrets; yet none of these videos show that.

So there goes another "Freedom" down the toilet for the people of the USA. Just think all you YOU Tubers, video yourselves doing SD in Florida now and it'll be great evidence for the cops to throw you in jail for five years. Good job morons. Next time learn to keep your drugs to yourselves.

Happy Fourth of July

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
I blame in large part the videos of people doing SD posted on You Tube and other sites.
Don't blame anyone or anything.


Glandeuse pinéale
28 Mai 2008
!!!!!!!!!! Stop pushing man in jails!!!!!!!!!! You are not anymore a spiritual user but a criminal now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Marvelous classement! like Opium! Crazy politicians who placed a substance in a dangerous drugs class even If It isn't!!!! do we have to agree with this? Isn't our wishes of peace who must be the goal!? Instead of a War against plant and peace poeple.

We lost species each days who maybee have the substances to stop te future sick and we prohibit them! Unbelivable stupid idea!


21 Juil 2007
5 922
yeah...i guess those youtube contributed at least a bit to that shit..

but still i think it's not only bad, that they put their videos on youtube...

or : it could be not so bad as it is, if it wouldn't be prohibited because of that.

because you could educate yourself about how the substance you are interested in and watch people who take it and then decide....


The fear keeps getting too 'em man!



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
I suppose the youtube videos may have contributed to it. I think it has far more to do with the attributed suicide, and just media hype in general. These laws are being passed to appeal to voters who feel "something must be done to protect the children."

..like throwing them in jail with violent criminals. But that's another story entirely.

BTW how long before they ban morning glory plants, all cacti containing mescaline, kratom, etc etc etc?

At a certain point these laws contribute to their own demise. There are so many laws to enforce, that they become unenforceable. It would be just easier to ban plants entirely. Think of the children!


21 Juil 2007
5 922

i get so fucking angry when i think about this.

it's like they don't get that nature can heal and at the same time bear risks of danger for some people.

i suppose the lobby from the pharma industry has quite some influence on the governments, and therefore also the scientists who elaborate the pharma-shit.

"nature" is too unpredictable for them so they need safer means to protect the population from diseases and stuff....

it doesn't really make me that angry that they don't get it... it makes me more angry that they're so ignorant towards other perspectives.

sorry for talking about "them", but well i don't know... for me many people in the pharma industry and of course in the government are jerks.

on topic i am not sure if salvia can be considered a plant which heals, but i guess it can heal. at least that was the way i felt about it, after having tried it some times.

but maybe it's very clear for salvia, that it is better taken by "hardheads" and not by unexperienced people. (unexperienced with psychadelics or unexperienced with themselves)



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
BrainEater a dit:
it doesn't really make me that angry that they don't get it... it makes me more angry that they're so ignorant towards other perspectives.

Exactly. People are entitled to their own opinions, but when they violently enforce those opinions on others... (especially in the case of the war on drugs, where the people with the biggest opinions tend to be those who are the most ignorant about the subject) that's what makes me angry as well.

The nifty thing about salvia however is that this law is pretty much unenforceable. There are many legal varieties of salvia on top of divinorium. A salvia plant is all but indistinguishable from your generic houseplant, and you can grow it indoors just as easily. Hell you could probably grow one on your front lawn if you lived in the right climate and unless an expert botanist came by you'd never have a problem.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2008
4 978
Another reason why I love the law of Switzerland. In Switzerland you can do a referendum if you don't like a new law-

also research on EVERY,yes,EVERY drug is legal, also a doctor can claim for drugs for medical reason and the best- minimal posession of drugs-for self-use- is legal.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Jan 2007
4 506
drk a dit:
Crazy politicians who placed a substance in a dangerous drugs class even If It isn't!!!!

Ohh... but it is indeed dangerous! Not for the users though, for "them".


Glandeuse pinéale
12 Juin 2008
not gunna stop me......


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
i suddently feel a certain attraction towards the alps...specially the ones with the red flag with a white cross on them...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
well his name IS "Crist" after all :roll:

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
Maybe now that Salvia isn't so easily available anymore, kids are going to do more acid and shrooms again, which are much more entheogenic. Salvia not entheogenic? Well, not sure about that, but in the past half a year I have been reading all the new trip reports submitted to and published on http://www.salvia.net, and although every now and then you come across a trip report describing a mystical, enlightening experience, most of them simply describe deliriant-like adventures of merging with a couch, becoming a loaf of bread or something like that. I've had a number of good hits of 20x myself, and though it definitely gave me an intense experience, it didn't give me the type of insights I get from mushrooms, LSD or even cannabis. I haven't tried chewing the leaves yet, but my plant is growing nicely...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
yeah. i'ma wait for the plant to grow too, not because of unsatisfactory trips. just because she really doesn't "feel" when burnt up, while she's a water lover.


Matrice périnatale
1 Juil 2008
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
Maybe now that Salvia isn't so easily available anymore, kids are going to do more acid and shrooms again, which are much more entheogenic. Salvia not entheogenic?

My first experiences with smoked SD was the most awesome experience I have ever had with any psychoactive substance. http://www.salviasource.org/forum/(v)-level-4/universal-mind/msg8837/#msg8837 That experience in particular changed my whole outlook on life, the second showed me how much respect this plant deserves. My third experience was with the liquid elixir. This was a much more gentle and calmer introduction to the plant and is the ideal for first time users. Ironically I had ordered some live plants over the Internet about a month ago to try the chewed leaves and never received them. Now it would be a "crime" to do so.

In any case I expected to be able to continue my spiritual explorations with this plant, and now my natural born right and freedom to do so has been abrogated by a bunch of government people who watched some videos on You Tube and decided to make SD illegal. So what was once my intrinsic Freedom and Right is now a Crime. It's amazing how insidious this is, how easily Governments can transform one into the other, and unless it directly affects you, how generally unaware you are of the change. And they do it under the guise of "protecting" us (from ourselves.) Self-righteous bastards.

I agree that people have the right to post what ever videos they want online but if those same videos are used as "evidence" to pass laws without further input, that is simply an abuse of power and should be not be tolerated. That being the case it's ironic that people who are now enjoying their freedom to use SD are providing the evidence that our government is using to ban SD.

The saddest part I think is the spiritual emptiness that most of the videos reflect. Kids acting like fools, videotaping themselves, and then as if that's not enough posting them online for the whole world to see. The big thing seems to be who can get the most laughs, which video can get the most "hits". There is no sense of spirituality, of using SD as it has been for thousands of years, as a path to enlightenment. It's all fun and games to them, but unfortunately in this particular game we all ended up as losers.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
^Well said.

How do you think I feel when salvia was never legal here at all!
I never even got the chance!