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5-MeO-MiPT trip report


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Juin 2004
1 974


I have done 5-MeO-MiPT awhile ago... this will not be a very long trip report because its all hard to explain
anyways... we did a dose of 20-25mg oral..
we did this dose because we mixed it up with MiPT instead of the 5-meo
and the 5-MeO should be dosed at around 1-7mg .. tops 15mg
atleast thats what erowid says..
good thing we did not know this untill after the trip :) else it would have gone horribly wrong
but due to the fact that we did a waaay waaay to high dosage
me and my friend have been pioneers with this drug
since there are not many report known about a dose that high
we put it in 1 glas of water and drank in down right away
within 15 minutens ... strong energy waves started kicking in..
I allready knew by then .. that we were in for a strong strong trip
we experience pretty much every Negative effect which are

* Possible stomach discomfort, gas & vomiting
* Anxious stimulation
* Muscle tension / discomfort
* Difficulty sleeping for 4-8 hours after peak in some people

the stomach discomfort came after 15 minutes .. and stayed pretty much throughout the whole trip.. after a while it became a bit more bearable
but it was pretty intense to coop with
also in the first 15-30 minutes I experienced pretty great anxiousness
I kept thinking that I could not handle it ... and that it might be going very wrong.. but my friend talked my thru it ... and that was gone
musce tension came somewhere around the peak ... when I feld the my neck was hurting .. and when I tried to walk I felt that my legs were very very tense
and ofcorse when I was laying in bed I could not sleep for a long long time
sort of speed(can't sleep effect)

ofcorse there were the Positive effects which were luckely strong enough to outweigh the most negative effects

* Mood lift, euphoria
* Intensification of tactile sensations, smell, etc.
* Emotionally opening
* Relaxation
* Powerful "rushing" sensation (smoked)

I think that after 45 minutes I felt a pretty strong MDMA euphoria .. after I got over the anxiousness
I felt a pretty intense love and comforting feeling
I had increased sensability in my whole body .. the touch to my skin was much stronger .. smell, taste and hearing, everything was increased with a thousand times
its was much stronger than any other drug I had taken so far. . I was familiar with these things .. but never this intense
for me it was not that emotionally opening since I have done MDMA quite a few times ... but for my friend it was. .. he lost part of his ego there I think
because of our way 2 high dose .. there was not really time for relaxation :D
because we were totally consumed by the visuals ..
and eventhough the rushing feeling is said to be with smoked, we felt it also... pretty much continously .. also due to the dose I presume

the visuals I had were very oily ... you know when an oil slick is on the ground.. u can see beautifull soapbubble, rainbow and gold color in it..
most of my visuals had these colors..
visuals which were in a way invisible :P as in .. I could see the shape but I could look thru it as if it was glass, and they were pulsating in and out
and also when I stared into nothingness I saw visuals that totally blinded my sight .. like when u watch in the sun so incredibly bright
I was pretty stunned that that was possible :)
and this was only after an hour or so
we spend the next 2 hours behind my computer .. talking to Siq on msn..
we did a webcam chat :) which was actually incredibly funny.
also we were listening to some music pretty much the whole trip..
but somehow each time the numbers that played were exactly how we felt
everything was so coeincedental it seems
I have never experienced that so strong with any other drug
this feeling kept on throughout the whole trip
it made it very very interesting
meanwhile my computer screen was melting and wobbling and I dunno what more :) it had all the colors of the rainbow .. which kept sliding over the screen and changing shapes
and thru that we tried to type messages to my friend :D it was hilareous I can tell you.
when I looked at the walls, I could see huge mountains come out of it .. in which u could get lost easily
and at a certain time somewhere around our peak I think I could see whole dimensions rip open from the ceiling or even from my finger if I wanted
I could pretty much visualize anything what I wanted with my eyes open
and I could control some geometrical patterns to other directions .. and let them rotate in the desired speed :)
so at that time the trip was much better to handle .. eventhough I was totally blinded by visuals :) atleast I could control them myself

and then there was the interpetation of every little thing that happened around us ...
lets say .. a pen that fell to the ground could have HUUUGE impact on our mood and thought
music instantly influenced us very strong , it was like a Winamp visualization on the music..
but then we only had to open our eyes and look around us
and music sounded better aswell ... you could pick out each and every instrument and note that was played and listen to that independently from the rest of the song
the drug can also be quite spiritual and philosophical
but u had to talk or type what u think .. cause that's how fast those thoughts went ..
if I did not write down the philosophical idea's I got they would be gone in a flash
and there were 2 that I was able to write down
the first one was about forgetting the idea's :P and the way to remember them

" You think of something.. and you want to remember it.
and then you talk about it.. to give it a reality to manifest in, you give it a background , a past and a future and Then u create a memory .. and it becomes reality"

and the next one is about our consumption society .. and the way we handle our planet.. its about that these days we put everything in jars and cans and distrubute it massively
and this is the only thing we don't yet sell

"Mother earth, in a teabag"

well so far for that :)
my friend had great trouble .. to speak his mind .. each time when he had his words in line in his head ... and he started explaining .. it went away again
it drove him crazy, cause it was one of those things he hated .. not being able to speak his mind
I think I just about handled everything from the trip

Oh I almost forgot :)
and total MUST DO with that stuff is .. find a good song which is almost orgasmic to listen to .. and right at the peak point of that song take a teaspoon of sugar ... MAAAAAN ITS LIKE FIREWORKS OF SWEET SUGAR EXPLODING WITH THE POWER OF AN A-BOMB, AN INCREDIBLE RUSH GOES THRU YOUR BODY
in one word "orgasmic" :)

I hope that some people have use from this .. because its one of the few high dosed (or whatever dose ) reports on 5-MeO-MiPT

I guess it did became a long report :P

peace and love


Alpiniste Kundalini
26 Juin 2006
I'm the other person who he refers to in his 'we's' :P
15minutes after we drunk the glass of water and 5-MeO-MIPT strong energie waves pulses through my body. It made me high and smiling like you do on mushrooms. Strong visuals begin to form.
Within 30minutes the ceiling was like a ocean... when my eyes stood still for a moment all energy wood be sucked in like a black whole.. only this visuals had ALL colours except black.
Prostoner felt overpowert by this energie for a moment but I could change his mind to a more positive mind set.
He reacted real strong on my words. Like if he could hear doubt in my voice he would felt it to.. So i knew it was important to remain joyfull and carefull about my choise of words.

All senses were extremly enlarged. At one time during the trip I was watching at the carpet and it was like blue magma or something then Pro talked to me and turned me head... I was Totally suprised when I my complete view was strechted to a pale white sight, for a second i thought I blacked out but in the same second(yes the same :D ) I noticed that I didn't black out. On the carpet was a small peace of paper and it overtook my entire sight when I turned my head.
This was the moment I started to understand what trip we where about to have.

Because you're extremly sensitive I highly recomend happy music. A single colour can effect your mood so 180beats a minute most likely will and I just don't think it turns out ok.

During the entire trip great shocks of pain rushed through my muscles, mostly my arms. Can't say if this pain influenced my trip. When you can share your worries and pains and thoughts in a trip it's always a relief. I don't know what I would have done if pro felt perfectly fine. The pain came to me with big shocks like if some one was injecting me with a needle in random places. But because I didn't want the energy flow to turn negative I knew I had to stop mentioning the pain everytime I felt it. We both felt it and this was due the high dose so we had to deal with it.

Total duration of my trip was +10hours.. Prostoner tripped about 5hours..
And when he start saying he stopped seeing things move I had the idea like I was just in the middle of my trip. And I was right.
The following hours I was confronted with my silly thoughts.
Now a few weeks after I feel reborn..

within 15minutes +++ and this was during entire trip on peaks ++++
++++ was experienced at one full tea spoon of suger(thats ALLOT)

Day after: no hang over. I felt happy. Still do. 'cause i sorted some stuff in my head. Wich allows me to be myself more then ever.

20mg is NOT a normal dose.. Don't even think about it. If you find some 5-MeO-MIPT start with a small dose 2-4mg.. normal dose between 4-6mg.. oraly when smoked 12-20mg is needed for same effect!

bless you all :heart:


Alpiniste Kundalini
15 Fev 2006
Immmmpressive .. it was nice to slightly be a part of it :) but only now I can try starting to imaging what you experienced.


Alpiniste Kundalini
26 Juin 2006
Siq a dit:
Immmmpressive .. it was nice to slightly be a part of it :) but only now I can try starting to imaging what you experienced.
No you were very important in our trip. At least that's how I experienced it! you have no idea.

Siq was doing tricks like writing: ENTER THE MATRIX opside down and backwords and we had our webcam on too, so he could see us read. He slowly turned it to green and the whole room was green in a split second. And that sort of thing was going on the entire time. That's how you were a big part of our trip, thank you.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Jan 2007
1 518
holy crap, that's some intense experience! :o


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
29 Mai 2006
1 076
Nice trip report guys. Impressive experiance indeed... How sweet to be an astronaut in your own mind :lol:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Juin 2004
1 974
yeah :) and I've allready thought a couple of times when I tripped hard on mushroom.. that after this experience. . nothing could bring me down
naive to think ofcorse :P
cause this almost did at the start :)


ProStoner a dit:
we did this dose because we mixed it up with MiPT instead of the 5-meo
and the 5-MeO should be dosed at around 1-7mg .. tops 15mg
atleast thats what erowid says..
good thing we did not know this untill after the trip :) else it would have gone horribly wrong

Ahahaha, how true, like, you're realizing that you're trippin' pretty hard, and at this moment your trip friend comes with an absolutely horrible look on his face and tells you something like :

"-Dude... We did it all wrong... Soooooooo wrong..."


Hahaha, I can't imagine how it must have been when I sent that piece of Venetian Snares with the Donut on the glass plate :mrgreen:

Brilliant tripreport :D

Nice pioneering dudes!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Juin 2004
1 974
Tiax a dit:
ProStoner a dit:
we did this dose because we mixed it up with MiPT instead of the 5-meo
and the 5-MeO should be dosed at around 1-7mg .. tops 15mg
atleast thats what erowid says..
good thing we did not know this untill after the trip :) else it would have gone horribly wrong

Ahahaha, how true, like, you're realizing that you're trippin' pretty hard, and at this moment your trip friend comes with an absolutely horrible look on his face and tells you something like :

"-Dude... We did it all wrong... Soooooooo wrong..."

yep you soooo don't want to hear that right then :P

I have no idea what u mean by this Space : Hahaha, I can't imagine how it must have been when I sent that piece of Venetian Snares with the Donut on the glass plate

:P maybe I forgot . ?? I dunno haha :P maybe I was tripping


I sent you some vague samples with weird vocals via msn and you were like:

Wooooooow, that was so cool mate!


Alpiniste Kundalini
26 Juin 2006
Space-is-the-Place a dit:
I sent you some vague samples with weird vocals via msn and you were like:

Wooooooow, that was so cool mate!
I know I typed that. But give me a week or so to recall the rest. :P :oops:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Juin 2004
1 974
now i'm sure I typed that shit :D
cause I can remember allready now that I was doing that haha
man u gotta send me that stuff again sometime :D


6 Déc 2006
just last night i tripped on 5-MeO-MIPT at a similar dose. Seriously intense stuff, I didnt have as much visuals as you guys seem to have had tho, definately intense distortions, but only mild pattering.


Alpiniste Kundalini
26 Juin 2006
Armaros a dit:
just last night i tripped on 5-MeO-MIPT at a similar dose. Seriously intense stuff, I didnt have as much visuals as you guys seem to have had tho, definately intense distortions, but only mild pattering.
did you smoke it?
20mg is not a smart thing to do. There are report of people who have done 25 and end up in the hospital...


6 Déc 2006
no it was oral, my scale is a bit off but it was around 17 to 20mg.