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Résultats de la recherche

  1. L

    Steve Job s The Hippie?

    hear hear. I think he was a briliant man that used his mind mostly for his own enrichment. Things like reversing charity programs at apple, creating lock in technologies that force consumers and producers to connect through iStore setups taking money from both, making it hard for people to...
  2. L

    Can anyone knowledgeable in astronomy tell me...

    There isn't any other life in it.
  3. L


  4. L

    some problems of grow and grow box

    Stones stay warm longer. They might get too hot, so tweak it a bit without mushrooms so you know how much you need.
  5. L

    pharmahuasca question

    It's a gut feeling I'm going on here, but I think you should just make a tea from the syrian rue. It will be easier on the stomach.
  6. L

    Researching, taking notes, processing information, learning

    It is really quite simple, perhaps to simple to see sometimes. Read a page and write one line of notes. Max. Stay close to the text and don't drift off. Have a separate notepage for your own ideas that you want to remember but not need to explore now. In order for you to understand...
  7. L

    Nassim Haramein: genius or fraud? Flaws in theory.

    The thing is that truth is a whole, it is not partial. If he bases his whole theory on a fundamental misunderstanding, the whole thing falls like a house of cards when you remove this basis. So what he has got right, even if it IS right, isn't proven by his method and 'proofs'...
  8. L

    Hello everyone

    Welcome. I guess. And ask away! Stop saying that English isn't your first language and that you suck at it. You don't.
  9. L

    Vegetarians read this!!

    6 out of 10 top foods highest in Zinc are vegetarian. http://www.healthaliciousness.com/articles/zinc.php This holds for all vitamins and minerals.
  10. L

    Please Help - Aftermath of a Heavy Trip

    Just imagine the joy you normally experience. Smile. Do fun things. Fake it until you make it. The opposite might work too: it seems you don't accept that these dark emotions are part of your own spectrum, try feeling them objectively, see what they are all about and how they feel. Notice when...
  11. L

    Canadian workers ill after cannabis brownie mix-up

    It's always striking that media fail to mention that cannabis is completely safe and that it is only because people don't expect the effects that they will start feeling 'poisoned'.
  12. L

    First time on hallucigenics need help please...

    There is no evidence of this. It is a hypothesis. Also: smoking DMT isn't the same as an endogenous DMT release. There's probably other neurotransmitters that get released at the same time and different amounts. Smoking it is a high peak and fast return to baseline, which can be very...
  13. L

    meditation and transformation (or magick)

    TLDR. What were you saying?
  14. L

    Whats your price?

    I was there in April of 2008. In Parvati Valley I really liked Jari (go to the very last guesthouse at the end of the village). Laid back, no tourist shops, nice views, etc. But be sure to head up all the way to Kir Ganga (or if you're adventurous, even head over to Pin valley, a 5 day track...
  15. L

    Whats your price?

    The best hash I smoked in the world (Malana Cream, Parvati Valley, Himachal Pradesh, India) was ~40$. For 10 grams. The also very very good hash I smoked just down the valley was ~25$ for ~10 grams. AAaaah, India.
  16. L

    Abandon the box?

    That's probably fine. Keep the box sealed when you do it.
  17. L

    Abandon the box?

    Aborts are natural. Pick them, water the cake and then try again. Make sure the temperature is around 24 degrees centigrade, this will help.
  18. L

    The Random Favorite Music, Band, Producer, Song thread

    IQNsiNiWMWc I like insane shit like this sometimes. Like on acid.
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    Wow. A Christian. You don't see a lot of you around these parts. Good that you're here. :D Take your time, you have enough of it. Better to start low and see what it does than to rush in and find yourself in a place you don't want to be.
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    100 mics can be enough for a strong trip.