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  1. sopor


    the shit is getting deeper and deeper... in the past i have been messing with the idea of killing the ego. not only killing, but also seriously molesting it. things didn't get the way i expected. i ended up being hated and despised by myself. while "loving" (having high opinion of) everybody...
  2. sopor

    A Very Simple Story

    International web video project: same story - different actresses/actors from different countries http://www.verysimplestory.com/ good idea, good story, watch it.
  3. sopor

    "bookmarking" a feeling?

    i came to an idea that i should be able to "bookmark" a feeling and also to recall it later. i guess there are various forms of meditation or magick techniques to do it. are you familiar with any? share, please.
  4. sopor

    Robert Anton Wilson - Maybe Logic

    http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1422743250837892881 this may be the most interesting thing i saw lately about perhaps the most enlightened man in this dimension. fnord?
  5. sopor

    diethyl ether

    i am getting my hands on some diethyl ether soon. does anyone have any xp with this substance? any recomended (fun?) combinations, best set & setting, health hazzards? oh, and how should i store it for a longer period? cold dark i assume?
  6. sopor

    Charlie the Unicorn

    pt1: pt2: hillarious :lol:
  7. sopor

    "Run From The Cure" The Rick Simpson Story

    a documentary about Rick Simpson, man who promotes anti-cancer properties of cannabis. realy interesting obviously it was removed from google video (previous link) but it is still avalible here: http://www.youtube.com/user/chrychek or here (torrent)...
  8. sopor

    Drug Peace March in Vienna

    PRESS RELEASE ( for other language versions see http://www.encod.org/info/7-8-9-MARCH-2008...EACE-MARCH.html ) It is time to end the "war on drugs" and start new approaches in drug policy. Current prohibition of drugs creates more problems than it solves. This is a reality that most...
  9. sopor

    LSA absorbtion through skin?

    OK, something weard happened to me today... I was preparing morning glory seeds for saturday's trip. First I soaked the seeds in water for two days. Then I started removing the shell from each of them (sth like 500 seeds). Soon after finishing the peeling i started feeling a bit strange...
  10. sopor

    Salvia liqueur?

    I have been reading about people making Salvia tea. So I suppose you can take Salvia oraly... But since salvnorin is solulable in alcohol, I could make a Salvia liqueur? I was thinking of sth like absinthe... Just soak salvia leaves and maby some other herbs in alcohol (schnaps) and leave it...
  11. sopor

    Kanna + MAO-I ???

    It is said that I should not mix kanna it with MAO inhibitors. Why not? What would happen if I drunk some yerba mate (40-50% MAO-I) an hour ago and would like to smoke a joint mixed with kanna?