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Questions for a first time user.


Matrice périnatale
18 Jan 2008
Well, me and my friend are set to use LSD for the first time on Thursday. We have a friend coming over that's going to stay drug-free to make sure we don't end up killing ourselves and I just have a few questions. Feel free to answer only one or two. You don't have to answer all of them. Any help I get is much appreciated.

1) I'm kind of getting into Chakra and opening my "third eye". I know this isn't a really popular practice, but I'd like to be able to take LSD and then tap back into my higher state of consciousness without having to take LSD again for a while. Should I know anything special before I take the LSD to make this easier/more possible?

2) How much of it should we use for the first time? I'm thinking just a hit of it for each of us. I'm about 190 lbs and he's about 170 lbs. I'm about 5'8 and he's about 5'10. Also, it's kind of vital that the effects start to come down a little bit to a controllable level in about 5 hours time.

3) Anything else I should know to prepare for the trip Thursday? I've already been told to hide any sharp objects, close every window and door, and have someone with us. Jumping out windows and stuff like that shouldn't be a problem, since we're downstairs and the kid we have with us is going to be blocking the staircase, and he's about 6'1 and a good 250 lbs. Not going to mess around with him. :p

4) Any trippy things that you guys enjoy watching, listening too, etc to enhance your trips?

Thanks a shit load for all of the help in advance. Understandably, we're both nervous. Well, I guess nervous isn't the word. I'm excited to have a trip, but I just want to make sure that everything is all set up to make it a good experience and not get myself killed doing something stupid.[/i]


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
1> This is possible for sure. It might be a good idea to take some privacy during the peak of the trip, so you can fully focus on the experience and not on the other person. This should, of course, be a mutual decision between you and the other(s).

2> Don't put a time constraint on a trip. This will a) interfere with question 1 and you wanting to be able to have a spiritual experience and b) will have a chance of making the trip bad. LSD is not so much dependent on wheight, although there are hardheads and people who only need a quarter blotter. It all depends on previous experience with entheogens, set, setting and dose. As it is impossible to determine the exact dose that you will be taking, this is an almost impossible question. In general, if you have done mushrooms, dmt, ayahuasca, salvia or massive doses of weed before, you will probably be able to handle it. If it's your first time, take it easy (100 mics or so).

3> Prepare physically, emotionally and mentally. Decide to 'let it happen'.

4> The back of your eyelids are usually fine. Just put on music that you both like and enjoy. Veto-right is applicable for both persons during the trip.

These are just a few pointers of the million things you can do. Hard to put them all in a single post. If there's any unclarity, just ask.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
Oh, and don't be scared to kill yourself. It won't happen. If you go bad, just remind yourself to let it happen and see what you can learn and how you can love the incredible insights poured into your head.


Matrice périnatale
18 Jan 2008
Thanks a ton. I kind of assumed I'd need some alone time, but I never really knew how much. I guess I'll just see if they mind if I have the first part of my trip in the closet. :p


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Déc 2006
3 774
you've been given good advice, and I only want to add a thing or two...

'set' = YOU, your mindset, your phobias, likes, dislikes, fears, hopes, dreams, religious orientation or lack of

setting= the people around you, the place you are at, the clothes you're wearing, the art on the walls, music, etc

Wear comfortable clothes, LSD can enhance the tactile senses to the nth degree....dont have ANY people around you who you aren't 100% OK with.

good luck


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
All of the above terrific advice..

and as you are only doing one hit, if you do end up with a weak hit of acid you can still get in touch with the state.. if you are profoundly relaxed and not distracted, it will come to you if you let it in. Listening to certain kinds of minimalist music helps me (especially with eyes closed). Music can really change your sense of time on acid. I wish you an excellent trip, I had a trip myself last night where I walked around the city for hours listening to music before returning home and closing my eyes... it was blissful


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
I was so worried about you when i read your post but up till now i was to embaresed to say anythimg . But then i thought that if you are brave enough to talk about your problems in public so can i . I can understand your problem as i have a similar one , but more to that later . I know that your problem is a bit embarasing , but why dont you just go to the doctors and tell him you are having terrible problems with your "Third eye" and your "Chakras" and are thinking about trying to cure them by taking LSD and see what he says and if he can help you ??? Hes trained for things like that , i`m sure that if he cant help you he can recomend another type of doctor that can help you . So back to my problem . I`m have a terrible problems with my third leg . Usualy i tuck it into my sock , but it keeps falling out and dragging on the floor and people tread on it when i`m in a crowd so that i get terrible blisters on my chakras . Maybe if your doctor knows a specialist that can help you we could both go to the same one .


Matrice périnatale
18 Jan 2008
Believe it or not, some people actually would like to achieve a higher plane of thought, so they don't babble incoherently like you.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
arethemad a dit:
Believe it or not, some people actually would like to achieve a higher plane of thought, so they don't babble incoherently like you.

If GOD seems to talk incoherently, it is because you are not willing to see him as a whole and instead shatter his image into a million parts. GOD needs to take a piss once in a while, so let him, otherwise he'll get cranky. :wink:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Déc 2006
3 774

arethemad- Introduce chakra-talk at your own risk.

Being a (somewhat) trained scientist, it's hard for me to 'classify' just where the concept of chakras fits into a psychonaut discussion, especially for beginners.

There is an entire school of thought/philosophy which has this concept in it's forefront, and maybe, when taken AS A WHOLE, there is something to it.

What you are running into here, via GOD, is that he is pissed because so many people either use chakra-talk as a new-agey form of salesmanship, pushing everything from exercise to drugs, OR they blindly make references to it simply because it is inherently an exotic, non-western concept which many people don't know much about, blindly running about, spreading the word, without having the knowledge themselves.....which encompasses a good per cent-age of the people making the most noise about it....

So, seen in that light, he is angry at ignorance, and exploitation....

Whenever I have read things along these lines, invariably, it involbes a lot of visualization and meditative mindsets....great tools in and of themselves.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Avr 2006
4 228
spice a dit:
...the concept of chakras fits into a psychonaut discussion,...

I like to see them metaphorically,
For example, my last trip i experienced something that would be called kundalini.
Kundalini is based on chakra's, and there are techniques to cope with kundalini.
And they seem to work from other peoples experience...

chakra's are just a theory i don't believe in, but if the techniques work... why not?

Dalton's simple atom model wasn't entirely right either, but it worked for certain things...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Déc 2006
3 774
I agree, and we still are trying to right the wrongs of several bad, partial , and incomplete modeling systems in our collective thinking processes. As I said, a beginner may want to focus on more basic issues first.

It is very easy to be swallowed up by this type of conceptualization, especially with so few sources of real authority available.

I have experienced what you refer to as 'kundalini' as well, but it was on psilocibin, and I think that state was more analogous to scenery blowing by whilst riding a train in the country....Kundalini was just 'one scene' in the countryside.

It wasn't the countryside.

My point is merely that one should be concerned with much more basic things, for a while, such as FULLY grasping the nuances of set and setting, before going out on a tangential limb such as eastern philosophical pursuits....

Set and setting, while on the surface seems rudimentary, is actually an EXTREMELY complex, not-totally understood set of factors which have more to do with 'where you will go' than any discussion on third eyes and chakras.

THINKING about those things, at all, falls under the umbrella of 'set' and surrounding yourself with these things in anticipation of a trip is
pre-loading your 'setting'. as well. Seen in this light, understanding the intricacies of set and setting is the 'wings' that you are actually searching for.



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Avr 2006
4 228
spice a dit:
I have experienced what you refer to as 'kundalini' as well, but it was on psilocibin, and I think that state was more analogous to scenery blowing by whilst riding a train in the country....Kundalini was just 'one scene' in the countryside.

My exp was on psilocybin too, it was like a super-peak, i really was lying on the ground with spasmic limbs... which scared my fellow trippers :(
And the description of a snake whriling around the heart-chrakra sounded awfully famililiar when i did some research on it...

But I totaly agree with the fact that chakras and so are not important for a beginner...

Arethmad, don't expect third eye things and so in your first trip, just make sure the set and setting are allright.

a hint: if the walls try to kill you, you're fucked! keep that in mind :lol:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310

1) Read this, it should help.

2) Maybe you were intending comic effects with the jumping out of windows thing (it's a myth) but I want to assure you anyway: while tripping you will NOT do anything out of the blue or some sort of crazy thing like that ever. One is very conscious of what is done at all times, in the outer world at least, and you shouldn't worry at all of doing things a crazy person might.


Sale drogué·e
16 Mai 2007
Forkbender a dit:
1> This is possible for sure. It might be a good idea to take some privacy during the peak of the trip, so you can fully focus on the experience and not on the other person. This should, of course, be a mutual decision between you and the other(s).

Talk to each other before you take it.
If you are peaking, don't do very odd stuff like leaving your friend alone.
Maybe he will think that you don't like him (or something like that), and it could be pretty fucked up if he ends up in a bad trip because of that!

:!: :!: :!: