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Candyflip LSD+MDMA Report


10 Avr 2008
On Sunday June 1st I candyflipped.
The dealer warned us to only take 1 each because it was concentrated stuff.
I was happy to see that the caps were white (Never trust piss yellow caps) about 40mins later the cracks in the pavement were MOVING finally a real hallucination! I had a very special experience I felt as if I could see and understand the whole universe that intense sense of belonging you get when your on mdma plus the intense moving patterns on the wooden fence and the road I walked down an ally alone and felt spiritually renewed when I came to the end of it as if it was the end of a great journey. The ground was an amazing sight to behold as the patterns danced around It wore off too quickly though it only lasted about an hour or 2 but I wish I could have stayed in that world forever where the ground is always changing and the walls could breath. Definitely buying some more of that sometime soon. perhaps ill do 1.5 caps

Also coming up I noticed different levels my brain always wanted to stay on the level it was on but as soon as I noticed this I relaxed and let the drug take me to the higher level. Without this control I feel that I would have started to panic but remember panicking only makes things worse.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
LSD and MDMA in one pill? Why? Why make such a small market like LSD even smaller with your product instead of just selling acid and MDMA?

On Sunday June 15th I candyflipped.

Guess it is because it is set in the future. :wink:


10 Avr 2008
Ooops lol I meant on the 1st lol

Great stuff. Although it must have been a low dose of acid or just really fucking good e. Seriously it felt similar to my first time on e except the first time there were no awesome visuals.


Matrice périnatale
18 Juil 2008
I did some reading up on candyflipping, and I was under the impression that you were supposed to stagger the dosages, i.e. wait for the peak of LSD before taking the MDMA (which is the order I usually found it in). It's about a 4 hour interval, evidently. Otherwise the drugs are neurochemically fighting each other and you end up fuzzy.

I wasn't even aware that they sold that stuff squashed in the same pill. Don't they normally lace MDMA with amphetamines? I wonder if there were any of those in that pill as well...you're a braver individual than I am.

Opinions, anyone?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Dont want to put a spoke in the wheels , but , here is my opinion .

I`ve never heard of MDMA and LSD in one pill/ capsule .

It couldnt have been either because the effects lasted to short a time . It must have been something else .

The idea of candy flipping is to take the MDMA first so you come up on the LSD gently and safely . The comedown from LSD is already safe and gentle . I cant imagine MDMA on a come down as being very good as your brain chemistry is already depleted = the MDMA would totaly wash you out . But i know some people do it . I think because the LSD they had wasnt strong enough .


Elfe Mécanique
21 Déc 2005
It is a one of my favourite mixes)))))))))))) great