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Born again under the red sky...


Glandeuse pinéale
29 Jan 2007
I had a very spiritual journey with Salvia Divinorum last week and wanted to share it with people who might understand it a little more than the ones I speak to on a day to day basis.

I had my first experience with Salvia Divinorum last week when I took a strong dose of x5 extract, however, I was left feeling unsatisfied with the effects. The experience wasn't a let down by any means, I saw plenty of open eye visuals and completely disconnected with myself and the reality we live in daily. What left me feeling unsatisfied was it hadn't delivered me to the world which I had seen through meditation and trances, this was by no means the plant's fault, it was my own for treating it as more of an experiment with sound recorders set up, different types of music and spoken poetry combined with graphics projected through my television. My sitter was a distraction and probably not required as I embraced all of the visuals and feelings with open arms. When I went outside after the initial experience, I knew this was not going to give me what I wanted whilst I was surrounded by technology and walls, I needed to be outside where I could be free like when I did my meditation work.
After a day of contemplation, I decided to try again this time with a strong dose of x10 extract outside in my meditation area at the bottom of my garden. I took two huge hits and let the initial effects kick in, again I felt similar to when I first took Salvia the day before with phenomenal forces pushing and pulling me from many directions and compressing me at the same time.
My plan was to head outside once my body had embraced the effects and I was able to move without the vertigo feeling which had set in. I loaded my pipe up with a small additional dose of x5 extract to smoke once I was comfortably positioned on my hammock outside. I noticed there was a fairly clear sky and a full moon which seemed the perfect setting to try and unlock more of the plant's potential. Once I was comfortable I took the additional x5 dose and quickly dropped into a trance which propelled me across desert plains, over the peaks of mountains and far above the clouds. The trance lasted about half and hour and then I slowly opened my eyes, already I could feel a huge difference, I was no longer concerned with Selfness, I had merged with all of my surroundings and felt as if I was floating.
Nothing seemed different visually until I saw a bright light appear on the outside wall of my house, as soon as I looked at it, the light moved upwards and vanished from sight. After that I became fixated on the ground around me, the textures of the concrete slabs, every ridge and crack looked like a canyon as if looking at it from sky. I then moved my attention to the dew drops hanging from the roof of my hammock, they had a very dark red tint to them and I became fascinated with watching them slowly run down the covering. It was then I suddenly felt a great change, my vision expanded to the sky which had a subtle red tint that reminded me of how the sky looked when sun set in the Summer. As I surveyed the sky from left to right, my attention was drawn to a set of clouds that were moving and spiralling like a whisp of smoke, to the right of them a cloud in the shape of an arch appeared to contain all the colours of a rainbow.
I then decided to stand up so I could see the sky all aound me, all of the clear areas had a red glow and the clouds were a cream colour merging gently with the red sky. Everything felt so vast, never before had the sky seemed vast and I felt so tiny compared to it. I stood for over an hour in awe, slowly turning in a 360 degree circle taking in everything, I was so drawn to the colour of the sky and the arched clouds which slowly expanded, I felt as though I was witnessing the birth of the sky at the dawn of time.
I felt as though I was no longer stood in my garden and I was no longer myself, I felt as if I had become a divine spirit with the ability to paint whatever I wished to see with a single thought. Everything else had become irrelevant, my house had become a grand temple and I was stood within its forbidden gardens.
I slowly moved to a big stone circle in the centre of the garden and took my pipe from my pocket and raised it in my hand toward the moon, it was no longer a fine handcrafted brass pipe, it was now a great relic which pulsed and vibrated with unexplainable power, it felt like it belonged to the gods and it had be bestowed upon me to allow me to travel to the world I was now experiencing.
Whilst holding up the pipe, I noticed the moon had a trail coming from it where it had moved across the sky, I watched it follow the moon until it slowly faded away, I felt as if that was a signal for me to return to my own world, so I opened the backdoor to my house which still appeared as a temple and I stepped into the blinding light. As soon as my foot was in the door, I felt as if I was returning back to my body in the world I knew on a daily basis, the great force I had felt slowly faded but a small part stayed with me for the few days that followed, inspiring weird and wonderful artwork and poetry inside my mind.

I felt more than content after the experience, I had seen and felt something that exceeded even my greatest expectations, so much so that it is something I will never forget for the rest of my life.