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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
I stumbled upon this movie via youtube, and I only watched the first half hour of this one, but I'm in awe. please, please watch this movie (it's free).

I thought you might like this :)

edit: umm, this movie seems to deal with 9/11 too, I didn't know that. anyway...

edit2: it turnsout that after the religious stuff masses of conspiratory theories about 9/11, the world bank etc. etc. are shown. and in the end, the religious thing has nothing to do with the rest.. so, if you are interested in this 9/11 thingy, continue watching, if not, turn it off ;)


Matrice périnatale
15 Août 2007
misery a dit:
edit2: it turnsout that after the religious stuff masses of conspiratory theories about 9/11, the world bank etc. etc. are shown. and in the end, the religious thing has nothing to do with the rest.. so, if you are interested in this 9/11 thingy, continue watching, if not, turn it off ;)

That half is the best part of this movie. People need to open their eyes to what really is the "reality" of the world we live in.

misery a dit:
I thought you might like this :)

I did, thank you.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
Misery, thank you! Mighty fine work finding this.
This film reinforces what I, if not all of us here, realized and am angered by throughout the world today. It’s scary to think that if nothing is done and we all sit complacently around our homes consuming blindly, that we will be in a more prominent and complete seat of slavery than we are in now; one not so far removed from the concepts of technologically immersed control as the film 'the Matrix' attempts to convey behind a thick veil of special effects.

Most, if not all of this, especially section one regarding religion, was evident to me even before I watched this video or took psychedelics; this desecration of our existence and the value of life itself. The saddest thing of all and perhaps the most frustrating is people’s lack of need for insight and a total reliance on, and blind allegiance to, the lies and controls which govern the continuation of their dull, meaningless and material lives. It’s all a lie; a lie that billions believe. And why? Because every aspect of our self discovery, of meaning and of value has been crushed repeatedly over the millennia of elite, dominant control of our culture, and we blindly accept for out of fear; fear of change, fear of the unknown.

The reality is that unless you are challenging and questioning the very fabric of established belief, everything is in a state of perpetual enigmatic darkness. You never found out for yourself or tested the theories of existence put forward by the classed system of superiors and experts, whom apparently, know more than you and thus get to govern the nature of reality itself.
It’s the old sheep metaphor: all the sheep behind the one in front follow blindly under promise of fresher pastures yet the entire heard fall off a cliff because the sheep in control of the movement of the herd are either blind or didn’t look before they jumped; and thus the rest follow to their inevitable demise.

Its corrupt logic; constricted and warped into a kaleidoscopic tunnel of lies and deceit in which you are immersed and thus occupied whilst those with ‘power’ concentrate and further ingrain their tight and relentless grip on material society and the values which govern it.

Psychedelics are the key to this jail cell of hate and conformity; a way of stepping back from our bodies and our jobs and physical life itself and say “hey, WTF am I, and or everyone else doing? It’s insane!!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
the first part of Zeitgeist is better told here, I guess these guys saw the popularity of releasing a free video on the internets and adequately publicize it and made the Pharmacratic Inquisition. (Watch that HERE)