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WHY you should not buy meat


Glandeuse pinéale
26 Nov 2006
I believe that's one more good reason not to support the system we live in.

Eating or not meat is a totally different story, I believe :wink:


27 Déc 2007
how evil can someone be so as to breed and slaughter animals in those conditions just to feed their monopolist regimes. food for the masses, ignorance.

i myself have been ignorant to this great harsh reality but am suddenly awaken in recent times in my life. especially all the documentaries ive seen. its shocking!

I say people just refuse to buy this coorparation meat (tesco, asda, wallmart)
and turn to those halal butchers, they breed animal in a good way and even say a prayer for the animals before they slaugter it.

Im not religious but if you want to stay away from funding a corrupt market, stay away from buying co-orperate meat.

now.. id rather eat my own ass..


Alpiniste Kundalini
30 Juil 2004
what has this to do with the psychonautic community? This is the wrong forum for this discussion. Go to vegan.com or something...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
I stopped eating meat about a year ago and it was one of the best decisions of my life. While the bioindustry is a good reason to stop eating meat produced in such an environment, in my opinion it's even better to quit eating meat at all, even if someone prays before killing an animal. Because let's face it, regardless how you kill your animal, you are still feasting on a corpse.

That's basically it, it's corpseeating, like vultures with the exeption that vultures are cleaning up 'the mess' while we are just killing and torturing for taste.

Recent research shows that animals register pain emotionally the same way as we do. What's more civilized? Torturing someone to death? Or giving them a neckshot. Or can we conclude that any killing of living creatures, is just barbaric?

It's not as if we need meat to survive, au contrary, it's not very healthy at all. And with hunger problems int he world on our western television all the time, doesn't it seem kind of egocentric to spend three fields of grain, to grow one field of meat?


PS Research seems to indicate that vegetarians are more intelligent than average.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
the only LIIIIITLE problem with those "Halal" butchers (as well as the Kosher, the arabs had to learn from someone afterall) is that they don't really give the animal a sudden and almost painless death....they cut their throat and wait untill the last drop of blood has left the body...i've seen it and i swear there is NO respect WHATSOEVER towards the animal (oh i forgot they prayed!oooooooooo that really solves it, huh? too bad the animal doesn't really give a flying fuck about being prayed upon (if you get the pun))...i'd rather be shot in the head with an airgun right to my brain. they are the worst kind of butchers if you ask me.
the evil act is in BUYing the meat not really eating it. again is a matter of respect
if the animal has had his/hers own life has grown and proliferated in seemingly free conditions, and then one day you decide it's time to eat and kill it in a sudden almost painless way...i gotta say, if you really have to, ok man, i respect your opinion if you wanna eat meat.
the moment you step into a McDonalds or KFC you totally fucked it, you can be put to the wall with the rest of the world's trade butchers united, you are a murder and lose all the respect i could offer you...
i'll still be polite, but i won't save your life if a bear comes running after you (also cause i'll have to save mine first)
By "you" i'm referring to a generic person not any "you" directly on this forum
if you recognize yourself somehow don't come complain to me ( i might free my polar bears after you :twisted: )
and i personally have stopped eating meat 100%, i eat fish sometimes, at least it doesn't scream like a pig when slaughtered
and found that my body heals faster and gets sick less often
again this thread shouldn't be on General Psychonautics.....


Alpiniste Kundalini
30 Juil 2004
There are animal parts in your computer also, so please stop typing. If you're so hypocrite to still use your computer, go to vegan.com

This does not belong at all at psychonaut.com.

I'll eat 2 steaks for every message after this one...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Fev 2007
3 008
I can't stand watching that clip, so I didn't. I don't need to be subjected to it, cause I already know it goes on, and stuff like that will literally ruin my week. But I thought of a good idea, where psychedelic come into play. Dose one of those idiots with a high dose of Mushrooms or Ayahuasca, so then send them to work. See if they could kill the animal then. They would most likly turn there life around and never kill anything again. Why are psychedelics so bad again....?



animals are tortured before being killed...
many bioproducts come from deforested rain florests...
are we avoiding capitalism and the feeding of the machine by being vegetarians ?
i understand that it can be better for the health, because the adrenaline that's stored in dead meat, but is it benefical for the world ?
i have many doubts about this.

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
many bioproducts come from deforested rain florests...
That would be a contradictory statement. Organic or ecological products are by definition not harmful to the environment. Don't forget that soy is being grown in deforested rain forests to feed cattle primarily, not to feed humans.

but is it benefical for the world ? i have many doubts about this.
Then you need to read a bit more on this subject. If people ate less meat, or no meat at all, it would indeed have an enormous impact on our ecosystem, and on the health and happiness of future generations.

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
Mycophile a dit:
This does not belong at all at psychonaut.com.
what has this to do with the psychonautic community? This is the wrong forum for this discussion.
Psychedelics and vegetarianism or veganism are related. A psychedelic experience makes some people reconsider their diet, and the choice of eating less meat, or even avoid dairy, is one of them. There's a high percentage of vegetarians and vegans amongst dedicated psychonauts, just like there are many psychonauts interested in Buddhism and Hinduism, which happen to be vegetarian traditions as well.

I became a vegetarian before I was exposed to the tenets of Hinduism, and that decision was the result of seeing a slaughterhouse scene on TV, for only a couple of seconds, while on LSD.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
Mycophile a dit:
I'll eat 2 steaks for every message after this one...

I'll just keep replying until you're sick of them! :wink:


21 Juil 2007
5 922
in my view this is indeed a psychonautic topic... because you reconsider stuff after having experienced psychadelics... to that belongs also diet... it is essential to the psyche also... because the psyche reacts to what it gets fed on ... mentally and physically.... i heard that we become what we eat and it sounds plausible.... and then if you eat unhappy beings which have been in cages or on a field stashed.... does this become you too? does animal spiritual feelings or whatever become part of you?? i'm not sure .... :P

caduceus shit man .... while on lsd watching this kind of slaughtering.... i felt sick watching it just like that ....



Alpiniste Kundalini
30 Juil 2004

I changed schools after a mushroom trip. Should we talk about our schoolsystem also then because its psychonaut related? I don't get it.

Because a lot of psychonauts are vegetarians doesn't mean it's a psychonautic subject...

And stop typing people; I already have to eat a whole cow right now...


Sale drogué·e
6 Avr 2006
It seems as though you are on the wrong forum friend, because narrow-mindedness doesn't quite fit in on a psychedelic forum. Vegetarianism is a way of life, just like say religions, I think such topics should be discussed at psychonaut.com



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
that is what is funny about people who eat meat, some feel offended when other people don't

and what parts in computers are made from animals? o.O

Forkbender a dit:
Mycophile a dit:
I'll eat 2 steaks for every message after this one...

I'll just keep replying until you're sick of them! :wink:
hehehe +++


Alpiniste Kundalini
30 Juil 2004
I'm not offended. I am getting a bit tired though about vegetarians preaching to other people they're murderers. (preaching? who mentioned religion?)

Don't get me wrong... I'm no supporter of the bio-industry as it is now. But I'm strongly against the idea that people can not eat meat at all, in any case...

And I still don't get it why this should be on a psychonautic forum. I'm not against this discussion; I just think it's in the wrong place...

And in computers they use animal based glue... Vegan computers are pretty hard to find...


Alpiniste Kundalini
30 Juil 2004
Mycophile a dit:
And in computers they use animal based glue...
To make this picture complete... A big chance that that glue is made from the left overs from the bio industry.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
Eat the meat
if you please
then if you get gout it's your businnes
don't you come back whining

why did i even answer?

oh yeah now you gotta eat 3 cows :lol: