Why you became a Psychonaut.

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Getafix a dit:
restin a dit:
I always wondered how a hippie-education looks like :wink:
Created 48 years before the Summer of Love, but embraced by many hippies, is Rudolf Steiner's Waldorf education.

Exactly! :lol: I went to a Waldorf primary school in Roosendaal and a Waldorf highschool near Breda. I must say I enjoyed my time there, but now 80% of my old class isn't studying anything =jobless/travelling/soulseeking. The other 20% is doing something with art or music.
Space , the gas was laughing gas .

To everyone else , you seem to think that takeing drugs is nesecery to being a psychonaut , why ? Everyone has a psyche and just by living one sails / traverses / travels it .

Do any of you use drugs to search for yourself / look into your "self" or are you just drug tourists , escapeists and / or junkys ? If you search ..... HOW ?
No, I don't think that drugs are needed for psychonautics I would even say that they can (!) disturb, depending on what path one takes.

Hmm I didn't hear good stuff from Rudolf Steiner's school...dunno. Hehe but I'm none the better, I went to a Montessori school (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montessori)...

...but my parents are everything other than hippies.
restin a dit:
Hmm I didn't hear good stuff from Rudolf Steiner's school...dunno. Hehe but I'm none the better, I went to a Montessori school
Ahh yes I know those schools. I would love to know what you've heard about Rudolf Steiner schools and if you look back, you are happy you were educated on a Montessori school, but I believe we are drifting off of the subject :)

GOD a dit:
To everyone else , you seem to think that takeing drugs is nesecery to being a psychonaut , why ? Everyone has a psyche and just by living one sails / traverses / travels it . Do any of you use drugs to search for yourself / look into your "self" or are you just drug tourists , escapeists and / or junkys ? If you search ..... HOW ?

I'm pretty sure the person who asked the question wanted to know more about why we took drugs, as he mentioned his own usage in his own story. But you have a point.

GOD, do you think the fact one is a drugtourist/escapeist is related to taking a certain dose of the drug?
"GOD, do you think the fact one is a drugtourist/escapeist is related to taking a certain dose of the drug?"

No . I think most drug users start in the catagorys i mentioned but that if they take drugs long enough , especialy psychedelics , they will be confronted with a delve deeper and learn or stop takeing drugs / take much less much less often situation . Drugs are toys , tools for relaxation and mental holidays but they are also tools that open the mind and show us things about ourselves and our lives that we have to deal with or run away and one cant run away from oneself in the long run .

My coment/s here and in several other threads are ment to get people thinking about the spiritual , philosophical side of life . The who are we , why are we here , where does life come from , why , who am i , what can i learn about me and do to improve me ? To make people think about what they are doing and why .
agreed 100%, drugs aren't necessary to be a psychonaut and taking them doesn't make you a psychonaut. drugs don't do the work for you, they give you another perspective, what you do with it is up to you. plenty of people take psychedelics just for shits and giggles, and smoke weed to turn off their brains/escape. if you aren't paying attention already on some level, you won't notice what is going on.
All you have to be is conscious.

But that is often the hardest thing.
my dad told me about the sixties, weed, and lsd when i was about 10(offcourse in a decent way), and he showed me his old pipe, that moment i knew i was attracted to that mysterious stuff he was talking about, but it took me years to find out what he was speaking about,
GOD a dit:
Space , the gas was laughing gas.
Yes I thought about this, but I couldn't imagine it holding you under long enough for an operation

But come to think of it. It might've started earlier.
Questioning all the things in church (from childhood, had to go till I was 18)
I mean I always felt there was more to life then people where telling me.
That operation and discovering mushrooms was just another act in the line of many to get me on "my path"
Even before that operation to have my tonsills removed I had a concusion, when I did a headsmack off my bicycle unto the pavement (age 4).
I knew I'd been somewhere (my consciousness), they told me I fell asleep, but I knew that going to sleep was going to bed and going unconscious and waking up in your bed again. This was totally different.
" I did a headsmack off my bicycle unto the pavement (age 4). "

If i was a cunt i`d say that that explains a lot but i wont because of your moderatory omnipotence your highness .

When i was a kid they didnt give one an injection at the dentists . They took teeth out under laughing gas . I HATE it , it doesnt put me to sleep . I just have the sensation that i`m tied to a train line and a train is comeing . It often took 3 adults to hold me down / sit on me to get me still enough to rip teeth out . I remember smacking my dentist and a doctor present in the mouth after being gassed . That also happened when i woke up on an operating table in hospital . I zaped several people untill one managed to get a mask on my face and put me to sleep .
reminds me of the Simpsons, when Lisa needs teeth braces the dentist tells her "hold still while i gas you"

im easily amused
GOD a dit:
" I did a headsmack off my bicycle unto the pavement (age 4). "

If i was a cunt i`d say that that explains a lot but i wont because of your moderatory omnipotence your highness .
Ah see, in the brain's center of wisdom topic I also thought you were referring to the discussion about if all smokers were junkies in a topic that was about what cigarettes do you like :P

I didn't do the headsmack on purpose though.
The concussion was fun though, probably my first real "psychonautic moment"

It must really suck if you know what's comming consciously.
Maybe that was a different grade of laughing gas...
Hospital laughing gas really knocks you out (but still not long enough to do surgery...)

@Mr.Smith: Hahaha, yeah that was a good Simpsons moment :D
Well, there was a Tekno party and they had a can of hospital grade laughing gas and it knocked a friend out, totally, for 3 minutes or so.
He described living a whole life in that time, being a kid to growing up and then waking up at a Tekno party. Insane stuff.

But maybe they used it to get me under and then gave me a shot afterwards.
Don't remember waking up with a bandaid on my arm or a hole in my arm.
Did remember the second time (when I broke my elbow) waking up with iron pins sticking out of my arm though :mrgreen:
"Ah see, in the brain's center of wisdom topic I also thought you were referring to the discussion about if all smokers were junkies in a topic that was about what cigarettes do you like"

That knock on your head didnt do that much damage then ...................

maybe a few more would work wonders............

Laughing gas is laughing gas and i`m sure they dont use it any more for narcosis . The one Mr.Smith mentioned sounds right to me .

AUCH . My elbow sort of cringed and tried to hide in my armpit when i read that .
GOD a dit:
To everyone else, you seem to think that takeing drugs is nesecery to being a psychonaut, why ?

A psychonaut is much more than someone who travels within him or her Self with combined philosophy, science, creativity or vision etc. This can be obtained from sober levels as well if one is gifted with the proper intellect and patience. Which to me, is nothing and nowhere close to the source.

The wise use of entheogens itself, divides senses into much smaller bio-electrical impulses, which are constantly connecting with the awareness. If awareness is defractalised through the use of an entheogen, the senses are broken up into individual bio sensations, experienced independant and unique from each other. Instead of one rougher connected bunch of them which makes up one larger zone with a more numbed sensation which we know from the normal world as a sense.

Our nipples are made of multiple independant nerves which all hold a various variation in sense and intensity. At sober levels, which the world wants us to belief, we humans belief a nipple is just one zone with one sense but that's actually a rough and harsh belief.

A small core of the heart is where the electricity starts, constantly it sends electricity to our consciousness and our consciousness converts it into information which it recognises. Every heart pulse is the energy which generates the electricity, which sends itself to the consciousness. Consciousness is the seat which receives all electricity, but consciousness is not the source itself. That's the middle of the heart.

To me the use of entheogens it's purely sophistication of the body. This actually goes for the skin, veins, heart and any other organs and material from where our bodies are made of. As well as mental feelings.

The nano record of every micro shift within the body, it's sensory and every electrical sensation is the path I have choosed. It's a long-term sacred marriage which also softens sober levels very gradually every year further.

Instead of getting up and walking around in the object orientated world where we blindly modify environment but disconnecting ourselve; I choose to obliterate my Self for a reload from where virginity starts. With a huge dose which elevates the activity of my consciousness processor so much that it only leaves a little bit space left to feel in a streched out position.

As a psychonaut, I'm someone who never goes into life with an actual pursuit to get my false self across. I ain't getting far away from the start, I'll live my life closely to it.

Not only closely monitoring every process within myself, but also an unbelieveable pleasure considering sensations are a 1000 times more alive than the world could ever give me. By only thinking I'm in able to arouse choosed body stimulation, my memory is the source from where the environment is set up.

Every human being has a great opportunity to get this insert of the complete source. Whether they choose or not, is idle and hollow to me. I shall leave them alone. I shall remain unbiased. My line has been cut with the world for what I have choosed. Until a greater power of nature shuts down my body.

If a psychonaut goes through life without using entheogens, he has simply no real existance, except for sharing and spreading softening. Every other pursuit or contribution is an addition for modificating the environment in a certain direction. Which is yet a large ring around us all, rather than one ring for, and around every human being and it's discovery of the beating pulse and sun within.
Brugmansia a dit:
A psychonaut is much more than someone who travels within him or her Self with combined philosophy, science, creativity or vision etc. This can be obtained from sober levels as well if one is gifted with the proper intellect and patience. Which to me, is nothing and nowhere close to the source.

The wonderful thing about entheogens is that you don't have to spend years of your life adapting to someone else's esoteric belief system/religion to "get there". Gaudi's houses look like a psychedelic trip in freeze frame, but I don't have to live an antisocial ascetic Christian lifestyle like him and starve myself, I don't have to become a Buddhist monk for several years...

Rather it lets you take a look at yourself as you are, today. Everyone can bring their own life, beliefs, POV as they are in the moment and if they pay attention they will probably come away with something new.

You used to have to take the slow boat to get across the Atlantic in weeks to months which meant you probably did it to relocate permanently. Now you can fly and visit your relatives for a few days. The analogy being, psychedelics are a technology, and IMO a pretty elegant one.
st.bot.32 a dit:
The wonderful thing about entheogens is that you don't have to spend years of your life adapting to someone else's esoteric belief system/religion to "get there".
Good one!
Definitely a good thing, but ofcourse there are more ways to Rome and next to entheogens I do like to investigate the other roads.
(ofcourse Rome, in this context, isn't some place you reach)

GOD a dit:
That knock on your head didnt do that much damage then ...................
maybe a few more would work wonders............

GOD a dit:
Laughing gas is laughing gas and i`m sure they dont use it any more for narcosis . The one Mr.Smith mentioned sounds right to me .
Very good chance

GOD a dit:
AUCH . My elbow sort of cringed and tried to hide in my armpit when i read that .
Well, it was more the shock then the pain really.
I've also had pins in my foot that were a lot more painful.
Yes! IT IS ME... Meccano-man!