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what was your worse dream about


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
a lot to remember

i slept in a cave one night and dreamed there was something there with me. so i woke up in complete darkness convinced something else was there. i was freaking till i found my torch


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
a big monster with huge teeth wanting to eat me while I had to remove an explosive clock off my hand.


I was pretty little. haven't had any really bad dreams ever since.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
I was driving a car down the highway, but wasn't a very good driver. But I was speeding anyway, and it was raining and slippery. I skidded off the road, launching my car into an apartmentbuilding. As I was about to hit the wall, I woke up, with my heart beating in my throat. I then stood up, walked to the kitchen to get me a glass of water. In the kitchen there was a hole in the floor and I fell down, waking up once more, this time for real (?), just as I was about to hit the ground.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Avr 2006
4 228
Woke up in the future and had amnesia until the day I fell asleep in real life.
It had a butterfly effect atmosphere (the movie)


Glandeuse pinéale
8 Juin 2008
Someone grabbed my hand and took me with him, high in the air.
We travelled at very high speed trough the sky.
Up there i saw other people also going the same way.
There were also rocks wich we had to jump over, go under, pass them sideways. The guy surely had done this before!
At one point we descended and arrived in a green landscape with hills and i could see a wooden cabin, house, standing there...nothing else.
We went to the house, he opened the frontdoor and inside, only one room with 2 chairs, sat another guy on one of the chairs.He asked me to sit on the other one in the corner. Then he started to ask questions and saying things i couldn't understand, it was really freaking me out to the point where i begged him to stop...Then he turned himself to the guy who brought me and said: "take him back, he's not ready yet":?: . We made the same road and woke up...
Doesn't sound that scary, but it was. I haven't had a nightmare, or i can't remember, and wouldn't say this is one but i never felt so afraid and even cried
afterwards.. :D


Sale drogué·e
14 Sept 2007
Not sure at all if this is my worst dream, it's a recent one.
It's not that emotional of nature or sth. it was just very scary.

One night I dreamed that I woke up in my bed because of some strange noise, quite obviously the noise represented some rumble from inside the house.
So I went to the bathroom where it seemed to come from to check it out.
My dad (I still live with my parents) came out of his room to pee and I asked him if he had heard anything.
He told me no and we listened together.
We heard nothing, must have been the wind he told me.
When I went back in my bed my door suddenly went open for a tiny bit.
I felt like I was beeing stared at, I couldn't move out of fear but I tried to prepare myself for defense.
When he came at me I kicked him in the face then went for his nuts.
He somehow managed to dodge me and end up behind me, arm around my neck, my head pressed to his chest.
I then felt not really pain as in real life, it felt more like the first feeling of a sharp tip on you skin with pressure on it.
As he pierced my heart violently with a knife I woke up in my bed, bathing in sweat.
The dream had been so realistic it took me some time to realise it had been a dream, and that I was alive, and not in the afterlife or sth.

You thought that was it huh? Guess what? I wasn't really awake (as I found out later).
I had just dreamed that I had dreamed ;), I was still dreaming (but I didn't know that).
I had managed to calm myself down again wich as you may be able to imagine wasn't acomplished in a few seconds.
I was just trying to sleep again as my window suddenly violently shattered, glass was thrown in my face.
After all the glass hit me, as soon as I was able to look towards the window a brick was allready in midair.
I fell next to my bed. I suppose you've sometime in your life bumped your head REALLY hard?
That sensation, very vivid. I knew I was fucked.
Then I woke up. It was finally over.. or was it?
I had to go sleep in another room, this one had bad vibes now.
In the other room I tried to sleep again, but I didn't believe it to be reality yet as I had done this the previous time and it turned out to have been a dream.
Next day I woke up in the room, so turns out it was :)

This dream was one of the most realistic ones I've ever had.. why? :cry:

I guess I had some issues back then huh? :wink: :lol:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
About a year ago I had a dream where someone was being tortured to death (not me, I was a 3rd party observing for no apparent reason). what was happening was too horrific to describe, and the gurgling screams stayed with me for a long time after, it almost felt like my own brain was violating me somehow. A close second to that one (and around the same time) I had a dream where I killed a Nazi by beating him with a chair in a violent rage.

I never have dreams even remotely in this vein usually, let alone even violence in my dreams. Sometimes my dreams are very direct and easy to figure out where they came from, the above two are quite abstract..


Elfe Mécanique
18 Mai 2007
druglessdouglas a dit:

DUDE! i havent seen that movie in sooo long i have the original vhs of that here somewhere lost in the catacombs of videos my family's gathered over the years


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
3 Nov 2007
4 166
I once had a dream where I was in line at the supermarket. The guy in front of me pulled a gun and shot himself. I had another dream where I killed a little boy.

There are also those dreams where you are in deep shit. When you wake up you realize it's just a dream, and you feel lucky the whole morning.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
just yesterday i had a nightmare. i "woke up" and saw a very vicious presence on the other side of the room and i remember trying to scream and waking up gasping for air. gets your adrenaline pumping and i was all sweaty and stuff.


21 Juil 2007
5 922
my worst dream i can remember now is walking from my sleeping room to my bathroom.

i don't even know why it was my worst dream or why i should post it here as my worst dream.... i can only remember feeling the most disgusting feeling i have ever felt before. It was a mixed feeling of total terror and total fear.

Right after realizing that, i woke up sweating and shocked.



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
4 Juil 2008
1 374
my worst dream was also my best dream...

I had sex with a computer in a jungle. well, i knew she was a computer: had a female body and a monitor head... :shock:

i dipped my head into her liquid crystal monitor and started interchanging information (having sex), through cables conected to my eyes.
the climax (orgasm), was when the information feedback between the two started getting really nasty. Going toooooo fast. (like the feeling you get when your falling tooo fast into the nothing when your dreaming... :( :P :shock: :D :( )
a kind of singularity was reached and everything stopped. I was lying on a dark green planet and there was a person (nothing i can describe properly) staring at me, alien-like.
this prescense was toooo crazy so after some minutes of thinking it was some kind of galactic lord, the personification of Sirius B or something, I decided to wake up...
the following day was extastic :lol:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
3 Nov 2007
4 166
A couple of years ago I had dreams about people entering my house. These people where killers and butchers. I always escaped trough the back door.

So time and many dreams pas by. And something changed. I was beginning to confront these monsters. I became more lucid and started attacking these demons.
In one dream I had a flower shop in a bad neighbourhood. People where stealing my stuff.
I was following these people. There where now human. I confronted there leader in a knife battle.
He looked like Freddy Krueger. I woke up before I could kill him wishing I had a flower shop.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2008
1 230
Well, my worst dream was when I was little and was really something typical for childhood nightmares I guess.

I don't really remember a lot of what happened, but the situation was that my parents were about to leave me behind in village in the middle of who knows where. They were in another room kind of negotiating about me and them leaving.
I felt such a fear of total loneliness and the people I love leaving me. Together with that and the rain (It was raining IRL as well) and the dark brooding atmosphere it made it really, really depressing. I woke up sweating.

That was also the last real bad dream I've had in my entire life.