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What are the real dangers of Psilocybin ?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
I have no wish to hide my drug consumption, it actually frustrates me that I can never really talk about it really openly. Who cares that someone in the world knows I consumed 20g of shrooms, 2000 mics of LSD and 1000 mg of MDMA in a year because of an electronic card?

It really depends - I'd also like to tell more people what I'm doing, BUT: I'm considering becoming a freelancer in a business that can be extremely superficial. If your work is somewhere on the scale between okay and very good, then the customer will book you again if your impression on them was "sympathetic, professional and reliable" (whatever all that means...).
Having them know that you consume psychedelics would certainly give them reason to believe that you are not reliable and professional. It's sad, but that's how it is...

By the way even drug users are often uninformed about psychedelics. If you told them you have been snorting coke and speed last weekend until you passed out then they'll think "what a cool guy" but if you told them you ate 6g cubensis and meditated all night in a dark room then even they will think you're some weird nutcase.

Not to speak of all the people who still think that cocaine and lsd are all the same and you take either of both just once and are addicted and going to die...


Elfe Mécanique
3 Août 2007
tryptonaut a dit:
It really depends - I'd also like to tell more people what I'm doing, BUT: I'm considering becoming a freelancer in a business that can be extremely superficial. If your work is somewhere on the scale between okay and very good, then the customer will book you again if your impression on them was "sympathetic, professional and reliable" (whatever all that means...).
Having them know that you consume psychedelics would certainly give them reason to believe that you are not reliable and professional. It's sad, but that's how it is...

I wastalking about "IF drugs were legal, and IF people were informed about them". Ofcourse it is not the case right now and such a change would not be accepted. But to follow you: employers won't have to be allowed to see your "drug history". The state could keep that for itself and not allow people to go and check who has consumed which drug, in which quantities, ..


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
2 268
Actually I think that employers haven't got the right to see your medical folder. Isn't it ?


Psycho disparu·e
22 Juin 2006
1 858
I feel sad cause people who don't take drugs , when I say I love LSD, in their mind it's the same than heroin and they say people I talk with are violent junkies etc... :'(


Alpiniste Kundalini
22 Mai 2007
user_1919 a dit:
Personally, Psilocybin brings me a lot. It changed my life, really. I used to be a normal man, with personal fears, personal problems, lacking self-confidence sometimes, not enough proud of me. But since I took shrooms, the days who have followed my experience, I felt that my life has changed, like a progressive personal improvement. Better comprehension of the self, better relations with people, increased desire for knowledge (desire for reading books about psychology, psychotherapy, spirituality, religion...), and, most of all, my self-confidence has dramatically increased. I feel like I have reborn, and my former "self" seems now so ... whatever. I stopped alcohol (doesn't mean that I won't drink a little sometimes, in nightclubs). I want to help people, when they're depressed, because depression is something that became stranger to me.

This exact thing has happened to me. Psilocybin has forever changed my life in a positive manner!

same here :)

Because we, psychonauts, are not the only ones who take drugs, we have to realize that we are accouting for just a small part of drug-takers. There are plenty people who are ready to take drugs just for fun, by not considering the spiritual aspect of these drugs. Those people are responsible for our negative image, by taking too much drugs, or in inadequate conditions, or just "to have fun" ... It's the same problem with Muslims, Muslims are suffering from the extremely negative image which was created by terrorists who claim that they are muslims. Now many people consider a muslim as a terrorist, just like many people consider a psychonaut as a junkie. But the fact it there are much more "fools" and "negative image makers" than psychonauts. If drugs were legal, everybody would take it without any reason . And that's why there's a positive aspect in the governmental drug prohibition. Moreover, psychonauts are always able to find their psychedelics illegaly.

I believe that if you take psychedelics like mushrooms, the experience itself tells you its not just for fun, perhaps that takes a feew experiences, but if people want to or not, they will come into the progressive circle mushies get you in, for some a bad trip is what they need to learn from. Badtrip a.k.a. learning too fast (if you dont take em to learn, you will get tis much sooner coz you dont even want to learn).

Personally i take em to learn AND for fun, couse mushrooms can be a lot of fun too...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
2 268
thadivine a dit:
Personally i take em to learn AND for fun, couse mushrooms can be a lot of fun too...

Mushrooms made me realize that Fun, Love, Laughter, and Spirituality are indeed the four most important things in life.

Salut mon ami, from Paris ;)


Glandeuse pinéale
2 Nov 2007
Psychoid a dit:
WetStaples a dit:
That sounds awfully like a database

Even if they would use this as a database to know what every person consumes, why would it be a problem, since all drugs would be legal? I have no wish to hide my drug consumption, it actually frustrates me that I can never really talk about it really openly. Who cares that someone in the world knows I consumed 20g of shrooms, 2000 mics of LSD and 1000 mg of MDMA in a year because of an electronic card? The problem is not the database, it's the use people could make of it... but if drugs were legal that information couldn't be used against you, and it could actually be used in good purposes.

P.S.: I had thought about this idea too lol :P
Yeah, but its legality wouldn't stop people from being discriminatory. What if your potential employer doesn't want to hire a drug user, because he thinks drugs are evil and that those that use them are lazy hippies, or something like that? You wouldn't get the job.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Jan 2007
4 506
WetStaples a dit:
Psychoid a dit:
WetStaples a dit:
That sounds awfully like a database

Even if they would use this as a database to know what every person consumes, why would it be a problem, since all drugs would be legal? I have no wish to hide my drug consumption, it actually frustrates me that I can never really talk about it really openly. Who cares that someone in the world knows I consumed 20g of shrooms, 2000 mics of LSD and 1000 mg of MDMA in a year because of an electronic card? The problem is not the database, it's the use people could make of it... but if drugs were legal that information couldn't be used against you, and it could actually be used in good purposes.

P.S.: I had thought about this idea too lol :P
Yeah, but its legality wouldn't stop people from being discriminatory. What if your potential employer doesn't want to hire a drug user, because he thinks drugs are evil and that those that use them are lazy hippies, or something like that? You wouldn't get the job.

They don't have to know... off course such a database would be highly protected and very few people would have access to it... But think about it... Have you ever seen an employer not hire someone because he likes to drink alcohol from time to time? Of course not, alcohol is legal and socially accepted. If all drugs became legal, people would be informed and maybe at the beginning there would be that kind of discrimination, but with time any drug would be perceived like alcohol is perceived today (maybe except heroin and coke, for obvious reasons)


11 Avr 2008
Whoa! user_1919, is there really a 10 year mandatory minimum sentence for mushroom cultivation, possession, or trafficking? I don't think crack even gets that harsh of a sentence. What a crazy place this is!
Do you or anybody else know of legit sources of gov't information on mushroom sentencing? I would assume these are determined by the states rather than the federal government. I'm a US citizen and spend most of my time in a US state, so I would like to know the risks I'm taking!


Seriously, I would be too paranoid to ever do drugs in the States.
I'd even not smoke weed or use any drugs for about half a year before I went on a trip to the US.
Would be cool to visit though, such a big nation with lots of nature around :D


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
Yeah, although it seems anecdotally that how harsh the penalties are in the states varies from one state to another... I will be living in the states fairly soon, relocating from Canada. Time to learn the arcane lore of huasca which is pretty much legal everywhere (and sounds like a very fulfilling project anyway).


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
"I found researchpapers with proof, that scopolamin given together with mindaltering substances (I hate the word "drug") reduced the effects of braindamage. "

This is not true . Psilocybin does not cause brain damage , and you should not be mixing anything with your trip . Especialy not Scopolamine . If you dont like mushrooms dont do them , and if they are not strong enough for you either take more ......

or make a pause , clean your body and mind up ........ or go to a doctor........

This is not ment personaly .

"("God be with us")"

The nazis used to say "Gott mit uns" = gods on our side . Just like satan bush .


Sale drogué·e
16 Mai 2007
Forkbender a dit:
I don't know of any evidence of damage to the brain as a result of the use of ps. mushrooms. I myself have experienced a mojar headache after using them, however, which couldn't be good in and of itself.

I never had headaches with mushrooms.
Maybe you can get them after a really heavy experience?
If you trip your balls off, maybe your brains get so much new things to see, hear, feel etc. that they're a bit overwhelmed with that.
So it don't have to be that Psilocybin is causing the headache, but the trip you can get from it.

I find that the most logical explanation.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
17 Août 2007
4 054
Hmmm, are there many dealers in the usa or other countries where mushrooms are already illegal. Soon there will be a ban on mushrooms in Holland, so i was wonder if i could buy mushrooms in the future. I already let them grow on my own, so i don't need to buy them, but still i`m interested if there are many dealers who sell this stuff in countries where the mushroom is banned.



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
I'm just going to stick to my plan, educate myself, get high marks, higher marks then my regular non-drug using classmates, to prove to them that daily Cannabis use is not affecting my marks, nor is one a month Psilocybin use isn't affecting me. Anyways,

Hah, just read that and got such a kick out of it. Half the psychedelic users i know went on to get doctorates, become astronomers, etc. Let's not even get started on those like Shulgin and Hofmann who lived a long rich life of study.

The message from psychedelics is profoundly simple. The bliss and ecstasy of being alive, the joys of peace, the terror of war and violence. No wonder the governments have to go to such great lengths of absurdity to demonize such a simple message and those who believe in it.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
Some MUSHROOMS can cause kidney or liver failure and heartache sometimes.

Psilocybine mushrooms = NOT 'some' mushrooms.

If psilocybin mushrooms where dangerous to our organs, Mazatecs would not let three year old kids participate in the experience.

For me it's clear, mushrooms are quite safe. Physically I don't have any reservation or doubt about that. Terence often said when there was discussion about the safety of 'drugs', that you should look closely at a 'drug' and it's use within certain traditions. If you do that with psilocybin mushrooms, the message is they are safe (and much more ;)). Isn't it a bit naieve to live in a culture with mcDonalds and all that other synthetic food crap that we know virtually nothing about in the sense of long term, yet, being paranoid about an entheogenic plant that has been used for centuries in different parts of the world with virtually no negative stories attached to it, aside from the occasional beheadings and burnings initiated by the 'law'?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Fev 2007
3 008
Isn't it a bit naieve to live in a culture with mcDonalds and all that other synthetic food crap that we know virtually nothing about in the sense of long term, yet, being paranoid about an entheogenic plant that has been used for centuries in different parts of the world with virtually no negative stories attached to it, aside from the occasional beheadings and burnings initiated out of the government?

It is so true. Our culture is pointing out the dangers of these sacred substances that have been used for thousands of years, with no obvious damage to the body. Our culture needs to stop looking at the dangers of 'drugs', when there are substances citizens comsume 1-3 times a day, that is not even a natural food, more less synthetic material. Why doesn't someone study the long-term effects of McDonalds, and show those results, then compare it to the long-term damage done by Psilocybin Mushrooms(which will be nothing, and if there is something, it is most likly a lie, like all the lies that surround Marijuana). Obviously they are not worried about our safety, because there are things much much worse out there, that people consume everyday! They are trying to stop citizens from expanding their mind, and awakening to the corruption of the corrput system/society!



Sale drogué·e
16 Mai 2007
It seems that Psilocybin has also a Lethal Dose (LD), at least by mice, rats and rabbits.

http://www.erowid.org/plants/mushrooms/ ... stry.shtml

mysticwarrior a dit:
Hmmm, are there many dealers in the usa or other countries where mushrooms are already illegal. Soon there will be a ban on mushrooms in Holland, so i was wonder if i could buy mushrooms in the future. I already let them grow on my own, so i don't need to buy them, but still i`m interested if there are many dealers who sell this stuff in countries where the mushroom is banned.

Of course you'll be able to buy them if they turn out illegal in Holland...
Making something illegal won't stop people who like Psil. mushrooms.
And if they are illegal, than you can make more money of them than when they are legal, so i'm absolutely sure that it won't have to be a problem to find them. I'll guess that you have to pay some more to get the shrooms and they'll probably be less fresh, but that will change in the future.

Come on man. You live in Holland. You'll be able to get shrooms. :wink:
I also think that LSD will become even more easier to get when shrooms are illegal. It's easier to sneaky sell/buy a blotter than shrooms. ;)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
It seems that Psilocybin has also a Lethal Dose (LD), at least by mice, rats and rabbits.

Every substance has a lethal dose! Salt has an LD, water has an LD...

And if you get hit on the head by a container filled with 4 tons of hashish you'll be dead as well - killed by Hashish ;)
Hehe, the LD thing just reminded me of this hilarious song by Joint Venture about the world's first and only man killed by hashish


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
HappyMind a dit:
It seems that Psilocybin has also a Lethal Dose (LD), at least by mice, rats and rabbits.

http://www.erowid.org/plants/mushrooms/ ... stry.shtml

Yes, but you would have to eat several kilograms to die. No-one eats several kilograms of anything. Especially not from something that is a bit disgusting to a lot of people and makes you trip balls after 50 grams. You would already be tripping too hard to eat the last few kilograms.

Plus it is a theoretical LD, extrapolated from animal abuse.