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:!: WARNING: Vaporizing Salvia


Matrice périnatale
29 Mar 2009
This is a report that I wrote up yesterday, an hour after having a very scary experience on Salvia. There is not a lot of information regarding vaporizing Salvia online, and I decided to try it out. I had a terrible experience with doing this, I am not sure if I was in any real danger, but I sure felt like I was slipping away.

I should note that I in my past experiences I have vaporized Salvia before, but I never mashed it up into small powder first like I did with this last experience. I am in good shape, and I do not have any heart conditions that I am aware of.

About an hour ago, I felt like I was dying. I am uncertain if I was significantly close to actually dying, or if I was just falsely perceiving this scary concept. I never felt so terrified on any other drug before. I feel like it is my responsibility to warn others about the possibility of fatal overdose when using a pipe-vaporizer, such as the VaporGenie on Salvia.

Prior to vaporizing the plain organic Salvia leaves, I was coming down from a high after vaporizing 4.5 bowls full of cannabis, so I am not sure if this combination also played a part in this possible near-death experience. I was crushing up the Salvia leaves into a very fine powder, while passively watching the movie “Acid House


28 Jan 2009
1 700
why the warning?

it looks like you had a panic attack on salvia which is quite common.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Déc 2006
3 774
I had a horrible experience with salvia 20x.....twice. I do not like the characteristics of salvia as a drug.

I love real psychedelics, but salvia feels.......'hollow' would be about the best descriptive I could give it.

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
Fatal overdose? Give me a break!

I tried vaporizing salvia with the Volcano set at the maximal temperature, and the effect was minimal.

Your report sounds like a normal salvia trip.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
If you didnt like it start takeing your own responsibility and stop abuseing drugs . That means find out what your doing before you do it and then do it carefully .


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366

Like the others said: it is very likely that you were just imagining things. If you can still ask a question on IRC while under the influence, there is nothing wrong with you except that you have a fiction in mind of what is happening to you. You probably had a mild trip (from what I read) and didn't cope with it too well. Explore these feelings that have been brought to the surface.


Sale drogué·e
27 Déc 2007
hehe... good ol sally-d.. iv done it enough to be able to tell people, its not fun. if your looking to just get "high" sally is not your friend. you have to be ready to mentally die, explore different dimentions, pretty much be ready for a complete mind clusterfuck for the next 10 min.

although i cant say much.. the first time i tried salvia i was just told that, "its like weed but it makes you see stuff..." thats a bunch of crap. but anyway, it makes me smile knowing that im not the only one who thought they were going to die on sal:)


9 Jan 2009
i think almost everyone i know who has smoked it thought they were gonna die/were dead. it's nothing to get worked up over, the state is just so paranormal your brain doesn't know how to interpret it properly.


7 Avr 2009
Your story has a deeper meaning... you were probably feeling the symptoms of Ego-death-- but somehow,, you hung on to it... ego that is...


Sale drogué·e
9 Nov 2008
This was likely two things. One, being an ego death, and two: you freaking out over it.

I'm not saying vaporized Salvia leaves in necessarily dangerous-- but in your case, you likely had an ego death and thought you were stuck in in. In retrospect, it's quite similar to sleep paralysis, only different symptoms and feelings. Nevertheless, I've noticed that Salvia and lucid dreaming/SP are very similar. Not exact, but similar.

Secondly, the Cannabis wasn't good either. I've gotten to the point where I actually feel sick from smoking Cannabis. It usually comes on when I drink, but a few, rare times-- I've felt sick. So depending on how much Cannabis you smoked, plus Salvia-- your body was going 'nuts' Both Cannabis and Salvia increase your blood flow and heart rate. as any foreign chemical would. Your body wants to push it out as quickly as possible so you can come back to a sober state of mind. I have smoked Cannabis and Salvia, but I didn't like the effects of the two drugs mixed, so I'll either do one or the other to be safe.

Also, you stated that you were listening to Acid House-- while any type of music sounds awesome on Cannabis, with Salvia-- it is not appropriate. Salvia makes anything you listen to, or anything that touches you, etc-- very 'annoying' so to say. Salvia is strictly a meditative drug. Meaning-- meditate in silence, with no lights on, and with the phone off the hook. Anything that disrupts it-- kills any meditative potential. So-- the environment you chose to do Salvia wasn't the best.

I have smoked vaporized Salvia leaves, and extracts (powder form and leaves which have been soaked in an extract for a number of days), and I have not experienced what you had here. I have had a number of ego deaths, but it's important to keep in mind that any time you smoke Salvia, or chew a quid-- could be the time that you have an ego death. It's imperative that you treat Salvia with respect.

Also, make future note to do Salvia with a sober mind. Cannabis is powerful on its on. There's no need to combine drugs-- this is where accidents can happen.

Good luck to you, mate!



8 Juil 2008
So here is my suggestion: Don't try to change your breathing. Your body can breathe just fine without your concentration. The moment you doubt, become frightened, or think you're dying, that's when things turn ugly. Sitters are for safety and comfort, it is important to have one (my brother sits for me, very comforting).

And may I suggest taking the quid route? Or how about growing your own Salvia plant? The Lady will treat you soo well if you just treat Her right.


Sale drogué·e
5 Août 2009
Well I gotta agree with everything above. Salvia is not a "fun" drug... lol. That being said, maybe you just hit a breakthrough point you weren't ready for, which leads me to the actual trip:

Vaporization is tricky with Salvia. Sally-D has a much higher flash point, and so therefore a vaporization point. Think of it this way. Before you used to take whole leaves and vaporize them, but since they weren't powdered they were hard to vaporize. When you powdered it, it created more vapor, but seeing as vapor is invisible, you took a much larger dose without realizing it. So you had and "expected" trip, and all of a sudden you went way past that, got scared, tried to grab hold of reality, and the anxiousness caused your trip. My recommendation is to be careful with vaporization, since it is no longer just about the dose, but about how much potency is in the vapors. I'm always an optimist when it comes to psychonautics, so I'd say half the dose and let go. Seriously, it's 4-5 minutes where you can be anything and nothing, and doing it right can help.

Doing it wrong... well lesson learned.


9 Août 2009
Also, you stated that you were listening to Acid House-- while any type of music sounds awesome on Cannabis, with Salvia-- it is not appropriate. Salvia makes anything you listen to, or anything that touches you, etc-- very 'annoying' so to say.

This can differ from person to person though. I always play "KoRn - Helmet in the Bush" on a continous loop if I try a psychedelic. While all my friends declare me insane for this, it always soothes me. Even on Salvia (which was my strongest experience so far) it grounded me in reality. It sounded like a distant voice but it made me remember who I was everytime the question came up.