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tree hugging poll

What do you think of tree hugging

  • Cool ! I hug trees and plants every day

    Votes: 0 0,0%
  • I touch or hug them on special occasions

    Votes: 0 0,0%
  • I've hugged a tree only once/twice and felt stupid

    Votes: 0 0,0%
  • eeehw, plants will get my $$ suit dirty. Give me concrete!

    Votes: 0 0,0%
  • yes, I'll hug, but only with mutual consent

    Votes: 0 0,0%
  • I just stumbled upon this site and I think you're a bunch of smelly hippies

    Votes: 0 0,0%

  • Nombre total d'électeurs


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Mai 2005
1 112
Hi guys, something I had to think about after reading a post in the cannabis section.




Elfe Mécanique
2 Nov 2006
Tree hugging is nice. It isn't something I would practice every day, but when I get depressed I can't think of a more relaxing thing to do...

On the other hand I hug/touch/talk to my plants every day. They grow better and sometimes I can even feel they are sending me love back.


Elfe Mécanique
18 Mai 2007
Honestly I think tree-hugging's great it shows your love and connection to nature and just an example to demonstrate how immersive nature can be the first time i ever did shrooms my friend and I saw this tree and due to the knots in it it looked like there was a face and the knot that signified the mouth actually had some sap or liquid dripping out of it making it look like it was drooling it immediately made me think of a misunderstood elderly grandparent and i just had to hug it and show it that i cared about it. ever since whenever i pass that tree i put my hand on it or hug it or something


Alpiniste Kundalini
28 Oct 2005
I think there are many ways to appreciate nature and make contact with it, don't ever feel the need to hug a tree as if it were human or so.... I often become aware of how I stand on the ground and try to make the contact between the earth and my feet more solid. The same goes for consciously feeling the warm sunlight or inhaling fresh oxygen. Its all about being conscious isn't it?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264


Jakobien a dit:
Its all about being conscious isn't it?

Yes, consciously connecting to nature and that can be through hugging, but also other ways :)
I do like hugging though.

Once when I was on acid I walked past a tree and I could feel it's energy and when I walked back to it and hugged it it was like I was part of it's energy field, it felt so great and loving.


Elfe Mécanique
1 Fev 2006
couldn't resist getting to vote "you're all a bunch of smelly hippies"
i really can't say you're all smelly hippies, i can assume gratefully_dead is though.

i'll hug as many plants as anyone would like with few exceptions but i'll not be hugging any trees, squirrels live in trees and everyone know squirrels are the devil.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
I find that I can almost merge my being with a seemingly inanimate tree or plant; of course this is subjective to time place and mindset but it is still a mystical and gratifying experience and it blurs those man made psychological barriers that tell us that there’s any difference between me and the rest of the world, especially something as absurd (to the materialistic mind) as a tree.

Just today I was able to alter my consciousness in a way not previously experienced, or at least not as intense. I strolled through my garden and lay on the dishevelled trampoline gazing out into oblivion when I had a compulsion to make intimate contact with an old acacia we have growing close by. The tree had recently been through some hardships of the winter months and has subsequently lost branches and foliage due to insect infestation.
As soon as my hands lay on the tree, some connection was made, and in the peripheral darkness of my closed eye state, I witnessed deep colour changes in my perception, followed by a glow and heat that I believe to be the same energy. I can’t explain fully the extent of this fleeting embrace between me and this conduit of enlightenment and sorrow, encapsulated in this grieving plant. It’s as if it called to me from across the plains of existence in order for our spirits to bond; this operates on a far greater scale than the individual, both concerning me and the tree. It was as if both our essences were intertwining in a cosmic healing ritual which was without time or novelty; there was only pure sensation, not auditory, not visual, but just utter sensation.
I had not previously considered this specific acacia tree for extraction of DMT, but once it returns to a healthy growth cycle it will be the best candidate by far; it’s as if it grew there purposefully, and it seems that mushrooms possess this same knowledge. They know where to find open and willing minds in which to implant their infinite understanding.



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Mai 2005
1 112
I can't vote since the option:

I AM a tree

is missing...


lol ! you're right !

(hmm, let's see if I can edit the poll :) )


12 Mar 2007
I have to admit that I talk to my plants, they seem to like it :) But I don't hug them (probably because most of my plants are actually cactusses, could be very painful) I once hugged a tree when I was in the forest. I felt full of love, and I wanted to share my love..?./


Plants love it when you pay attention to them and give them energy.

Plants can even absorb energy when you stroke their leaves.

BTW: Talking also works for mushrooms ;)


Sale drogué·e
10 Juin 2006
I just focus on my beam of energy and love to my little plants :D ( just put my hands above the plant and focus on the energy of life, flowing from my hands through the plant ), that really helps them to keep growing.


Elfe Mécanique
7 Juil 2007
I've had the urge to hug a tree, but I was afraid of what people would think if they would pass by. Argh, I want a my own property so I can do whatever "weird" things I want without the fear of being judged by 'ordinary minds'.

But, as long as I don't hug trees in public, people will think I'm an ordinary mind too. It takes some courage though...


Just don't care about other peoples' opinions ;)

If you let your life be decided by what the majority thinks is normal, then you can't live your life like it should, right?

If you want we can hug a tree together ;)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
Space-is-the-Place a dit:
Just don't care about other peoples' opinions ;)

If you let your life be decided by what the majority thinks is normal, then you can't live your life like it should, right?

If you want we can hug a tree together ;)

yeah, if we are enough people we all could hug a sequoia :P


Elfe Mécanique
21 Déc 2005
I adore tree hugging! From my deep chieldhood I do it every day because I love trees, I love nature!
My mood improve when i do it, trees take negative energy and give me positive))))