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The Urantia Book

Is the Urantia Book fact or fiction?

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Elfe Mécanique
25 Mar 2009
I stumbled across The Urantia Book some time ago and just want to hear what others have to say about it.


Also, if anyone has any suggestions for other good reads, please throw them in your post.

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628


Elfe Mécanique
25 Mar 2009
Almost makes the ideas of Jesus and God more interesting and exciting.

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
Let's not forget about Satan.

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
Monogamy is monopoly; it is good for those who attain this desirable state, but it tends to work a biologic hardship on those who are not so fortunate. But quite regardless of the effect on the individual, monogamy is decidedly best for the children.

The earliest monogamy was due to force of circumstances, poverty. Monogamy is cultural and societal, artificial and unnatural, that is, unnatural to evolutionary man.


While pursuing the monogamic goal of the ideal pair marriage, which is, after all, something of a monopolistic sex association, society must not overlook the unenviable situation of those unfortunate men and women who fail to find a place in this new and improved social order, even when having done their best to co-operate with, and enter into, its requirements. Failure to gain mates in the social arena of competition may be due to insurmountable difficulties or multitudinous restrictions which the current mores have imposed. Truly, monogamy is ideal for those who are in, but it must inevitably work great hardship on those who are left out in the cold of solitary existence.

Always have the unfortunate few had to suffer that the majority might advance under the developing mores of evolving civilization; but always should the favored majority look with kindness and consideration on their less fortunate fellows who must pay the price of failure to attain membership in the ranks of those ideal sex partnerships which afford the satisfaction of all biologic urges under the sanction of the highest mores of advancing social evolution.

Monogamy always has been, now is, and forever will be the idealistic goal of human sex evolution. This ideal of true pair marriage entails self-denial, and therefore does it so often fail just because one or both of the contracting parties are deficient in that acme of all human virtues, rugged self-control.

Monogamy is the yardstick which measures the advance of social civilization as distinguished from purely biologic evolution. Monogamy is not necessarily biologic or natural, but it is indispensable to the immediate maintenance and Pair marriage favors and fosters that intimate understanding and effective co-operation which is best for parental happiness, child welfare, and social efficiency. Marriage, which began in crude coercion, is gradually evolving into a magnificent institution of self-culture, self-control, self-expression, and self-perpetuation.



Elfe Mécanique
25 Mar 2009
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
Let's not forget about Satan.

What about Satan?

Satan, the rebel within us that causes questioning, doubt and uncertainty? Which leads us to create some form of unnatural security? i.e. To reduce marriage uncertainties such as jealousy and adultery, we create monogamy?


Elfe Mécanique
25 Mar 2009
For the record.. I'm not supporting or defending any religious ideas here, I'm just chatting. :D


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
16 Oct 2008
2 174
nah satan the sun god which is a symbol of pagan religions most of which centered around sun worship
lucifer son of the morning, the morning star, bringer of light etc.

and since the current big religions are (apparently) monotheistic you can only have one sun god, and thats clearly jesus...or god...or its the same person
hence the halo of light around his head which has become a symbol of holiness


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2008
4 978
never forget that this is one of many interpretations of the Bible, Crimzen.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
16 Oct 2008
2 174
restin a dit:
never forget that this is one of many interpretations of the Bible, Crimzen.
sure, i wont refute that
and im simply stating the one interpretation that makes the most sense to me, i cant be responsible for quoting them all :P

but still
the bringer of light...sounds like a good thing to me rather than the symbol of all things evil
and the apple in the garden of eden was the apple of knowledge...whats so evil about knowledge?

haha dont answer me its 3:45am here and im going way off subject


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2008
4 978
as you wish :wink: Very interesting topic.


Matrice périnatale
26 Mar 2009
Hi Jambar, I have the Urantia book right here - thousands of thin pages I love to go through once in a while; it's so outlandish! I collect channeled books for fun and to see the similarities, differences and cultural and religious influences etc.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
What does "Channeled" mean ?

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
cycle a dit:
I collect channeled books for fun and to see the similarities, differences and cultural and religious influences etc.
For about two years (1998-2000) I was listening to tapes containing long talks and guided meditations by an entity named Lazaris. Have you heard of him? Or the Law of One by Ra?


Matrice périnatale
26 Mar 2009
Caduceus, Lazaris, name rings a bell but never looked into him. I am very familiar with Ra's Law of One though, a friend of mine sat in on one of the sessions.

God, channels are people who claim to get messages from somewhere beyond themselves. I'm sceptic. The messages range from simple to complex. I just read it like a work of fiction. Some of the received messages are simply false or repeating existing ideas. Ra (channeled) uses a radio metaphor, the more (spiritually) tuned the recipient is the clearer and purer the channeled signal. Make of it what you will.

Jane Robert's Seth is another one on my shelf:
One may find it interesting that Jim Henson (Muppets) had visited her and read a lot of Seth.

As one may suspect, some channels have gotten a lot of money and attention... this doesn't mean all or most are in it for the attention or the money.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
OK , i know exactly what you mean and i think your view of it is good .

I was going to ask you about seth because its the only channeling stuff that i`ve ever seen and read ( In 1972 -74 ) that made any sense at all . But some of it is good and other parts are complete crap like all the rest of the channeling i`ve seen . There used to be lots of bagwhanis that pretended to do it but all that came out was total shit that sounded like a maniac who had taken to much methadrin .