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The matrix on acid


Sale drogué·e
14 Sept 2007
I just watched the matrix and thought damn this would be cool to watch on acid.
Anyone ever done this and/or agree with me? :)


Elfe Mécanique
5 Mai 2008
i can hardly watch the movie without laughing about all the crappy blockbuster shit in there (i'm sorry i'm a hater:P)
If i would watch any movie it would be something like baraka or some plotless nature film. But my tv always becomes the eye of hell in my trips so i just cover it with a blanket, this way the evil cannot come in..... :lol:


Sale drogué·e
14 Sept 2007
I can surely see where you're coming from ;)
But the digital stuff sometimes really speaks to the feeling I think

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
Nah, I don't like watching movies when my pupils are dilated.
The first Matrix is very cool though, watched it a couple of times with bloodshot eyes. It's really interesting to hear what the Oracle said when you already know what's going to happen. Thomas Anderson will have to die, and does.


Elfe Mécanique
25 Mar 2009
I watched Speed Racer the movie on acid and that was awesome.


28 Jan 2009
1 700
watched the matrix on acid. i couldnt tell what was going on for most of the film, and the soundtrack made me want to cry for some reason


Sale drogué·e
14 Sept 2007
because it was so awful?.. edit: srry "for some reason" indicated that this was not sure. I should read better :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
I watched the stones "Gimmi shelter" on my first trip in a cinema . It was awesome . Especialy when they showed the guy being murdered .


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Sept 2008
1 072
Hmmm, I've just watched Fear 'n Loathing on Shrooms, being the only person of the group actually having watched the whole thing.

But normally I avoid tv's and screens as the plague.
I always find the pixels or particles looking very cheap compared to all the cool stuff going on in the rest of the room and/or inside my own mind.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
Watching movies with expanded consciousness makes me see the film set instead of the intended story line. However, with regret and open doors, the daily news with reference to world happenings is always more than real.


Glandeuse pinéale
26 Déc 2006
I watched the blues brothers in pixar animation once on acid =]

I dont remember what happened in the movie, just that it was in 3D. I need to go back and watch the movie sober and see how it is.


I have never seen the matrix on any substance but I have some recommendations for you. The last time I did mushrooms, a very long time ago now, I had the chance to watch "That 70s Show" and I have to say, it was an awesome experience. The set is great, beautiful and colorful. You'll notice things you've never seen before, and everything is so bright in those homes!

Also, I had a chance to watch "Tron" on two tabs of great lsd a while ago. That movie is absolutely amazing and I definitely recommend it to all of you.

The television always seems to radiate an aurora of colors when in a dark room and I've always gotten sucked right in. I've never had a "bad" experience when watching the tube on different things.


28 Jan 2009
1 700
the funniest film i have seen tripping was "The Man in the Mirror" - an old black and white movie which may or may not have been a comedy.
its a little like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde or The Mask. one of the characters "the Bogus of Bogata" still has me laughing


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Yup , the blue shades and laser lines strongly remind me of a strong mushroom trip . But the movie where a Japanese girl gets fucked by a horse is good to..........


Elfe Mécanique
5 Mar 2009
I haven't watched any movies on acid (haven't had the chance) but this is what I choose from the next time I trip on it:

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (Gilliam)
Brazil (Gilliam)
The Wall (Pink Floyd)
Yellow Submarine (The Beatles)
2001: A space odyssey (Kubrick)
A Clockwork Orange (Kubrick)
Les douze travaux d'Asterix (French animation movie)

As a matter of fact, you could probably watch any movie from Kubrick or Terry Gilliam, their movies are just so amazing...

And yes, The Matrix sounds like it could be enjoyable..but I wouldn't know until I tried it :)


28 Fev 2009
A Clockwork Orange on acid? FUCK THAT.
I really want to watch Yellow Submarine on LSD though. Only certain parts though.

But speaking of the Matrix the text on my phone sort of looked liked the matrix code on shrooms.


Elfe Mécanique
5 Mar 2009
pyschonauticks a dit:
A Clockwork Orange on acid? FUCK THAT.

Lol, I'm not sure I would last through the whole movie..since some scenes are really intense, but I certainly wanna try it :D


Glandeuse pinéale
27 Mai 2009
Funny you mention that. The first time I ever tried Lsd(2 tabs) I got this dvd out. In that state I obviously noticed the "Hollywood" aspect of it more then I normally would. But aside from that it was intense; the film is even an analogy for the psychedelic experience(and acid for that matter). Neo's "birth" into the matrix was very much like the seemingly instant onset of the drug on me. The movie is heavily laden with symbolism that you can really sniff out when you shift perspectives . The colour phasing and hue tint that acid invokes made the movie a little annoying to watch though, I kept wanting to change the colour, thinking my monitor was whack.

As intense as the movie is, it really helped me get through the first 21/2 hours of the trip, which were the hardest for me.

ochho a dit:
I haven't watched any movies on acid (haven't had the chance) but this is what I choose from the next time I trip on it:
Brazil (Gilliam)
Great taste. That is such a perfect film, I don't know what it would be like on drugs, confusing probably, great choice though!

As for other surreal films, I highly suggest The Wall(as should be a staple in these forums) and if you really want a mind f****** "Naked Lunch" is one screwed up movie and will having you thinking you dosed too high. Very interesting titles on DXM (3rd plat) that's for sure :)


Elfe Mécanique
5 Mar 2009
RushNerd a dit:
As for other surreal films, I highly suggest The Wall(as should be a staple in these forums) and if you really want a mind f****** "Naked Lunch" is one screwed up movie and will having you thinking you dosed too high. Very interesting titles on DXM (3rd plat) that's for sure :)

The Wall is already on my list :D which reminds me.. I need to watch it again, I've only seen it once, in my early pink floyd discovery phase..(right after my first tab of acid lol..its funny how it immensely changed my taste in music and movies)

And Naked Lunch... we were watching it the other day while smoking a weed/salvia/tobacco joint (great to try imo..i just love it for the uncontrollable laughter and hightened buzz that you get) and I dunno.. at some point, the movie weirded me out too much (I think it was the bugs) and I ended up going to sleep ( or maybe it was the weird salvia joint combo o.O) and my friends keep "bugging" me to watch it :D I probably should..

Oh btw, i wanted to add to this thread..since no one mentioned it.

ALICE IN WONDERLAND! I'm pretty sure everyone is very familiar with it..but what a trip this movie..

Cheshire cat.. Hookah Caterpillar.. The "happy un-birthday" madmen! I don't know, I just love it..I guess it reminds me of the crazy "lunatic" phase that you can get on psychedelics.