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Suicidal tendencies and LSD?


12 Fev 2008
Well my boyfriends prom was on Friday..that was as boring as I thought it'd be. MDMA helped a whole lot afterwards though! :o

I have a friend whos been absolutely buggin to do Acid. He's a pretty heavy smoker, experienced in shrooms, mdma, cocaine and has dabbled in heroin. He says he's done all the research and is well prepared to drop.

However, I'm very very relunctant to split a tab with him. (I have one leftover from the last time I tripped) seeing as he has just gotten out of the psych ward for attempted suicide. This wasn't a long awaited thing, his girlfriend and broken up with him and he felt suicidal.. took his meds.. still felt like shit.. took another.. took another.. by the end of the night he had taken all of them. So it was kiiinda suicidal kiinda accidental, I don't really know but the next day he admitted himself to the hospital and has been out maybe a week.

I really dont want to give it to him right now. But I don't know when I can either, since knowing when he's ready is a very personal thing and he's insisting he's ready now. I say give it at least a month or so. I dont know, whats your take on it?

And now I'm gagging down QCarbo which has worked and not worked for me in the past but I did 2g of coke on Friday/Saturday and am getting drug tested by a court affiliated place in just a few hours so it is very important I pass.

Just a note to anybody.. QCarbo is absolutely disgusting. And cocaine is the devil.

I wish Icould smoke more than anything but thats so hard to keep out of my system, but it's what I miss most dearly. Soo.. rather pointless post.

But Ineed some advice about my friend.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
My best guess is that LSD can actually give your friend a new appreciation of life. However, I do suggest him not taking it with a friend (like yourself), but with an experienced guide who can help him face his fears, work through some emotional baggage and drop him off safely into his normal life. It can be *very* frightening, and you don't want to be the person tripping next to someone sliding away in a (temporary) psychosis.


Sale drogué·e
20 Mar 2008
^I agree with fork, but would add that since you said he's pretty determined to try it, better to be there as a sober sitter, than have him drop it alone or with someone tripping where he might get hurt.



Sale drogué·e
16 Mai 2007
If someone is tripping, it can be pretty ignorant if there are people around who are sober.
I agree with Fork.


Sale drogué·e
2 Sept 2007
HappyMind a dit:
If someone is tripping, it can be pretty ignorant if there are people around who are sober.
I agree with Fork.
Not if it's someone that knows what's up.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
If he is going to do it. I would say have friends drop with him, AND have a sober sitter. Dropping alone the first time is alienating, and sharing a trip is so much more fun. (Until you are more familiar with the mental state, and can get a lot out of tripping alone.)

My first time I also tripped with friends and I also had sober experienced people around. I also didn't do a crazy amount the first time, probably not more than 100 micrograms, one good tab (but it was my first psychedelic trip ever, hadn't even done mushrooms, just cannabis). BTW experienced or not experienced, having people around I didn't know on my first trip was the most difficult part of the experience for me.

My background is far different from that of your friend's (no real psychiatric difficulties, just a long bleak period of depression due to life events, and I was already coming out of it when I did blotter the first time), but my first dose certainly did give me a serious recharge, overall a good trip, although the last few hours were a bit on the harsh side. That being said, right up until I dropped, I did a lot of research, and my friends weren't pressuring me to do it, and told me I could back out at any time. My curiosity overwhelmed me, and because I was curious and exploring, my first trip was overall a success.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
Rymmen a dit:
HappyMind a dit:
If someone is tripping, it can be pretty ignorant if there are people around who are sober.
I agree with Fork.
Not if it's someone that knows what's up.

Thats true in my opinion. The only drawback is, that in case the trip goes well, it can be a very boring few hours for the sitter :)

What strikes me as a weird remark is the '...has experience with shrooms, mdma cocaine...'

Cocaine has nothing to do with lsd or mushrooms or even mdma. It's like saying:'my friend wants to drive a car without a license, and he has experience with tending plants.' :)


Sale drogué·e
16 Mai 2007
HeartCore a dit:
Cocaine has nothing to do with lsd or mushrooms or even mdma. It's like saying:'my friend wants to drive a car without a license, and he has experience with tending plants.' :)

That's not entirely true imo.
Cocaine is a mind-altering substance, also is lsd, mushrooms or mdma.
Only in a different way, because it's mind narrowing.
I think that the comparison that you made is a bit exaggerated in that way.

Note that I'm not a fan of cocaine or give it a nice name, I'm only being theoretical - yes again ;) - in a way I see it (correct me if I'm wrong!)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Mai 2005
1 112
Fork and others:

Who can serve as experienced guides ?

This topic is related to the heated MDMA topic from a few weeks ago. In an ideal world, the person in need of guidance could go to the village shaman.

- Normal doctors know next to nothing about psychedelics, let alone have extensive experience with them.
- Most experienced friends are not "professionals". I can image that dealing with serious personal issues is hard enough as it is for a psychiatrist/psychologist/therapist. Letting a friend play the role of therapist is maybe too much too ask then.

But who then ?

(I'll open a separate topic about this).


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
HappyMind a dit:
HeartCore a dit:
Cocaine has nothing to do with lsd or mushrooms or even mdma. It's like saying:'my friend wants to drive a car without a license, and he has experience with tending plants.' :)

That's not entirely true imo.
Cocaine is a mind-altering substance, also is lsd, mushrooms or mdma.
Only in a different way, because it's mind narrowing.
I think that the comparison that you made is a bit exaggerated in that way.

Note that I'm not a fan of cocaine or give it a nice name, I'm only being theoretical - yes again ;) - in a way I see it (correct me if I'm wrong!)

I don't know if you are wrong, I only know that I have extensive experience with both cocaine and mushrooms and I find them like opposites on the mind altering spectrum. Drinking coffee is mind altering, as is watching tv, doing vr games even more, hell even tending plants is when you get in that nice and cozy semi-meditative state while doing it. My point is, you can have ten years of experience with cocaine, it won't prepare you one percent for mushrooms or any of the other entheogens and thus, it doesn't really make sense to mention it.

For me it's also about stigmatising a lot of substances under one evil name: drugs, by the guys in politics that want to keep this all illegal so badly. In my opinion, we as the guys/gals who are experienced, should dictate a new vocabulary related to these plants and compounds. Some of these plants are real medicine, often unparalelled by western medicine. Talking about these plants in relation to destructive, as you mentioned, mind narrowing and also very addictive substances, it just very bad practice in my point of view.

But everybody is entitled to their point of view ;)


Elfe Mécanique
26 Mar 2008
i love this stuff its so funny i have at least 10 thought of killing my self a day i don't pay any notice to them but they are their like in every person. i say 10 because they come in a spectrum of reasons ranging from unhappiness or just stupid feeling of revenge or pointlessness but many years ago a good friend and x-shrink of mine told me that in one way or another i will all ways feel this so he told trick you self every morning when you wake up and feel like this tell your self tomorrow night ill kill my self not today never today since between now the time i feel bad and tomorrow night 10,000000 things can happen that would make me giddy, happy, satisfied or maybe worse then before the thing is that i all ways believe that it can change the funny thing acid does is make everyday thing seem really crazy like maybe every day your mother and sister yell at each other with intense rage but if your on acid it might seem like the end of you family and the world as we know it so what im saying is don't take psychedelic as feel good drugs because to feel good on them you need experience and i would tell your boy friend that even a month after words he still feels like killing him self then stop blaming the lsd and take the man to a psychotherapist or something.

now since acid produces feeling and memories that are not exactly what they where ment to be meaning that day is over magnified in his head and it might just of ment nothing as easily as it could have been something the sure thing is lsd is not to blame


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
split the tab with your friend, have a sitter on mdma around and keep some valium and vitamineB complex around for emergencies. it doesnt sound like your friend is suicidal, more like hes impatient for his meds to work. if hes depressed keep him away from the charlie as the stimulant rebound is always in the wrong direction(a friend of mine put a house up her nose so im not a fan).and let him enjoy the experience!dont frett and fuss if it gets a bit weird. weird is normal, thats wot you pay for :roll:also: half a tab may be a bit of a dissapointment if hes been doing the research :idea:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366

I recognize that having an experienced guide is an ideal situation, but perhaps mindfukked knows someone who guides people or knows someone who knows someone. I mentioned it, because in my opinion, one shouldn't use psychedelics if one is unstable, unless with a proper guide. If this guide is unavailable, I would suggest waiting a bit or at least get a sober sitter.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
He's a pretty heavy smoker, experienced in shrooms, [...]

That totally qualifies him in my opinion. I always felt that shrooms were harder on me than lsd. I wouldn't take any psychedelic lightly, but shrooms have given me really hard times sometimes, very dark and nasty. LSD is a little brighter and more forgiving, I think.

btw. I think shrooming from time to time helps me with depression. I'm not suicidal, but I've been on meds for a year some time ago and I always have to be careful. Shrooming once in a while (especially strong trips) always stabilized me so far and gave me a happier feeling and a new outlook on life.