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Spacey Roll


Glandeuse pinéale
25 Oct 2006
I had the weirdest spacey roll the other night, curious to see if any other have as well!?

We showed up to the Massive at 10, dropped 1 Yellow Walkman each. They turned out to be kind of tweaky, and we took a second about 1130. Minimal MDMA i think, it was mostly uppity. we wanted to ROLL not tweak so we traded with our friend for a pink SOMETHING. We took it at about 100 and began to roll pretty hard. SCORE. So we were really into the music and it became hard to concentrate otherwise.

have you heard of E dreaming? Well, normally I barely get any and if I do its at the very end of the night, laying in bed talking. But I am wide awake at a rave!! On the ride home I started getting visuals, things twisting and flipping and zooming and morphing. Nothing hardcore psychedelic but weird none-the-less.

Jimmy asked me to talk to him while we were driving home @ 430 and I couldn’t stay in reality. He saw my spirit fly above me and visualized myself in space, before returning when we arrived at home.

But from the moment I started e dreaming, i couldn’t stay in reality, i kept fading away and snapping back only to fade away again mid-sentence.

Any one had anything similar? or am I bonkers?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Mai 2006
1 258
I pasted this from another topic I replied to. Visuals and trippy feelings on MDMA is perfectly normal and happens to anybody who has ever taken a decent amount of X.

http://img40.imageshack.us/my.php?image ... _et_al.jpg

In this chart you can see the metabolism of MDMA. 65% of the MDMA leaves your body unchanged.

35% is metabolized by your liver into MDA and some other metabolites.

Anyway, MDA is a psychedelic drugs which can cause vivid hallucinations and it IS psychedelic! MDMA on its own is not psychedelic, but the MDA metabolism makes it psychedelic. :)

If anybody wants to read about the pharmacology of MDMA:
A. Richard Green. The Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, "Ecstasy"). Pharmacol Rev 2003;55:463-508

Most interesting read. :)


Glandeuse pinéale
25 Oct 2006
Mostly I was weirded out because I am pretty damn experienced rolling. I have been totally gone before, more so than that, but never had the spacyness. Maybe it was MDA in them this time.

Sure was fucking funny! Haha, apparently I text messaged my mom at 6am to tell her I was safe and it came out something like: "We got im hope not being a pain ia." OOPS!!

NEXT DAY: "Sorry mom, I was asleep and Jimmy woke me up so I could text you, Damn I was tired."



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Mai 2006
1 258

Ofcourse there's always the possibility you had pure MDA pills.



Glandeuse pinéale
25 Oct 2006
It is a good chance they were, have gotten some odd ball beans from this guy before. Not too familiar with the effects of MDA, is it an upper, or would it be more mellow?

The pink MUSIC NOTES we had had a few weeks ago, and they were a little mellow, but fun and euphoric. The Yellows were really uppity. REALLY. As soon as it kicked it in my jaw was clenched. haha.

I got a guy out here that will custom mix any batch for colors, stamps, and drugs in them. Minimum order is a boat (1k) tho. If I had $4K Id go for it! Hahaha


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Juin 2004
1 974
I reallly don't expect it to be pure MDA :P
I think u just had more then enough MDMA :)
did u also see glasses on everyone's heads ??
like real glasses that are not there ??
thats what I had last time ... I even saw the reflection of lights in those "fake" glasses lol
if u pay attention to that next time,... u will see them also :D


Glandeuse pinéale
25 Oct 2006
duh me- I speak to freely, maybe more literally from now on. I figured not pure MDA, but thats like saying a tweaky pill is pure speed. Probably isnt, but feels like it.

The guy I WAS getting them from had extreme ones, either, REALLY mellow, or REALLY euphoric, or REALLY tweaky. never a nice blend. Needless to say, i am not going back to him, he bunked me at two raves with not bueno beans.

Is MDA a common usage in x? I am not sure...


Sale drogué·e
10 Juin 2006
E-dreaming is very weird.
When i'm laying in my bed on E i have the most random visuals without any meaning to it , completly useless hallucinations but funny in a way.

Or being half awake and when your close your eyes you instantly think your at that party again from that same night and when your open them you suddenly realises that you still in your room and when you close your eyes again and the whole thing happens again. :retard:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Mai 2006
1 258
MDA is not rare, but it's fairly uncommon.

ProStoner, I've come acress a batch of pure MDA pills 2 times in about 3 years. I have basically all my pills tested, so it's for sure. :) However, MDA is becoming less and less common.

The big disadvantage of MDA is that it's 25% more neurotoxic than MDMA.


Glandeuse pinéale
25 Oct 2006
....I read an article saying that the testing kits are not much of a reliable source, only that they can detect MDMA, but not strength or other stuff. Do you have any experience with them? Is it a good investment?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Juin 2004
1 974
well 1 more reason to get the pure mdma stuff if u ask me :)


I've been looking my ass off for MDA...
I'm really interested in it, but for 1 time only, just like ket.


9 Juin 2006
....I read an article saying that the testing kits are not much of a reliable source, only that they can detect MDMA, but not strength or other stuff.

but in holland you can send them to a laboratory to get them tested..and then you'll know for shure...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
I have done quite some pills between '95 and '99 and I only got some weird hallucinations once, on my first experience. They were auditory only, interestingly. I had been on a rave, had had one pill, and on the way home smoked a chillum of weed with two friends. When walking home I could hear german folk music coming from an open window. However the open window seemed to follow me as I heard the music all the way home. I still heard it when I was in my bed, trying to sleep. ;)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
29 Mai 2006
1 076
E-dreaming rarely happens to me when I've used only xtc. But a time when I used 98% pure MDMA the effects of E-dreaming were a lot more intense. You are in a confused state, not aware of the things around you, in a spacey trance-like state of mind. What often happens to me is that because my eyes are out of focus, I have a hard time recognizing objects, so what happens is my brains interpret the object for something totally diffirent. But when you get really messed up, you start getting vivid hallucinations :p

edit: Prostoner, I've experienced the same thing when you look at other people into their eye's, you see a thick dark outline making it look like they're wearing glasses. Quite funny when it happens :lol:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Juin 2004
1 974
yeah indeed :D
but they are so incredibly vivid , I also saw weird bubbles forming on my wall
and sometimes the walls got different colors
I guess we had some good shit huh :D