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Space cake


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Sept 2003
1 102
Hey guys, any one of you has a good "space cake" recepie?
I've searched the net for recepies, but they lack some personal touch... and here I think we can discuss it better.

Any ideas?


Glandeuse pinéale
30 Déc 2003
Well, try to find a regular household cookbook for starters. See if it has a recipe for chocolate cake. If not, get the recipe for a regular cake and add melted (dark) chocolate. Get all the usual ingredients plus 5 grs of hash. Don't get weed, get hash. This DOES make a difference!! Usually the ingredients are: eggs, flower, sugar, milk and butter. Now, take the butter and heat it up in a little saucepan. You don't want it to get too hot, but it has to melt completely. Then, add the hash. Yep, that's right, aaaaall the hash /forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Now, all you have to do is stir and if the butter's hot enough you will see the hash melt. Keep stirring until all of the hash has melted... then stir some more /forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Ok, now put this in the fridge and wait a few hours until it's back to regular butter, with a little brownish colour /forum/images/graemlins/wink.gif
And now, you probably guessed, use this butter to make your chocolate cake! If your cake's ready, devide it into 5 pieces. 1 piece per person always does the trick!!

This cake not only tastes heavenly, it's also very, very strong. I used to make it for my friends, and I have known some of them who started to hallucinate (slightly) on this cake.
... not for the faint of heart /forum/images/graemlins/wink.gif


Glandeuse pinéale
6 Jan 2004
If you really wanna trip on oral weed/hash try hashmilk. For one person: heat up a cup of milk, get e good powedery hash, never use more than 0.25 grams for your first try (test the hashish). Put it in a glass. Ad a spoon of butter to the heating milk. pour in the glass, add some sugar, vannilla, honey, what ever to give it a nice taste ... cheers ! if it's not succesfull, try 0.35 grams of the same hashish next time and try to build up, but never use more than 0.5 g's , it can be verry overwhelming (just try to get good hash ok /forum/images/graemlins/wink.gif)


Elfe Mécanique
17 Oct 2003
yep, it can be strong. i remember my first time i ate hashish, 1st class spanish chocolate (well, actually i don't remember much). i ate about 1,5 gram, an 1/2hour later it started to kick in, the next thing i remember was getting up from the middle of a dancefloor in valencia some 6 hours later. i later heard from friends i was really freaking out, but total black-out isn't something to search for.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Sept 2003
1 102
One time I ws eating some space cake with friends, and we went to a party in a pub near here. I remember that we were the first to arrive, and the last to leave, and I dont remember what happened the time we were there. Total blackout too /forum/images/graemlins/smile.gifI think we were standing still for hours...

There must be a way to use it without blackouts, making the experience something usefull... right?


Glandeuse pinéale
30 Déc 2003
Hehe, I remember (well, actually I don't remember) the first time I took space cake. I was in my last year of secondary school and one day we went to an opera. I ate a big piece of space cake about half an hour before we left. The cake started to kick in while we were on the bus and I just couldn't stop laughing. When we arrived at the opera I just sat down and was to stoned to keep my head straight, so I just let it hang down /forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif

They woke me up 2hrs30mins later and I remember saying "Is it finished already?" I had a complete blackout. I thought I had sat there for only ten minutes.

I ended up feeling spaced out for 3 days... /forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif


Elfe Mécanique
17 Oct 2003
heh, it's seems like everyone here blacks out on his first spaceflight.

the only way to prevent blackouts is the lower the dose /forum/images/graemlins/wink.gif


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Déc 2003
1 154
Why no weed ? I had some spacecookies in Switzerland, and they were awesome !!! These cookies did the trick ! My girlfriend had just 1 bite and was completely gone ! I had to walk with here for 3 hours ! I ate a cookie and within 1,5 hours the lights went out ! Could not do anything anymore, just sit back and enjoy the ride ! A shoebox full of weed for 2 kilos of butter did the trick !


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Sept 2003
1 102
I've tried once to do a space cake with some weak weed, and the effects were not noticeble. In that night we smoked a lot of hash and weed, and the effects of the cake were, at least for me, unnoticeble.
On the other hand, every time I eat space cake with hash, the effects take sometime to kick, but when they kick... holly cow!!


Elfe Mécanique
22 Jan 2003
There is no hash in my area but I make killer space brownies with Cannibutter.. ohhhhh man! Now I'm hungry! You bastard!!! hahahaha

Looks like I'm baking up my spiecal recipie tonight. Spaced out Mud Slide Brownies... Yum Yum Yum!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Sept 2003
1 102
So you first do the butter with cannabis, then you do a cake with it?


Glandeuse pinéale
30 Déc 2003
Yes, but if you are going to use weed, make sure to let it simmer in the butter for at least an hour!! (probably more) to let all of the THC dissolve into the butter. That's why hash is easier, it only takes 15 minutes to dissolve.

Also, hash and chocolate go well together, weed has a funny taste when eaten.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Déc 2003
1 154
just put up a pan of water, put butter in it, let it simmer for 1,5 hour, afterwards poor the butter in an old pantyhose, press the butter out so you won't get leaves and wood in your cake, and voila ! Butter !! You can use it for pancakes, cake, cookies, brownies, anything you can bake in an oven and needs butter ! But, if you are going to use chocolate, use the hash ! It's a far more better taste !

Good luck & let us know how it went ! Better, sent me some cake, so I can judge for myself !

/forum/images/graemlins/lolwsign.gif /forum/images/graemlins/crazy.gif /forum/images/graemlins/dancing222.gif


Yes, but if you are going to use weed, make sure to let it simmer in the butter for at least an hour!! (probably more) to let all of the THC dissolve into the butter. That's why hash is easier, it only takes 15 minutes to dissolve.

Also, hash and chocolate go well together, weed has a funny taste when eaten.

man, you don't even need to make butter of it, not with weed, and certainly not with hasj.

Hasj tastes very good in cake btw /forum/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Sept 2003
1 102
The cakes that I made, with hash, were very nice, but I dont have the recepie any more, but it seems that I can use any recepie. I've done one chocolate cake that was really nice, but we used weed instead of hash, and the weed was not very nice... and therefore the effects were very mild. Now I will use some hash, and try to make a new cake.

By the way, if using good weed or hash, is it a good idea to "spend" it on a cake? Is is better to smoke it or eat it?

I'm getting tired of smoking the sme old bad hash that I get around here... and sometimes I fell like experimenting on other methods of consumption... heheheh


Glandeuse pinéale
30 Déc 2003
I used to use pretty crappy hash to make cake. At least, it was crappy when smoked, but when I ate it... blew my mind


I used to use pretty crappy hash to make cake. At least, it was crappy when smoked, but when I ate it... blew my mind

me too /forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif

or else the cake is way too expensive /forum/images/graemlins/smirk.gif


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Sept 2003
1 102
Well, so I have all the advantages on having bad hash... Hehehe
I will do one more cake... i'm ungry /forum/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Déc 2003
1 154
you do have to make butter, otherwise the THC won't work properly !! After heating, the THC will stuck to the fat of the butter. If you just throw it in, it will not work as good as butter !! Trust me, i've eaten some cookies from profs who make cookies every month, and allready 5 people had to walk it of in a couple of hours !!!! Totally gone !! My advise : make the butter, it's also told in every recepie I've seen !!! THC only works when it's heated above 86 degrees Celcius !!! Then the THC will stick to the butter !

AND HERE'S THE RECEPIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!

This article will be devoted totally to the making of fine space cake. For those of you out there who prefer eating to smoking joints, this article is especially for you. A great advantage to eating space cakes is that the nausea felt with smoking can be avoided, plus of course, theres no lung damage either. Another advantage is that you tend to stay stoned for a much longer time from eating space cakes than from smoking a joint. That's because all the THC is contained in the cake and is taken up entirely by the body. Nothing gets lost. Whereas that's not the case with smoking.

1] Before you start, weigh out a quantity of dry leaf shake.
2] Next, take a large soup pot and fill it with water and add the dry leaf shake.
3] Make sure that the leaf shake gets submerged and thoroughly soaked. Use a flat spoon to press the leaf shake under the water.
4] Once the leaf shake is completely soaked, add the butter to the mixture.
5] Keep stirring during the cooking process. After 2.5 -3 hours the leaf shake, water and butter have turned into a thick greenish soup.

Many people still view space cake as dangerous stuff because you can never be sure if the THC has been well mixed through the whole cake. Also the fact that is takes more than an hour and a half to begin to take effect and then suddenly gets you very high or stoned. Some people have had cause to regret having eaten a few pieces like an ordinary cake and then losing it for a whole day as a consequence. That's where the danger lurks for those sweet toothed ones among you - never eat too much - especially if it's a good space cake. The number of slices that's safe to eat depends of course on the potency of the cake so in this article I am going to present recipe ideas for cake with information about the appropriate dosages. If you keep to these tips, then you can be sure of a safe trip.

Essential ingredient before you can actually start to make a cake, is to gather together a lot of dry leaf shake (the left over leaf ends from trimming buds). This is undoubtedly the most important ingredient of the whole cake - considering it is a space cake!
As opposed to what's reported in many recipes I prefer not to use the large green leaves in the production of my space cakes. I only use those smaller leaves and leftovers that are nonetheless richly covered in THC. In fact, this leaf shake contains a considerably high content of THC, so you don't need much for one good cake. If you should choose to use the big fan leaves, then you will require a considerably larger quantity to achieve the same effect. However, there is an exception to this rule. And that is that some marihuana sorts that are cultivated indoors tend to produce such a quantity of THC that even the larger leaves are partly covered in crystals. If you were lucky enough to have something like that, then of course it would make sense to use those with a high concentration of crystals.

Now it is necessary to dry the shake or the leaves that are richly covered in THC. Drying is important, as all we need to use is 20% of the original weight. In other words, 80% of the weight of the damp leaf shake should be allowed to escape through evaporation. Therefore you will also require less volume in the cooking pot. Another advantage to using well-dried shake is that you can keep it for longer with less chance of mould developing.

Once you've gathered up enough dry leaf shake for the job, we can get to work. Take a large pot (content between 10-12 litres) and put it onto a plate on your gas or electrical oven, hot plate or other source of heating. Fill it with water. Measure off 100g of shake and chuck it into the pot. Let it absorb the water until it is thoroughly soaked. Now you can let it come to the boil with the water. You will notice after a while that the water starts to foam, and so it should, it's coming to the boil! Once the water has reached boiling point, lower the temperature of the heat source to prevent the pot and it's contents from boiling over. It's time to add a blob of butter to the water and shake mixture. For a dosage of 100 grams of shake, you will need 400 grams of butter. Allow the butter to melt slowly so that shake, butter and water soon resemble a thick greenish soup. It is very important to stir the mixture in the pot frequently so that everything gets thoroughly mixed together.

1] After the cooking time is up, pour the mixture through an ordinary household colander so that all you keep is the liquid.
2] The liquid is now dark brown almost black in colour. It is obvious therefore, that the leaf shake was top quality stuff.
3] To speed up the setting of the butter, you can place the bowl in the refrigerator. Allow it to stand overnight.
4] Once the weed butter has completely set, loosen it from the inside of the bowl with the edge of a sharp knife.

During this cooking process, the shake starts to release a smell that has a very strong odour reminiscent of spinach with that sharp sweetness of skunk. It is not exactly a nice smell and takes some getting used to. Think about your neighbours too! In some cases it is actually better not to turn on the extractor fan, especially if the outlet is situated near a door or wall. Otherwise the chance is great that this pungent hemp smell will quickly pervade and overwhelm the whole street. Be smart too and don't go cooking up this odour too close to where your plantation is situated. It's wise not to take any chances. Can you imagine the horror of having your plantation busted just because you fancied to bake some fine space cake!

Of course you can also choose to cook up this leaf shake and butter mixture outdoors on a camping gas burner. By doing this, you avoid the powerful smell as the strong smelling stuff just blows away on the breeze. However, if you do choose to cook outdoors, then please don't make it too obvious and do find a sheltered place, free from wind, rain or noisy neighbours. It certainly would look a bit strange if in the middle of winter, were you to be observed standing in your garden cooking up your secret recipe on a small gas burner!

The whole process of cooking the leaf shake and butter mixture takes quite a considerable amount of time. In total you must let this soup cook gently for 2.5 - 3 hours. By this means it is possible to separate all the crystals from the leaf mass. Once the soup has simmered for two to three hours, strain the mixture of water, butter and weed, through an ordinary household colander. It is important here to ensure that all the leaf mass stays in the strainer so that all that's left are the water and butter. Use the back of a large flat spoon to press the remaining moisture out of the leaf shake that is still in the colander.

Now you must let the bowl of water and butter cool slowly. The easiest way to achieve this is to place the bowl in a cool place, like the cellar for example, or a shed or refrigerator. Naturally you need to close off the bowl with a lid or cover of some sort to ensure that no dirt can get in. The cooling of the butter easily takes the whole night to set properly. Through the cooling process the THC crystals attach themselves to the butter and so together, the THC crystals and butter molecules rise to the surface of the water. So in fact, the coagulating butter actually sieves the THC crystals from the water. Once the butter has set, its colour will no longer resemble the original. It should have become a greenish brown colour. It is quite an art to lift the set butter from off the water again. The best way to go about it is to use the point of a sharp knife to cut it loose from the inside the bowl. Once the sides have been freed from the inside of the bowl, it becomes a matter of slipping a large spoon under the butter and lifting it carefully out of the water. You do want to exercise great care with this task, as it is not nice when the butter slips below the water level, or even worse, falls on the floor!

If the whole process went smoothly, from 400g of butter and 100g of weed leaf shake, you should retain 300g of pure weed butter. This butter is all that you will require as it forms the basis for a multitude of recipes for space cakes, bonbons, cookies, breads or even pancakes. All meant to get you high or totally spaced out.

I will only handle the baking of one space cake in this article, but I will certainly be handling the many other possibilities for use of this wondrous weed butter in some of my future articles. Weed butter can be kept for many years so that is ideal especially when you consider the amount of space a box of weed butter will take up in the freezer compared to the space taken up by a load of frozen space cake. Beside that, it is not strictly necessary to make a cake from this butter. There do exist die-hards who will simply smear some weed butter directly onto toast or a slice of bread. The thought of making cakes or some other dish is simply too much work to them, as they want to get high more directly. Personally, my preference extends to a superb space cake and so I will describe my favourite recipe.

1] Using a large flat spoon, you can scoop the weed butter out of the water.
2] Finally, presenting - high quality weed butter.
3] Now that the weed butter has been made, you can start to make the cake.
4] Placing the flour, 50g of weed butter and the other ingredients into the mixing bowl.

For making and baking of my space cakes I always use 50g of weed butter per cake. In my opinion, this is the ideal quantity necessary, especially if you've used good quality leaf shake during the proceeding weed/butter cooking process. The size of the cake is also a factor. For a normal cake form that makes a cake of approximately 15 slices, you will need 50g of weed butter. I do not recommend using more than 50 grams. Once you are accustomed to the cake, it is better to eat two slices at one time than to make a stronger dose. Apart from that, it also means those among your friends, who may be less adventurous or experienced with space cake, can also enjoy a slice without immediately feeling displaced.
Always be aware that your storage place for both the cake and the butter (considerably stronger) are safe, especially if there are small children in the environs or others who may just assume it is an ordinary cake. Space cake consumed by an innocent can have devastating consequences which I will not go into here and now. Even if a piece should fall on the floor, make sure no-one gets it not even the dog. It's extremely dangerous for dogs and could even mean your pets final snack. Be even more careful should the weed butter fall on the floor, mainly because it contains a much higher concentration of THC than in a space cake. In short- don't be sorry just stay aware!

Before you actually start making the cake, it is necessary to make sure all the ingredients have been allowed to reach room temperature. It's also the time to pre-warm the oven to 160C making sure the rack is placed in the middle of the oven. The temperatures for different types of ovens are as follows, an electrical oven should be at 140C and gas oven on gas mark 2-3. While you're waiting, you can prepare the cake tin by rubbing it in with ordinary butter and then sprinkling in a fine layer of flour. This helps with removing the baked space cake from the tin later. Once you have done these essential preparations, its time to make cake!

In order to bake a space cake, you will need one packet of cake mix, the type you would use for an ordinary cake. A 500g pack of this flour is sufficient for two cakes. Further to that you will need three eggs, 0.5dl milk (about 4 spoons) and the usual butter. Because we are going to include 100g of weed butter (2 cakes), remember to reduce the quantity of ordinary butter required by this same quantity. If you forget to do that, then the cake mixture will be too thin and it will be difficult to bake a good space cake from it. Again - if the recipe requires 200g of ordinary butter, then you will use, 100g of good butter and 100g of prime weed butter, so that you still total 200g ok!

Use a standard electrical hand mixer in order to make the cake batter. Its so much more effective than trying to do the job by hand. Besides that, such a mixer also ensures the even distribution of the THC throughout the whole of the cake mixture. In this way you can be sure that every slice will have the same potency. Should you fail to mix thoroughly enough and then bake a space cake from it, the chance is high that you will get a cake where one half has no effect will the other half gives a double kick. I can assure you that such a cake is no pleasure, considering how from one slice you get nothing and from another you can end up out of it altogether. To prevent this situation, it is very necessary to mix the two different butters well together with sugar and vanilla. For a bit of extra flavour you can add some gratings from an orange or lemon peel. This gives the cake a nice fresh taste. Mix all these ingredients together to form a nice light coloured creamy mass. Now you can start adding the eggs, one by one, through the cake batter. Once the last egg is in, rev the mixer up to the high stand and let it work for five minutes. Then you can start adding the milk and the flour in alternative amounts to the mix. Once all of that is in, keep running the mixer through the batter until everything is smoothly combined. The cake mixture is now ready for the baking tins. Once you've managed to scrape it out and divide it evenly between the two pans, spread it evenly over the top. This makes sure that the heat is evenly distributed and that the cakes will take on a balanced shape.
Place the cakes in the middle of the hot oven for about an hour and fifteen minutes (75 minutes) and bake them until they are golden brown. The space cakes are ready when you can prick them with something sharp like a fondue fork or cocktail stick and it comes out clean. So if the cake is ready, it's time to take it out the oven. Let them sit in the baking tins for a further five minutes once they are out of the oven, before attempting to remove them.

1] For a nice fresh flavour, you can add some orange peel gratings to the cake batter. Lemon is also nice.
2] Once the mixer is going, you can prepare the baking tins by rubbing them with butter. This helps to get the baked cake out of the baking tin later.
3] Once the cake batter has been well mixed, you can pour it into the baking form. Spread it out evenly and smooth off the top.
4] Baking the space cakes in the oven
5] The final result! A delicious chocolate space cake and a plain space cake. Plenty to keep you going for many mellow hours.

If you like chocolate cake, my own favourite, then you can add some cocoa powder to the mixture after you have added the flour. Do mix it in well. When I use cocoa, I normally leave out the orange peel. The quantity of added cocoa is up to your own personal preference. I usually add some without precise measurement, just keep an eye on the colour of the batter. The darker it gets, the more like cocoa the cake will taste.

Now that you have removed the baking tin from the cake, you will see that this space cake looks no different from any other cake. This is where the real danger lies! If you should leave the space cake standing around in your kitchen, it is sure to tempt some unknowing person.
There are people who think that this is an ideal prank to play on unsuspecting others. Examples of victims are school teachers (of course) or those irritating colleagues at work. What could be easier than offering them a piece of cake? The result is disorientated teaching staff or work associates, who may stress out enough to believe that they are actually dying. Make no mistake - the consequences of marihuana space cake on an unsuspecting person, especially one who has no prior experience with being high or stoned in any form, can be really scary, especially if they are not aware of what has overcome them.
Above all, it is punishable by law to pull suchlike pranks. Silly pranks of that sort can all too easily get seriously out of hand. Being fired from the job or kicked out of school are some of the minor results. You may very well find yourself explaining to a judge and gaining a criminal record. And that has lifelong consequences. That is the last thing any of us needs, so I strongly advise everyone against the misuse of space cake.

There are a few cold months still to come which brings plenty of opportunity to stay indoors and bake yourself a delicious and potent space cake. Once you get the hang of the making, there's nothing to beat one's own freshly homemade space cake!


Sale drogué·e
13 Nov 2003
u can extract the hash with ethanol (90% ethanol 10% methanol mixed with the hash, then u filter, and then u let evaporate the alcool):

resulting of loosing 80% of the weight, and keeping 80% or more of the thc.

hash oil disolves quite well in butter
(at least 10 times better than hash)