soooo, does anyone know where to find cacti in canada?


Sale drogué·e
i know this site isnt meant for suppliers.. but when i was living in the states there was a really good source from peru $90 for 900grams.. but they dont ship to canada! can anyone help me out?
Google search "buy peyote canada"or "buy san pedro cactus Canada". You shouldn't have a problem finding what you are looking for.
i know for a fact that CANADA is pretty much the worlds No.2 country next to the Chihuahuan desert for Growing and Respecting the Lophophora species they have places that grow non-stop Lophophora.
its a beautiful thing.
preserving a beautiful and powerful plant when alot of the world would make laws to eradicate it.

Have we not lost too much of our Planets details already?

Si a search on google should bring you much luck.
Although Canada may have done well, there is a guy in Germany who has done an AMAZING job of collecting seeds for preservation of the species and helping to allow people to grow from an external source .. . IE, not from wild harvests. There are several other sites where good seed is available including Kada's Garden, Devine Cactus, MagiCactus and the guy I mentioned, my favorite :