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Something to make life in school less boring



have you stopped to ask why is school boring ?
because you are boring as well ?
taking some drugs is always the answer, so i'd say try cyanide, it is fast and will make time run. just be sure to get authentic cyanide and let us know.

edit: and take phalaris advice. when i finished my last grade in highschool, in math class, i learnt do to sailor knots (with a rope), and they have been quite handy. in biology class, i flirted with a girl over and over, just for the fun of it, because she was way out of my league (like a top-model body and pretttty face), and still, i managed to finish the year (i still wonder how) and get some free time to meet that girl outside school, doing some sports...no more will i be such an athlete!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Mar 2006
2 454
karlo0o I think that you are very bored! I do not know how college works in Sweden but in Croatia college is picked by you, in way of yours interests like doctor, engineer, musician. Maybe you are going to the wrong school!? Can you use one year of freedom? Why I am asking all of this? Cause lot's of my friends including me were misguided with opiates. And what happened? Only couple of us (fyu us, Band of Brothers) seceded at start to cheat death, after that lowered our tolerance and addiction and at the end some of us fyu of fyu, get out!
Are you maybe one of the middle man guys? No one see you? Feel little lonely? If you have such thoughts consider depression as causing factor!? Try to test yourself with many of Internet test pages. Have you ever talked bout that with college conciliar? Drugs aren't for you in this situation. Believe me cause year from now when addiction consume you it will be much harder to maintain sanity. Drugs never solves problems, ONLY DEEPER THEM! Especially in your case. Please PM me what truly bothers you. Cause I see that school isn't only what is fucking with you. I would like to help you. No shame to ask help. Doctor, forum, me. But drugs aren't solution for you. Some use to expand your mind or maybe to lower your social inhibitions with girls-people-guys, to enhance party feeling can't make damage but for covering problems or to speed up time to the line where waits your death time is obscure and suicidal! :) PM me.


Glandeuse pinéale
31 Jan 2008
I would say that u need to just relax more at school. u say when ur at home doing nothing time goes by. and if u ask me at home doing nothing is more relaxed than trying to work as hard as possible. i mean do your work. but calmly. and like other people said dont look at time or wear a watch.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
the problem with time is that is extremely elastic, like they say in Indoland Jam Karet (time is elastic....and with this excuse they manage to get 1 hour late to appointments :P) anyway the problem is that time is addictive too the more you feel it slow the more you want to watch a watch and hope it goes faster...almost like a bad trip. so drugs as all the people before me said won't do you any good. what you gotta do really is stop wearing watches and stop looking at the clock on the wall during the time you are in class. really make an effort to not look at the watch and as all the others said before me look at girls or boys (depends on your taste) draw, space out, play games on you handphone. truly the more you think of time the more it will slow.
because time, i believe "feels" that is being "observed" and every time you think about it it will slow down heeding your call, weather you want it or not, if you ignore time it will flow faster and faster because it will mean you won't need it.
free yourself of time throw away all watches and if there are wall-clocks look at something that sexually attracts you (boobs, ass, pack, whatever you like)
But PLEASE PLEASE do not use drugs to solve problems such as this.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
dunno, lately i'm having a hard time believing in pure coincidence, i'm starting to believe in "conditioned coincidence" wich is something like fate but not absolutely god guided like fate.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
I took up drawing comics, graphic novels i guess. It was awesome and improved my drawing skills substantially. basically stuffed paper into my binders and did it in every class when i got bored, sat near the back.

then i got wrapped up in the storytelling part of making the comic.. and wanted to go to class just so i could finish my story. that can sure pass the time! only got caught once, sorta.. hehe

and yes, hot girls in the class, take advantage of it, it only lasts a few more years :D i was way too socially inept in high school though, if i could only go back, if only :D


27 Jan 2008


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
I have always been good at just staring out the window, letting my thoughts flow. I hardly ever got bored in school that way, even if I couldn't stand the subject. I have always been fairly good, so it wasn't that bad when I didn't pay attention from time to time. But mostly I just listened and thought about what was being discussed - it saved me a lot of studying at home because I could remember stuff from when they were talked about in class.


Alpiniste Kundalini
2 Mar 2007
I hate my school. Most of the subjects really suck ass.Well, not the subjects themselves, but the way they're put in by teachers. But man, never have I been bored as much as you are apparenlty..Sorry but I think that being under influence of drugswhile in school is extremely irresponsible and foolish :!:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
tryptonaut a dit:
I have always been good at just staring out the window, letting my thoughts flow. I hardly ever got bored in school that way, even if I couldn't stand the subject. I have always been fairly good, so it wasn't that bad when I didn't pay attention from time to time. But mostly I just listened and thought about what was being discussed - it saved me a lot of studying at home because I could remember stuff from when they were talked about in class.

same here :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Avr 2006
4 228
Tryptonaut, i also remembered a lot from the lessons themselves so i also didn't have to study much...
But now i have to proces huge amounts of learning material, and having not studied a lot in the past, this is really hard for me...
When i read an interesting book or when i take a class that interests me, i just like automatically absorb the knowledge, but when i have to do it on command it doesn't work. :roll:

So it doesn't hurt to study once in a while so you know how to do it. :P


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
ut now i have to proces huge amounts of learning material, and having not studied a lot in the past, this is really hard for me...
When i read an interesting book or when i take a class that interests me, i just like automatically absorb the knowledge, but when i have to do it on command it doesn't work. Rolling Eyes

That's exactly why I quit university - I had been good at school without ever really having to study. At university there was no choice but to study a lot at home - and I found out I really deeply hate that kind of "learning". You don't benefit from squeezing information into your skull when you don't process it with real interest - some people can do it, I couldn't! I did a practical job training for "mediadesigner video/audio" after I quit and interestingly half of my class (there was still some school) had gone through the exactly same process... good at school, hated university, wanted to be in a creative job :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
I was in the "e" set in maths at grammar school untill i got another teacher and then i shot up to the "a" set . If the teacher is good he makes any class interesting so people listen and learn . Unfortunately most of my teachers were boring old farts .


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
School can become somewhat tiresome and monotonous quite easily, especially when interesting paradigms are being examined with a lack of vigour and enthusiasm, or a wealth of absolutism and proprietary.
Even more so when coherent learning is regressed to some kind of cram and repeat procedure that merely renders personal exploration and understanding redundant.

If the subject matter that is being explained or examined is much too cumbersome, superficial or tedious, just search elsewhere for adequate stimulation of your mind. The internet is a great resource for this, if you have access to it during class, although it shouldn’t substitute your studies inherent within the curriculum, but should rather be cross referenced with them for a better and broader consideration and recognition.

There is a variation between knowing, and understanding;
Just as there is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.
Use the tools and guides at your disposal to aid your exploration, not substitute it.
Indulge in possibility rather than conviction.



Sale drogué·e
16 Mai 2007
GOD a dit:
I was in the "e" set in maths at grammar school untill i got another teacher and then i shot up to the "a" set . If the teacher is good he makes any class interesting so people listen and learn . Unfortunately most of my teachers were boring old farts .

It's worth trying to make a lesson interesting, together with your classmates, even if you have a boring teacher.
It isn't always the teacher who is the bad guy.
If the class don't cooperates then it'll never be interesting.