snorting shroom powder...

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion osuruk
  • Date de début Date de début
No, but maybe you can try it, you'll be a pioneer!
Don't the shrooms need to be digested for them to have any effects anyway ?

EDIT : Wooot, this is my 500th post !

...still far away from Space though :D
I don't know anyone who tried it.. and t.b.h. I don't see why it would be more pleasant or something.

Btw grats on your 500th post Tiax ;)
Tiax a dit:
EDIT : Wooot, this is my 500th post !

...still far away from Space though :D

Hey, that probably means you have a life outside this forum :mrgreen:
I must out myself here
...........................................................I tried it . It was fucking horrible . Worse than drinking a liter of my own piss .I was hard to get the last bits out of the corners .Exactly what a NORMAL person would expect . Try sniffing instant potatoes ( I HAVE NOT DONE IT !!!) or coffee powder . Or cement . It dont work .

I tried sniffing grass and hash powder to..............................1 time .

I must admit that i lied in my last post........I did sniff the instant potatoes , the coffee and the cement , but i didnt want to admit it because i forgot to put my green socks on and the plastic bag over my head first . I was frightened that i might ruin my chances of getting the nobel dickhead prize for people who answer stupid questions .

I must admit that i lied in my last post........I did sniff the instant potatoes , the coffee and the cement , but i didnt want to admit it because i forgot to put my green socks on and the plastic bag over my head first . I was frightened that i might ruin my chances of getting the nobel dickhead prize for people who answer stupid questions .

Yes , at least that bit is true . I had tried eating 3 medium sized flyagarics and wanted to see if the "rumors" in the scene were true , that you could drink the urine from someone who had taken flyagarics and get a trip . It does not work . Theoreticaly yes practicaly NO . The drug content in urine is so low that one would have to drink to much to quick for ones body to assimilate(?) it and get "high?". Or one would have to boil it down and concentrate it before drinking it or maybe crystalise it out and sniff it . I suppose you could fix it but thats even to far for me .


Gandi used to drink a dose of his own piss a day , its not uncommon in india . It strengthens the imune system . I´ve also tried it with LSD wich does not work either .
nice.....NOT i'm a big time fly agaric user but i never even think of recycling from urine...i gave back to nature....i never even snorted... :\ c' my life i've snorted only tobacco ...and it HURT...sure did...nnever doing it again sir.....not doing
BUT I've tryed SMOKIN'em (3 hits..i dun even know how i got that far)
it tarred my lungs like hell and i felt my throat burn just like noobs on their first hit
the taste was awful and i had a bt that kicked 5 seconds afterwards felt like poo for two days.....bad, bad experience...
Why the hell would anyone want fungus up their nose? Snorting doesn't always make highs 'better' or more intense, and in this you probably won't feel a thing(besides the infection you are likely to get).

But since Psilocine&Psilocybine are quite similar to DMT, It would be a nice idea to extract some and smoke it pure :shock: . If taken a high enough dose, that will surely blast you into hyperspace(maybe even similar to the 'void' :shock: ).
GOD a dit:
Gandi used to drink a dose of his own piss a day , its not uncommon in india . It strengthens the imune system . I´ve also tried it with LSD wich does not work either .
