Smoking the leaves of sage.

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
Hello, I wanted to ask you something: I read a lot about salvia, but I wanted to hear the opinion of someone who uses this magical plant. you can smoke the dried leaves of sage? Effects?
Many people say that the leaves do not produce smoke effects .. Is this true?
Sorry for the bad english ;)
Does not produce smoke effects, what exactly do you mean? Anything that burns produces smoke, and Salvia sure does.

Well, the effects are ... widely spread, honestly. Just like any other psychedelic, every trip can differ from the previous one. The experiences I have had with Salvia have all been rather low in hallucinations (compared to, say, a hefty dose of psilocybin mushrooms or LSD/LSA), yet very distinct. The immediate presence of an Other (other than the "regular" Other...) has always been felt, yet I haven't had the moment to interact with lady Salvia due to my trips almost always being cut short because of someone else entering the home or somesuch. Salvia taught me a lot during these trips, though, about the most spaced-out things that I could never think of coming from a trip like that; mostly notable about Quantum Mechanics. also taught me that it doesn't like to be burnt. Smoking the leaves (or extracts, there are many forms of Salvia to get your paws on over the web) feels like smoking the bones of a Saint: somehow just right but also painfully wrong. I would suggest you get some fresh leaves and make them into a squid for oral consumption. Basically, you take 20 or so nice leaves (if they are dry, just soak them in water for a couple of minutes), roll them into a ball and place them in your mouth. Lie down in darkness for twenty minutes, during which you slowly chew this incredibly awful-tasting ball of goo in your mouth, and try not to either throw up or swallow the juices. You just want it to circulate in your mouth. After 20 (or 30, I can't remember, but I'm sure you can find a better instruction somewhere else on the web, just google traditional use of salvia or something), spit the squid out into a bowl (try not to spill any of the juices on your bedspread or clothes; it's very foul-smelling and brown), lay back down and open your mind.

...if you laugh, you scare her away. Be open about the whole. Close your eyes behind closed eyelids, yet expect to see something. for the effects. Well, if you look at the youtube, you see mostly people smoking out of a bong and going blank, then getting startled about something that isn't there (even though She is...) then continuing to LoL about or just go nuts (I like the guy who escapes through a closed window...). Don't follow their example; don't visually record your trip. It sucks it dry.