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sleep deprivation


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
16 Oct 2008
2 174
Ive never pushed myself too hard to the point that i couldnt take it but i can see how it could be used as a psychonautic method
as when i find myself very sleep deprived i move into an almost entirely different perspective and think thoughts i wouldnt normally think, it really is as if i've taken some kind of drug, only not any drug ive ever had before

so im wondering what your experiences with sleep deprivation are?
positive or negative

ive had aboooout 20 minutes sleep last night and the night before i cant remember how much but it was like a decent sleep without being a long sleep...maybe 5 hours i dont actually know what time i fell asleep

but im buzzin out a little bit on this (drug free)
bit of bad bit of good involved, had some thoughts i would consider retarded come into my head haha but at the same time ive been entirely open to going through these retarded thoughts even if they are dumb, its like ive turned off a filter of some kind
only i also notice my basic motor skills have suffered slightly, for example typing this is becoming a chore because my fingers keep hitting the wrong keys or not tapping them hard enough

so im gona go have a smoke and go to bed because i dont much feel like testing this further tonight and my eyes are really dry now
however if i cant find much info on it i might give it a shot another time (on purpose) and do some introspection or something on this kind of 'high'
rather odd feeling

ignore me if im babbling....lol
Nite ZzZzZz


Alpiniste Kundalini
7 Oct 2010
Hey Crimzen, I used to be a big fan of sleep deprivation when I was younger. It definitely affects your thinking and I used to find a lot of ordinary things extremely funny when sleep deprived. I used to look forward to the effects of sleep deprivation (especially when combined with weed) after big nights on LSD or speed.

I find now however that it just takes too much out of me and I generally end up catching a cold or something when I push myself like that, getting older sucks in some ways.


Sleep deprivation to me certainly changes the way i think and enhances my creativity.

Like LSD,Mushrooms and meditation etc. Sleep deprivation has the ability to remove this mental "block" i have.

When this is removed I have a much more creative mind and way of thinking.

Generally i will only stay up for 24 hrs without sleep and this is enough for me to notice a dramatic change in the way I'm thinking and acting and this is perfect for me to write and draw. Since my memory gets rather shot after lack of sleep i don't usually remember writing or what i wrote at least and its interesting to read from a sober well rested point of view. A few times this has changed my life and made me do some Positive yet dramatic changes :wink:

The longest i had stayed up without sleep was around 3 days i lost track of time completely could have been 2 1/2 or 3 1/2.. felt like 3 tho :rolleyes: At this point without sleep anyway i was starting to become delirious and experience very vivid hallucinations not exactly a good kind because of my mindset at that time and how fragile it was these visions scared me, Some of what i can remember was snakes and mice under my dining table and "people" standing outside that were not really there after confirming with the only other people in the house later. If i had seen this visions on a substance i willingly took this would not have scared me But in the mindset i had from being awake that long it was so terrifying i went to sleep i did not want to experience that any more. I swore i was not going to stay awake that long ever again.

Funny enough its 3AM NZST and i am having thoughts of going back to that state.

Anyway To conclude Sleep deprivation is a powerful mind altering activity with each Hour that passes your dose is being increased :mrgreen: 24 hrs to me is like having the same mental activity as half a hit of LSD Of course without the stimulation heh. The 3 day mark resembles a datura trip in my eyes not for the feint of heart at all.


Glandeuse pinéale
28 Fev 2010
While I'm normally the most well adjusted and patient person in the room, I can be a right arse without enough sleep. I've been an insomniac for all of my life, so I'm used to not getting much sleep, but if I don't have any I can get seriously grumpy and short with people around the 30-36 hour mark.

There was one time, when I was up late writing a psychology submission and after I had dropped it off, I went and bought a book called "People Skills". By then, I had cracked the 36 hour mark and the poor girl at the counter didn't know what she was doing. After she had fumbled about trying to sort herself out for a couple of minutes, I made some caustic remark that I immediately regretted. I didn't appologise, because I was just too grumpy for that, but I remember thinking that she must have thought that if anybody needed that book, it was me! :-)

Since then, I try to limit my people exposure when without sleep.

When I was in the Army, I pulled some very long stints without sleep, although not to the point of hallucinating, or anything. Can't say that I'm a fan of the concept of going without, but I have always been curious to know what it would feel like and what the experience would be like. ATM I figure that I'll save that for another lifetime...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
16 Oct 2008
2 174
Hahaha thats an awesome story about the bookstore man :lol:

ive had very psychedelic effects from lack of sleep
flashes of shadow in peripherals are one of the first signs, plus a bit of blurred visions (proably more from dry eyes than actualy brain activity)
sometimes i get a light dose of that spacial distortion that you get on acid where like the blinds seem to be moving but they arent or one side of the room is shorter than the other

thought patterns seem to be totally different and i do agree that i can write some pretty interesting stuff sometimes if im sleep deprived


Glandeuse pinéale
5 Déc 2010
Sleep deprivation is sorta dissociative to me, it starts after 16h awake. Interesting state of mind.


Glandeuse pinéale
5 Déc 2010
I'm actually at 24h deprivation, I feel decreased awarness and dreamy-like dissociation, I'll stop at 40h, without amphetamine stimulants it's too hard (even if cannabis is a very good stimulant for staying awake). But with 20 ipomoea tricolor seeds I can get very nice DXM like hallucinations after 30-40h, like hot girls when looking at a forest :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
16 Oct 2008
2 174
agreed on the dissociative thing

it can feel like 'I' am an inch or 2 behind where my body is
hard to explain that propery

i plan on doing a bit of an experiment next week probably on tuesday
im going to take mental notes, maybe even online notes on here
gona try to do the full 2 days awake
i'll pay attention to my mental state, try drawing and writing at different points during the experiment
then i'll post it in here sort of like a trip report i guess


Glandeuse pinéale
5 Déc 2010
Take care when doing this, sleep deprivation over 2 days is a bit tricky if you use drugs, you can get delirious and make stupid decisions without realizing it.
As for me I failed at 30 hours, I half slept for a few hours, but even with that I'm still pretty much dissociated. Let's go on for another 40h...
EDIT: too much doing this for a long time have consequences, for example feeling like being awake and thinking while being sleeping, waking up every 20min in the night, or sleeping eyes opened and being able to have normal discussions with people without realizing it


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
16 Oct 2008
2 174
i'll have no drugs other than caffeine to help me through


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
16 Oct 2008
2 174
yea it only helps for about the first 30hours for me
then it just acts as a diuretic and laxative haha


Glandeuse pinéale
5 Déc 2010
Right, what matter the dose is... I use to take 10 times sometimes 20 times the normal dose of a cup, but it does nothing.
As for amphetamines they make me so anorexic that I can't even eat anymore, and they also make me delirious... but I heard they can make up stay awake for 15 days. After 3 days I experience a weird thing, I can move objets by telekinesis (only in appareance) and when I get close from the objet it comes back to its normal position, but it feels so real... mind is so fucking powerful...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
16 Oct 2008
2 174
well i woke up today at about mid-day
(went to bed last night around 4am) so i've had about 8 hours sleep which is pretty good

its now 1am and im already feeling some tiredness kicking in
im about to go for my first coffee :)

my main problem is that right now even at this time of night its soooo hot, im sweating
and the heat sometimes makes me drift off to sleep, so i gota keep a bit active to get thru this


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
16 Oct 2008
2 174
well its about 5am now and im feeling the effects as it were
my eyes are dry because im sitting next to a fan (its unnaturally hot :( )
i started off pretty good, when it hit about 1am i was talking with a good friend of mine online and i got into a really good mood, just feeling kind of silly and talking nonsense
so far im enjoying my "trip" though im not very far in really, its not 24 hours yet
my thoughts are slightly jumbled, im sure if i was talking this post i would be stumbling on a few words
and my short term memory is being affected a little bit, i keep getting distracted by thing

doing well so far :lol:

the real test will be at about 6am when myfamily wake up to start their day because im going to retreat into my room and make as little noise as possible, i think i'll draw some geometrical patterns (as i often do) and try not to fall asleep
i was going to read a book but i think that will just knock me out

keep you updated as things get more jumbled and delirious later on


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
16 Oct 2008
2 174
well its 4pm now, today was pretty good considering ive had no sleep
i did some carving and actually finished doing a piece that i started back in like '06 or '07
did some geometric drawings as i said i would, found a cool pattern in a tattoo magazine which i copied..
thought-wise ive been a bit all over the place, i've been thinking mostly retrospectively about friends and certain events
usually when i lack sleep i get a bit shitty by this point in time, often get a bit of anxiety, none of that so far :D

i was playing fallout 3 on the playstation a few hours ago and almost fell asleep so i turned it off and turned my music up :wink:

my short term memory has been fucked, kind of like being stoned in this regard just because i get up to do something like make some toast and end up wandering around the kitchen then going into my room or out back and going through my tools before i realise i was doing something before and totally forgot about it

i plan on going to bed early tonight because ive got a few things to do in the next couple of days

at the moment im feeling fairly awake although i feel the beginning of a headache coming on, i'll just drink some more water and should be ok though

if anything changes i'll let you know lol
all in all it was pretty fun, felt light hearted and got a few things done like the carving i spoke of and i fixed up my power carving tool also
most light-weight trip ever haha


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
16 Oct 2008
2 174
keep dozing off and then my head keeps jerking me awake
time to get some early dinner and bed lol