Selfhealing and healing others with Energie(thoughts)

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion ProStoner
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité

lately I have been keeping myself occupied with trying to heal people, mainly friends who also believe in healing with energies
I believe that this is vital in making it work ... I don't think I could "heal" a sceptic person

anyways, I found out about this ability when I was quite young actually
when I had a headache, I would place my hand on my head and turn my attention to the warmth that my hand was emitting, and trying to center the pain to 1 point in my head and trying to just suck it out with my hand
just focussing on those thoughts and this worked.

I did not really know anything about healing like that I just did what I thought was right and could or would work :)

another occasion was when a friend told me he had sooo much energie that he needed to loose some.
so I told him that I might know a trick that could help him.
I thought that I could use that same trick on him, but with other purposes ofcorse this time.
I placed both my hands on his chest and sat infront of him,
closed my eyes for better focus and he did so too.
I told him to focus on the warmth of my hands and think about sending energy flows to my hands and I would take them away,
problem is that I often harm myself with these things.
I almost past out because of this enormous energie just boosting like hell into my body.
and that whole night I was so incredibly tense, grinding my teeth , muscles cramping, those kind of things.

and this week I tried to help a friend of mine with a headache, but not just a headache, since a month or so he has been having Cluster headaches
very very badly, and normally they took about 20 minutes and then go away
but this time they stayed very long , and he remembered me telling him about my healing.
and he asked me to help him, I was a bit affraid to do this, cause of what it might do to me.
but I thought, if I can ease his pain i`ll be glad to help.
so I put my hand on the place where I asked him to try and center the pain,
focus on the warmth of my hand and just think about sending out the pain.
while he was doing this, I pulled it out and every now and then I tried to put in good energie, soothing energie to make him at ease.
it was very intense for me to perform cause every now and then I got huge lightheadedness, which almost made me fall on the ground.
but it helped him, the pain was not completely gone, but he was more at ease and was better able to deal with the pain. I could notice this very well because before he did not say a word.
and after this he talked and talked and talked like always :)
but I needed a few hours to get back my own energie, cause I was pretty worn out because of that, and also needed to loose his negative energie from the pain.

this is quite a long story of some of my experiences with this
and I really wonder if other people can do this too or have been healed like this,or that can tell me more about this, ways that I can spare myself a bit more :) and i`m looking for good books or website to do some reading, so I can improve my skill in this

That's awesome. I'm definitely a believer. You just have to figured out how not to absorb all their bad stuff.
Well, that's usually the thing.
The healer pulls the bad thing out and dissolves it in their own light.

I wouldn't know what books to read on this subject though...
My wife's a massage therapist who also does energy work as well as a few other natural healing practices like aromatherapy. I'll ask her to recommend some good books.

Hell, I should just have her create her own account.

Y'all would like her better anyways.
i totally believe in this energy thing, i kind of practice it in my own way, not so physically, more generally.

anyways, i really liked the book 'the celestine prophecy', it's a bit simplistic, but it deals with the energy issues too, and with some interesting new and very positive ideas (for me, anyway).

so that's my tip. it's not a scientific book at all, though.

alice :wink:
Brewmaster a dit:
My wife's a massage therapist who also does energy work as well as a few other natural healing practices like aromatherapy. I'll ask her to recommend some good books.

Hell, I should just have her create her own account.

Y'all would like her better anyways.
Even better than you?

:!: :idea:
Pro really helpt to make the pain less. I felt he didnt took it all away and I also felt he put good energy in my body. He has to have allot of energy 'cause love's in town :wink:
When the pain was almost gone we went to a 2nd hand store and pro found beautiful pottery for his peyotes! They look so nice with the little stones aside and the possible fake san pedro. :D
Any how I'm real glad he could make my day at ease. I was puking my guts out because of the pain wich never happend before.

Other thing: I used to smoke cannabis daily, and I was an adict but since monday I still want to be stoned or high but I realy DONT want to smoke a joint. So I have not since monday :D this is because the pain was like i never had before and I can mask the pain by smoking but that's no solution. I've been thinking about going to the coffeeshop and normaly this idea would follow me till I smoked something and thats gone.. I can say fuck off.

alice a dit:
i totally believe in this energy thing, i kind of practice it in my own way, not so physically, more generally.

anyways, i really liked the book 'the celestine prophecy', it's a bit simplistic, but it deals with the energy issues too, and with some interesting new and very positive ideas (for me, anyway).

so that's my tip. it's not a scientific book at all, though.

alice :wink:
The Celestine Prophecy (in het Nederlands vertaald als De Celestijnse Belofte) van psycholoog James Redfield.

my mother is telling me to read that book for about 4months now..
i saw it on my chelf just the other week and i thought that's gonna be the next book to read. Now i know for sure.. :lol:
to be honest, if it's only physical pain and cannabis makes it go away hurray for cannabis imo. If you feel there's also something psychological going on well, watch it then! :)
And ofcourse if it makes you feel good to not smoke cannabis do that :P
Yeah I have heard of this book .. I believe a friend of mine has it somewhere :)
I will ask him to lend it to me, thanks :)

Jakobien a dit:
It sounds like you do reiki, but without any master or course, doesn't it? :D

I have been reading into it now .. cause I honestly had no idea this was called reiki ... I have heard of the name ofcourse but not that it was about this :)
I am kinda my own master
magick is purely in the mind,but unlike some may think,the mind has incredible powers.I am also into spiritual healing,i'm kind of a shaman(not an experienced one).What i usually do is making certain sounds absorbing the negative energy of the person,and then i start to feel what's bothering the person,and once i'm able to dissolve it or think it away,i use the same thing on that person,and it can be anything.thought transforms reality,there are some melodies and sounds that i learn from psychedelic entities.Psychedelics manifest the mind,what you're thinking and feeling at the time of a trip or dream or any other trance state will appear before you,even those entities are part of that,wheter they really are from another dimension or not is not of importance,either way you atract them with your thoughts,so suppose your friend has a really painful headache,you absorb it in your mind in wathever way works best for you,get yourself in a trance state let it manifest,observe and heal
This my friend is a very rare gift, usually more common (in it's rareness), with women than is something you're born with (either you have it or you don't) and only in this case you may "exercise it" to make it more strong, focused, and easy for you to use without hurting yourself. unfortunately i am no master in this...not having it...and i don't know what kind of phylosophy uses it or if there are books about it or if it has a name...It is something that runs in my family as well, as it is often passed along the bloodline, and i say be carefull of what you do, for example trying to heal that cluster headake could have sent you in a coma for the huge energy imbalance you very carefull on how you use this gift. but don't advertise it too much...that is another very dangerous thing to do, as humans aren't often ready to face these kinds of arguments (see the sceptics).
nourish it, love it, nurture it, but be careful not to be consumed by it.
Learn to use it wisely, it is a great gift to have and is going to be of great value in your life...
Peace and much love
Yeah thats Reiki, my mom just to do that when i was a little boy.
that shit really helps, when you got headaches and other kind of injurys.
And i think i have a book laying around here somewhere, your story got me kinda interested again :)

Good luck with the healing :wink:
MindAstronaut a dit:
Yeah thats Reiki,
thank you
MindAstronaut a dit:
my mom just to do that when i was a little boy.
that shit really helps, when you got headaches and other kind of injurys.
And i think i have a book laying around here somewhere, your story got me kinda interested again :)

Good luck with the healing :wink:
THAT shit is one of the most amazing powers conceeded to a human in this universe and i hope you do realize that it deserves more respect that "shit" as you just called it, and it can't be learned from a book :wink: but good that you're interested again :D
I get really serious around this topic though it is not really like me to be serious about something...but this deserves full 100 % respect :wink:
one old are you ProStoner?
THAT shit is one of the most amazing powers conceeded to a human in this universe and i hope you do realize that it deserves more respect that "shit" as you just called it, and it can't be learned from a book but good that you're interested again
I get really serious around this topic though it is not really like me to be serious about something...but this deserves full 100 % respect

Sorry for that its just a term that i use :P , with no disrespect or anything,
I deeply admire the powers of Reiki to heal people.
And everybody can learn it thats the beauthy of it, you only need to train those skills and put some efford in it (like most things).
And some of us just have more talent for these kind of things,
but it can be practiced by everbody who has the will to do so. :wink:
I know a guy in a small town in the northern part of the Netherlands who has healed a lot of people and is still doing sessions. I heard a lot of positive reactions so I sent my girlfriend (who has been having headaches daily for about 6 years now, tried almost everything else) there. It worked but its a shame he asks quite a lot of money for it. I believe it was 50 euros for a session (half an hour) or something, and he does quite a lot in one day. By the looks of his house he has a lot of money, so i think he should ask less. The thing with my girlfriend is that he only healed the headaches temporarily (a few days) and then they came back. So she quit going there because of the money. He did the same thing with his hands and energy flows.

Im not sure on the numbers.. its a while ago
well thanks for the warning about the Coma and imbalance of my energy
I thought about that before doing it a bit .. but I never knew it could be that serious .. and I do see this as a great gift
but it is hard to learn by yourself .. it would be nice to know someone who has mastered this gift more then myself
and learn from him\her
my age is 20.. almost 21, but I think I noticed it when I was around 13 or so
but u always have the feeling that there is something about you..
but I know that everyone has this feeling so I don't put 2 much value in this
Science and spirituality has been coming closer together now than in the past. Apparently, our thoughts (combined with belief system, emotional state, etc) actually bring situations to ourselves, or create our "reality". The environment is a product of us, not the other way around.

I've been interested in this subject for a long time. I read a book titled "Evolve Your brain - The Science of Changing Your Mind" by Joe Dispenza. The first half talks about his bike accident which caused multiple fractures to his vertebrae. According to several doctors, his only chance of ever walking again was to have surgery which would leave him with reoccurring pain and limited mobility for the rest of his life. He refused the surgery and literally "thought" his way to healing (meditation, concentrating energy to the damaged parts of his body). Three months later, he became fully healed and could move just as well as he did before the accident.

Instead of using your own energy to heal other people, maybe you should teach them methods you use and see if it works for them. Ever heard of a movie called "What The Bleep Do We Know?!". That would be a good start if you're interested in this stuff.

"Mind over matter" isn't so far fetched anymore.
Well this is too philosophical to be put in few words you can't just say "mind over matter" or " the environment is a product of our creation" as well as i can't just say " that environment and mind interact eachother to the point of coming to a common reality also cause reality exhist and is not only subjective, though it is influenced by the latter. i believe reality, being a product of a higher intelligence impossible for any human to conceptualize, to be a part of another consciousnes that enters in contact with ours through our senses, all 10 of them, thus creating a new reality which is not possible for our not powerfull intelligences to morph to our volitions, the earth has allway been round weather we wanted /knew it or not. however within the realm of our mind/body many things are possible (and i won't get started on the list of examples, i could take the whole site :P). however a mind can be trained to unlock the powers of volition over matter and some are even talented enough to unlock them without any previous traning, therefore we have cases such as the hereby mentioned healing discovered by chance by our friend, or as often happens babies with a kind of "shining" that is often called a Poltergheist if not noticed coming from the baby, if any of you is a mother or father and have whitnessed strange events happening around your baby then don't get scared is their young mind that is developping and growing thus producing enough energy to make the strange phenomena happen.
i've written this by shot as allways if something is not clear feel free to ask.