San Pedro Powder from Peru.

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
:D YES it works!!

Friday I prepaired 50 grams using the User1919 method.
I splitted that in 2 portions 1 of 20 gram and 1 of 30 gram.
Added some lemon juice, rolled balls (tip make em small otherwise its kinda hard to swallow :lol: ) and puted them in the freezer.
Had to work, when I came home I had a light dinner and waited for 2 hours.
Then I took the baggies whit the balls out of the freezer and started swallowing the 20 gram portion whit some nice tea. The taste wasn't that bad it was like eating a lemon icecream.
This was around 20:00hour finished the last ball @ 20:30 or so.
Then I went out to see a movie in cinnema (Public Enemy number one part two, MUST SEE avec Vincent Cassel, a french movie about Jacques Mesrine a bank robber)
The movie stated @ 21hours whit no brake in it, halfway the movie I started to feel something and had a little stomache trouble but nothing serious.
When the movie was finnished around 23:30 hours I walked outside, tripping for sure, all the lights where extremly bright.
I went home on my bike and stopped somewhere to role a joint which turned out to be quite the challange :lol: Started pufffing and went home where I laid on my bed enjoying the nice MDMA like feelings that went tru my body. Still had the other 30 grams but I didn't take it I couldn't get myselve to swallow it. And I wasn't really prepaird for a fullblown trip (room was a mess, didn't eat the proper food ect.) Couldn't sleep all night long just laid in bed having a mild trip.

Next time I'll take the full 50 grams at once and start around 12:00 hours this will be in a couple of weeks, I'll let you know

Peace, mrvn
very nice to know that the supplier is ok, and that that tecnique is good, and that you had a good time :D
I was a bit underwhelmed by my cactus experience too, I took 30g of cactus that's supposed to be active at 15g.
I ended up taking some acid with it and it was really nice. :)

I've still got 70g left so I'll probably try 50g next time too.
next time you should do a 100g dose:)
OK cool! I am going to order some. Thanks for testing it out. You bought it from that site in Peru were they sell 900 grams for $90 right? How long did it take to get here? Did it pass any borders?

peace & love
Yes thats the one.
It took 20 workdays from Peru to Holland.
I had no troubles whatsoever the box came unopent. They don't say san pedro powder on the paperwork they call it inkaline guess that helps.
I'll definitely be checking this out as well. You can buy san pedro powder at headshops around here, but it's ridiculously expensive. This is like 1/10th the price
+2!! once i get suffienct funds in im definatly going to be making an order
Aha, is it possible to get the name of the vendor please?
50 grams of dry powder, San Pedro cacti I suppose? If cacti have 85% of water, then U take with 100 grams something bout 1500grams of fresh cacti. Or 50-100cm long cacti, depends how thick it is. 100 grams would be right dose. Also there is much waste from skin and middle vain of cacti which is also wood like. Meaning no alkaloids. So if U take 100 grams of powder U really take 1200-1300 of real cacti tissue. Fresh tissue.

For real trip on San Pedro cacti human with 85 kilos should consume more or less then 100 grams of that dry material. everything under it would produce effects similar to MDA. JUST NOTICING
Hmmm thanks for the info. I'm a 57 kilogram human :D
Just a 3 days@ work, then LowLands festival and then I've got 2 weeks vacation and I'm home alone...:twisted: Definitly going to take a 100 gram doses, consuming it over a long period of time I was thinking about 2 hours or so. I'll let you know how it went, peace!
Alright, thanks mate!
im wanting to get my hands on some quality peyote. if you get the chance to try san pedro, and peyote, please let me know the differences in experience. i am extremely interested in knowing the differences in effects. thanks!
I will maybe use Peyote this week. They were out of water whole summer. Only early morning moisture, nothing else. I soup some 2 days ago, just for shape pulp. They are stressed enough and if I mention that they have 30 years then everything should be clear to everyone! High potency cacti. Experienced Pedro before, MDA effects. High MDA effect but nothing over that, distinctive. So if I maybe use them my report will be here.
Ok, nice my first peyote trip will probably be over 6 years and 1 month. By then I'm 30 years old and my peyote collection will be ready to eat.
I hope that they will be ready by then, that is lol. Looking forward to read youre reports guys!