Salvia- quid vs smoke

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Matrice Périnatale
so my friend and I are planning to give salvia a try. I've done it before but he hasn't. I've heard that a quid produces more intense, longer lasting effects. Is this true? Follow up question: which method is more fiscally responsible? I'm on a budget haha. Further, which brands and means of preparation do you all prefer?
Well youve just summed up the entire problem i think alot of people have
and youve herd right, the quid is much longer lasting, and more intense, so you kinda have to ask do you want to jump in the deep end? my experiences have been nothing great as off yet, but my friend smoked once, for a minute, and he was repeatedly dragged through an esculator, folds of skin, the lot. not trying to put yu off but hes swore off it.
then the other definate down side is the taste, my first resulting in vomit. its horrible bitter and ghastly. but worth it if you can bare it.
and the cost, it sounds like im really tryin to depress you but im not :evil: . if you dont have a plant, it could cost you alot. alot.
asss to brands, there are brands for quid ?
best of luck
I have never heard of this where do you find your info? You should be carefull giving advise if you don't know where you talk about.

smoking indeed works shorter but is most off the time far more intense!
you have never heard of ?
what i have learn about Salvia comes probably from the most definiative website :
perhaps you should take a look at the FAQ
and the rest is from personal experience. i have my own plant sitting on the right of me as i type.
i would advise avoidance of slander and such, you dig yourself a hole.
sagewisdom says...

There are pros and cons to each method. Some people report that the quid method produces a deeper, more visionary experience than smoking. Others report that chewing doesn't work for them at all, but smoking does. For those who get little effect from either method, the two methods can be combined. First chew a quid, and then, after spitting it out, light up. If you already smoke tobacco or Cannabis you will probably be comfortable with smoking Salvia. If you are a non-smoker you will probably prefer the quid method. Bear in mind that smoking anything, even Salvia, can't be good for your lungs. Unlike smoke, orally consumed Salvia does not irritate your lungs.

It requires quite a bit more dried leaf when taking the leaves as a quid than when smoking. Smoking is the most economical way to use the leaves.

The quid method produces effects that come on more gradually and last longer. They are better for exploring Salvia's world. They are better for deep meditation.

Salvia tincture (e.g. "Sage Goddess Emerald Essence®") has the same effects as a quid method, however the dosage can be adjusted more precisely, the effects come on somewhat faster, and holding the not-unpleasant tasting tincture in one's mouth is much nicer than holding chewed up leaves in your mouth. The only side-effects reported that are unique to the tincture have been "burning" of the lining of one's mouth. This occurs if the alcohol in the tincture has not been sufficiently diluted. It may leave one's mouth mildly sore the next day, in much the way that it would be if you drank soup that was scalding hot. This problem can be prevented by diluting the tincture with enough water.

Generally speaking, it is best to avoid overly-concentrated extracts, vaporizers, and pure salvinorin A. Chewing quid, using tincture, smoking leaves, or smoking mild to medium-strength extracts will produce sufficiently strong effects for most people. There is no need to experiment with stronger and more dangerous ways of taking Salvia.

There are some people--albeit a minority--who, even after many experiments, find they remain "Salvia-hardheads." They never experience more than a slight Salvia effect from smoking, or from a quid. Some of these hardheads will get satisfactory results if they chew a quid, and then immediately smoke after spitting out the quid. Others will find even this ineffective. For them, extract-enhanced leaves are necessary to produce effects. See how sensitive you are before experimenting with stronger forms of Salvia. With a little practice, quid chewing, or smoking, or combining the two ("boosting"), works quite well for most people. Many people find it takes several meetings with Salvia before a "breakthrough" experience occurs. So don't label yourself a "Salvia-hardhead" too soon.

In my personal experience, the quid method is very mild compared to smoking. Smoking is faster and more intense.

Really? How many grams did you chew?

I find the quid method is harder to achieve, but when you do-- it's amazing for a long time.

But yes, smoking it is faster-- but so is the trip. ;)
that's highly interesting. i had heard at some occasion, that salvia would be inoperative with some people, for genetic reasons, but the information now seems to suggest it's probably applicable to those with the "genetic defects" and to those without. by then i only knew of the smoking method and now it says that for some the smoking method won't work, but the quit method.