Rizu Zen (tree posture)

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion MrEmo
  • Date de début Date de début


Rizu zen, or standing zen meditation is an ancient form of Taoist meditation. in addition to the normal benefits of zen meditation it is reputed to increase the natural flow of chi within the body. it is an excellent form of meditation for those who find the lotus position uncomfortable, although complete relaxation is essential in its practice.
simply put, if you stand in the tree posture long enough you will meditate whether you want to or not.

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edit* lol fail

after 25 minutes or so i feel like my nervous system extends well out into the surroundings. a very curious sensation.
the standing posture is very good if you feel dissociated and need to plug yourself back into your body.
i like to do it outside, away from the normals, they tend to get nervous around inactivity and call an ambulance.
I can't keep my knees bent like that for 25 minutes... plus my joints seem to stiffen up and I become like a crackling tree... I don't think that is suppose to happen.

I've had this for a while and I am wondering if I have early authritis or if I just don't stretch my joints enough... I have a feeling it's the prior though.
perhaps your focusing on the pain?

i had the same problem but letting my mind wander a bit seemed to help, or turning the pain into a pleasant warm feeling or something.

i just knew to do this because im always causing myself unneeded pain through involuntary hyper-consciousness.
IJesusChrist ,
discomfort is quite normal at first. before you start open up your joints by gently rotating your arms, shoulders, neck, ankles knees and hips. we are not always aware how much muscular tension we carry normally. while standing, if you feel tension or discomfort gently shift your awareness to the affected area and let that area relax. a side effect will be an increase in body awareness.
also, it is not a competition. start with only a few minutes and build up, and try to ignore the excuses your ego makes up for stopping. the brain can be very creative in making up excuses to stop and find something else to do. take control of your own mind, you own it not the other way round