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Republicans Worried


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Déc 2006
3 774
The GOP (republicans) are scared shitless....they just lost another seat in the deep south, where they traditionally are untouchable...it is predicted that they could lose up to 30 more soon....

Apparently, I will get to see what I've been hoping would happen, people waking up and asserting themselves....the fact that it is happening within the confines of the system is a good thing....

Karl Rove, a top Reublican criminal, er, advisor, is under investigation, and the dems after him are said to be 'very close' to indicting him, and Harriet Miers,
(remember her? Bushs' first choice for the Supreme scam, er, court, the last time there was a vacancy...he eventually capitulated and seated Spam Alito, er, Sam Alito instead) as well.

There is a very real chance they are about to go through some incredibly lean times.....I am EXTREMELY HAPPY to realize that some real change may be coming....understand, all you non-Americans, that many, many, Democrats in this country are VERY liberal, very environmentally aware....the dems didn't
create ANY of this mess, the re-fuck-licans did it all by themselves.

When Bill Clinton was president, the whole world di not hate us, and gas was 1.35 a gallon.

The republicans like war.

The Democrats don't.

The republicans think gay people are inherently evil.

The Democrats think they ought to be allowed to live their lives in peace.

The republicans hate drugs, publicly, and do as many as anyone behind the scenes.

The democrats think oil companies ought to be taxed the fuck out of.

The repubs think we should invade the Arctic Wildlife refuge and destroy it all, so we can stave off having to pull our heads out of the sand a little while longer.

It is party time, come November....

Hooray for the next president....

Go Obama....

For any closet Repubs out there....



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Déc 2006
3 774
BTW, just in case anyone here doesn't know....here's some pertinent historical facts;

John McCain , the Republicans ' Great White Whore, er Hope'.....is a fucking sleazebag, who is just another Bush in moderate clothing.

Do a google search on 'The Keating Five' and search within those results fro John
Satan, er, McCain'

Learn why he's been corrupt FOR DECADES.....I was already an adult whe this happened..

Many speculate that McCain will get Condoleeza Rice to run as his VP....

Anyone here wanna guess wht that slut did before she was the Bush PR Man?

I'll save you the trouble;

She sat on the board of Exxon for ten years.

How about, thats a god-DAMN conflict of interest in and of itself?

It's not something you hear discussed.....just swept under the carpet.

Bush= Texas Oilman
Cheney= Halliburton (oil services company that works hand in hand w/ Exxon)
Rice (board member for Exxon)

Is this clear?


1 Mai 2008
The conservatives really over-reached their boundaries, the last 7 years especially, and now things are coming full circle. They had their time run amok, and soon they'll be held accountable for the mess they made :-p

I wonder how long it will take some of the damage done by recent domestic policies and laws to be reversed

Next I want to see their dis-information/propaganda machine, aka Fox News bite the dust. . . There's too many uniformed and apathetic people in America to be receiving their news pre-digested for them.

The bias on their shows is so blatant I swear I can make out a ring of light hovering over any conservative head that airs on that network.

It would really be a shame to see the populace misled again into electing another GOP member in 2012


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Obama either has no cards or hes keeping them very close to his chest . Edwards made more policy sugestions in his obama endorsement speach last week than obama has in his whole campaign . I personaly can not see a black guy called husein getting into power and if he does i can not believe that 200 years of fashism is going to end . Every US president has lyed and murdered . Everyone made promises that they didnt keep ................ and no one can dodge a 9 gramm lump of lead traveling at 600 kmph.......


Glandeuse pinéale
14 Avr 2008
my gut instinct tells me that the main election will be somewhat close but in the end i believe obama will secure the presidency. it sounds WAY TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE but i think it will happen. this is why i think so...

1.)most republicans don't really care too much for McCain. He's a moderate repub. and those that don't like him won't vote AT ALL during the gen. election. i know a few such ppl personally that will do such things.

2.) most ppl in the US hate Bush, period. His approval rating is under 25% right now. the majority of americans oppose the iraq war, and people typically don't like to see the same thing twice when presented with a new alternatives(an old white Bush-clone vs. a Black)...how do you think Schwartzenegar(the terminator i can't spell his fuckin name! lol) got the Cali. governor nomination? not bc he has good policies but bc he's a new, interesting face vs. the same white-male shit. ppl generally like to see change when it comes to shit like that.

...but all this is just my opinion anyways.


Alpiniste Kundalini
30 Juil 2004
If the republicans get kicked out of the White House... Is there a chance the War on Drugs will get less or at least change in a positive way?

Clinton was a democrate... But if you believe the following article http://www.mapinc.org/newscfdp/v01/n087/a05.html?6793 Clinton was even worse then the average republican...

To be honest, I actually gave up hope. Republicans, democrates, whatever... What I've heard Obama wanted Cannabis to be legal many years ago. When he became a candidate he never dared to say that again...


5 Mai 2008
I'm not going to go on too much about Obama, other than to say that he is the best hope the US has for getting turned back around in the right direction. As far as his policies go, it takes 2 minutes to look up his gigantic database of policy proposals on his website.

He is most certainly NOT going to publicly say that he is for legalizing cannabis, but it should be pretty obvious that he is progressive enough to see the truth. Just having him tell the DEA to back off would be a transformation. Another thing he could do to change things would be to eliminate the forfeiture laws that put forfeited money into the hands of local law enforcement, turning them into shake down artists.

Those who don't think he can win should realize, he has beaten the Clinton machine, and he is running against a guy who is so weak, the Repubs are even embarassed. He'll win the general, and precisely because something like 8-10% of his constituents ARE republicans.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
@ spice

It is hard to catch some news over here in Europe about the elections (besides the omnipresent obama-clinton shtick) in the sense of the comparison between dems and reps. How are they doing? Are there any polls I can see what people choose between McCain & Obama or McCain & Clinton/Obama?

I agree with your view on McCain. I knew the moment I first saw him in a debate that he was a lying son of a gun. I almost started to believe in Reptilians. :roll:


5 Mai 2008
It's available on the news sites, mate. Admittedly, they are biased, but MSNBC is pretty good, all things considered. Easy to look online, and to watch Olbermann videos on youtube.

From what I can tell, Obama is a lock for the dem nomination. Also, it seems really unlikely that he would use Clinton as a VP.. his base is something like 10% Republican that have switched to Dem to vote for him in the primary, and indications are that a lot of other repubs will vote for him as well, in the general. So even if he splits the independents, he would win.

Don't believe the polls.. look at the election numbers. He's been breaking all records of funding and demographics during this race, and the press is not even talking about it. Like the fact that he got 78% in Idaho, a state where the KKK once had a central office.


21 Juil 2007
5 922
poisoninthestain a dit:
how do you think Schwartzenegar(the terminator i can't spell his fuckin name! lol) got the Cali. governor nomination?

Schwarzenegger ;) he is austrian originally. i dont think he is too bad as a governor. better than others.

i think he got the governor nomination cuz of sympathies and of popularity, but maybe they just said to him like "what about being a governor arnie??? (but only if you do what we want you to do - else :evil: :twisted: :axe:)

who knows...

peace. ;)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
vajrakana a dit:
It's available on the news sites, mate. Admittedly, they are biased, but MSNBC is pretty good, all things considered. Easy to look online, and to watch Olbermann videos on youtube.

Could find info on the primaries, but no polls for the general election. So I googled it :oops: and found this http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls ... ional.html

It's a small sample but either democratic candidate beats McCain atm.


Elfe Mécanique
5 Oct 2006
Your post doesn't take true conservatives into account. You may want to look into Goldwater and Ron Paul. I've always considered myself republican with a libertarian lean. Democrats are authors of the nanny state. Conservatives have also had a tradition of being anti-war (lest we forget vietnam) . Don't be so blind to political rhetoric, both sides are controlled by the same interests and there are some good people on both sides but I can assure you that obama is not one of them (and niether is mccain for that matter)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Déc 2006
3 774
I know all that.

I'd MUCH rather have a nanny state than a fucking 'old man that likes to kill things' state.

So-called 'true' conservatives are, apparently, nutless, and can't get financial backing. Who want's to fund actual constitutional conservativism?

Since 99% of the country allows the TV to tell them what conservative is, and what it means, guys like Ron Paul are just 'that weird guy' to most of the country.

The giant leap you are referring to isn't going to happen.