REAL testing kits - Not just color tests

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion TLConscious
  • Date de début Date de début


Matrice Périnatale
Hello everybody,

We are a harm reduction non-profit organization that have developed a substance analysis kit that works significantly better than simple color tests sold around, while still being easy to use. It works through a method called `Thin Layer Chromatography`, and can separate even complex mixture of substances into the individual components, which is a big advantage over simple color tests that will only give the main reaction color.

Our kits are ready, we are currently in crowdfunding phase to gather money for bulk purchases. You can check it out here: Substance Analysis Kits: Down with adulterants! | Indiegogo

You can check out a video of how it works in this link above

Basically with a certain donation (150e), you will get the full kit, or smaller donations get you the simple color tests, or t-shirt, etc. So it`s sort of like pre-ordering, except it`s safer because the indiegogo website gives you full refund if we do not reach our established Goal and cannot make bulk purchases.

Feel free to ask any questions!!

PS: I hope this is ok to post here. Mods feel free to contact me so I can adjust the post according to guidelines, hopefully this is not considered a spam, we really believe this will help people out there and possibly save lives. Also, how do I delete a post? I made a thread in the vendors section but we`re not really vendors so Im not sure if that`s the best place, decided to make it here. Feel free to delete that one if possible.