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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
4 Juil 2008
1 374
We would have a serious problem if all the people should trust him [and for that matter, anything]; we could get confused; and no matter what he did, good or bad, revolutionary or cathastrophix (like Busch), we would still trust him; all this by virtue of trust.

] all this would naturally depend on your own construction of what "trusting" means. I, for myself, distinguish trust from feeling relief towards the future or any other spacial-temporality; particularly around the structure of what may be called skepticism.

] all this would naturally depend on your own construction of what "skepticism" means, and so long and so forth...

Forgive me :) I'm stoned out of my spinal cord; feathered serpent.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2008
1 230
Bastiaan a dit:
Hope he doesn't get shot by a stone age redneck though :roll:
Yep, same here!

But it says a lot that the far majority voted Obama. I hope it makes the redneck republicans who never cross the border of their own state think a bit more, if they're able to do that.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
I just heard that McCain gave a very good speech after his defeat. If you review my prediction (if you can decipher the astrological jibberish), you can see that I expected that too.

1st time I was impressed by McCain was his concession speech. Sad but true.

It felt like he could finally be true to himself instead of all the lying, cheating and mudthrowing of the past months.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
yeah, a lot of people said it reminded them of the old mccain.. before he changed into his present image..

i don't know how much change obama can make, after all it is clear his moves are being advised to him.. he changed a fair amount through his campaign.. also they aren't going to get enough seats in the senate to guarantee the ability to invoke cloture

but i do think this is a positive thing and hope as much as i would hope in any politician


Elfe Mécanique
17 Sept 2008
Nomada a dit:
We would have a serious problem if all the people should trust him [and for that matter, anything]; we could get confused; and no matter what he did, good or bad, revolutionary or cathastrophix (like Busch), we would still trust him; all this by virtue of trust.

] all this would naturally depend on your own construction of what "trusting" means. I, for myself, distinguish trust from feeling relief towards the future or any other spacial-temporality; particularly around the structure of what may be called skepticism.

] all this would naturally depend on your own construction of what "skepticism" means, and so long and so forth...

Forgive me :) I'm stoned out of my spinal cord; feathered serpent.

You are very right, people trust him too much. I work and live in a highly populated black neighborhood. They all want him in and now that a Brotha is in they dont give a fuck what he does. I still feel that things are a rye, I voted for Bob Barr the libertarian candidate that was running, and I did a lot of work for Ron Paul.

Listen to this interview with Ron Paul via Alex Jones.


Very interesting.

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
user_1919 a dit:
Who do you think will win? And will they stay alive, or be shot afterwards?
I overlooked the second question. I think Obama will survive. There are no signs of shortened longevity in his chart. He should be careful though in May and October 2009 and January 2010, for he could get involved in an accident. Less physical danger in 2011 and 2012. There's likely to be some tension in his marriage throughout 2010. And as I already mentioned, McCain might become ill.

Listen to this interview with Ron Paul via Alex Jones.
I found this one very interesting, Ron Paul on CNN:

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
Reading one of the many anti-Obama webpages just now, I came across the following:
One of the first things Obama would do as president is repeal mandatory minimum sentences for crack and other drug offenders to "reduce the ineffective warehousing" of such criminals, according to his website. He favors "drug rehabilitation" over incarceration for even "a second-time offender," according to a 2007 interview he gave to the Michigan Chronicle, Detroit's second-largest African-American newspaper.

Decriminalizing pot is also on the table. "We need to rethink and decriminalize our marijuana laws," said Obama, who admits to smoking weed and doing "a little blow" as a young man.

As an Illinois state senator, Obama voted to weaken penalties on gangbangers who deal drugs in schools.
So I looked further for Obama's stance on drugs, and found the following:

* Look at needle exchange; and expand treatment. (Feb 2008)
* Fight to rid our communities of meth. (Feb 2008)
* Expand drug courts; help prisoners with substance abuse. (Feb 2008)
* 2001: questions harsh penalties for drug dealing. (Oct 2007)
* Not first candidate to use drugs, but first honest about it. (Oct 2007)
* Do not lower drinking age from 21 to 18. (Sep 2007)
* Experimented with cocaine but turned down heroin. (Aug 2007)
* A "secret smoker", especially around reporters. (Aug 2007)
* Smokes cigarettes now; smoked some pot in high school. (Feb 2007)
* Admitted marijuana use in high school & college. (Jan 2007)
* Deal with street-level drug dealing as minimum-wage affair. (Oct 2006)
* Understand why youngsters want to use drugs. (Aug 1996)
* End harsher sentencing for crack vs. powder cocaine. (Jun 2007)
* Require chemical resellers to certify against meth use. (Sep 2007)

The quotes themselves can be found here:

When Jay Leno asked him in Dec. 2006 if he smoked, he was talking not about Marlboros but about pot.
"Not recently--that was in high school," Obama responded.
"Did you inhale?" Leno said, alluding to bill Clinton's famous dodge.
"That was the point," Obama said.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
3 Nov 2007
4 166
Let’s hope Obama and co will change something, and make a beginning to the end of the war on drugs.

Remember Bill Clinton he didn’t do shit to end the war on drugs


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2008
4 978
I don't hope that you will judge Obama just on drugs...

I am sorry but this shouldn't be the central point of a president who is confronted with a bankrupt country, 2 unsolved wars, a reputation you wouldn't be proud of and basically pure ruins.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
i wouldn't entirely of course, but with the numbers of americans arrested just for possession of pot hitting nearly a million per year (800,000 now?) many of which are kids who end up with criminal records that ruin their lives... from a purely monetary standpoint, think of the cost to the taxpayer just for those marijuana arrests alone. And yet 12% of americans smoke it, almost 50% will try it during their life, and that means effectively we live in a nation of criminals.

now lets step outside of mj. think of the wars in mexico and south america. how the US treats countries that don't support its invasive crusader policy on drugs.. for example destroying crops of coca leaves that the natives have been using for generations and basically need to survive. the war on drugs costs untold billions and has been utterly ineffective at doing anything other than making the trade more lucrative.


it IS a big deal.

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
I don't hope that you will judge Obama just on drugs...
It was not the intent of my post. I just thought it would be interesting for us to know his position on these matters. I really like st.bot.32's answer though.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2008
4 978
I was actually referring to magicmumus post. I also agree with st.bot.32, sure, what happened in the last century about drugs, mobbing of mexico, criminalization of citizens is a great deal. What I meant is that you shouldn't just say "Obama=pro drugs", "McCain= anti-drugs" and therefore vote for Obama. There should be other factors, above the personality, above the party (Ron Paul is republican) that make out who you vote. Not that I accuse you for thinking like that but that was just something to through into the discussion.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Avr 2006
4 228
Has anyone seen the latest south park episode about the elections? It's hilarious :D




Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
Bill Maher: "Americans have finally got beyond our racial past and picked a black man to clean up our mess."


Elfe Mécanique
17 Sept 2008
st.bot.32 a dit:
i wouldn't entirely of course, but with the numbers of americans arrested just for possession of pot hitting nearly a million per year (800,000 now?)

20,000,000 people have been arrested as of 10/10/08 in the US. I've actually got a flier about it posted right next to my PC currently.