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Plant grow


23 Juil 2007
Hello , i have a friend comming from netherlands and i think he will try to get seeds/plant with him. Can i have any tips about how i need to take care of the plant. Its for inside btw. Also will it grow in this seazon ? or isn't it a problem if i take good care of it :)

Its just a hard time to get weed on the street atm.. :'(


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Avr 2006
4 228
oliboytje a dit:
Its just a hard time to get weed on the street atm.. :'(

make your friend take weed with him :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
If you have nerves of steel and fucking good patience! Otherwise you’ll be all out of wack because of lack of smokeables within the month, lol.

Seriously though, you have to tell us what grow lights, how big the area is, power supply, and how many plants ect...
If you’re that new to growing yourself I would suggest the wealth of growing information on the internet, just a Google away!

And I would plant twice as much as you intend to harvest; they will either die off, be male or have other complications.


23 Juil 2007
Well i tought about it :) I buyed seeds from ******* and going to plant them in a litlle cloused. I'm going to use 1 cheap light, Its Misty that i will grow :) I think i almost know everything but then sometimes if i look at growing guide it seems so hard >.< . problem with law is that i can only have 1 female plant. so this will take a while to master the growing :) altho any tips on what to really do and things u found out from experience NOT to do ;)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
Heres some simple advice...
Don’t wait too long to re-pot, don’t forget to flush before harvest and head the plants at a small height, say 8-12 inches high for more main cola's. If you want more bud from just one plant, head 2 or more times during veg growth to make it into a monster! And remember to groom them often (clip the fan leaves) in high veg growth; you want as much light to those heads as possible.

And remember, the plant will grow almost twice its height whilst budding so leave ample room.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Avr 2006
4 228
buy 200 (cheap) seeds or more, go the countryside (platteland toch?), plant them in every spot you thingk the plants will be able to grow, plant 5 seeds per spot (or more.

after a few months return to the spots to harvest free weed, and the best part is, YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING FOR IT :D

if a plant is gone when you return, then it's gone and you have made someone else very happy :P


23 Juil 2007
Meduzz a dit:
buy 200 (cheap) seeds or more, go the countryside (platteland toch?), plant them in every spot you thingk the plants will be able to grow, plant 5 seeds per spot (or more.

after a few months return to the spots to harvest free weed, and the best part is, YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING FOR IT :D

if a plant is gone when you return, then it's gone and you have made someone else very happy :P

hehe :) will first try in my own rooml for myself before i'm going to make other ppl happy ;)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
I agree with Meduzz , outside is better than inside . The only reason that the amis started growing indoors was because they had to hide it because of the represion there . Your main problems outside are animals , especialy slugs (= spanische nakt schnecken ) and thieves ( i think you should be gratefull to them , they did you a favour , its better that they found them than the forces of evil . Through that you will also learn to find better places ) . Its better to grow them somewhere that you can controle like your / someone elses garden , or at least somewhere that you can see from a distance . When you go to look dont go directly to them , walk past your location a few times so you can see if other people were there . If you see someone else was there keep away from them . If you grow them in a garden tie them down so that they grow long , wide and flat , that way nobody notices them . I have had them grow that way over about 2 - 3 square meters each and the buds about 50 cms high . I learnt that the hard way !!!


23 Juil 2007
hmmm ye will try planting a few in the garden of my dad or from someone else :) tnx

I meanwhile 1/2 indoor seeds i planted has come out and will reach surface in some days.. i think :) Well i hope its a she otherwise i'm gonna need to kill the plant :( or is there soem other way ?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
NEVER cut leaves off , thats like cutting a sprinters leg off and expecting him to run faster !!! If you dont believe me try it with a few plants in your garden / grow room and at the same time dont do it to a few others and see what happens .


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
It really depends on how big the plants are at the time of grooming and how big a space you are growing in, if it’s an indoors setup.

If it’s outdoor, there’s really no need because every head can get ample light for itself by growing bigger, but if you have a cramped grow room with multiple plants, then they are all (plants and individual heads) going to compete for what little light there is because of the wealth of downward shade created by the fan leaves.
If there are an abundance of fan leaves, it will make the plants grow long, spindly (massive internodal lengths) and fill the small space you have very quickly, making budding time a shitload harder to manage when there are only a few centimetres of space left for them to get larger.
Remember, leave at least twice the space between the currant plant size after vegetative growth, and the upper limit of the grow room for budding; they almost double in size during this final period.

And GOD, sprinters can’t grow 2 or more legs from the point where the old leg was severed so the analogy is pretty confusing.
A cannabis plant can multiply its respective heads by either removing the upper head to double if not triple them, or by decreasing the leaves above them that are restricting their light exposure. I get what you’re saying though and in an outdoors patch you’re absolutely right.

And besides, wouldn’t you rather allot more bud, than less in a quicker time? Makes it more worthwhile in my opinion, but again its subjective to the location and the grower...



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Thanks for your reply . I agree with you for the outside bit but not for the inside bit . I think you are talking about growing big plants indoors ? Its better to use the space you have by growing plants that dont get above between 25 and 75 centemeters at harvest , then they grow like bullrushes ( dont know if you know what i mean , bull rushes are the reeds that have a thick brown head , do they grow where you live ??? ) . Then you can get between 400 and 600 gramms of dried buds from a square meter . The clones just grow for two weeks or so on an 18 hour cycle and then go into a 12 hour flowering cycle for 6 to 8 weeks . Then you dont get any fan leaves , each plant is just one big fat cola . If you grow the plants bigger than that the light doesnt penetrate deep enough and you only get loads of leaves and poxy harvests . Most of the yous that i just wrote should have been one .

Congrats on becoming a moderator !!!


23 Juil 2007
Hmm tnx :) well its for indoor growing. Its 5cm tall now :) i hope i succeed.
tbh i don't really know what u mean but i think i'll know soon..

Also after i could harvest how long do i hav eto wait till i can harvest again ? or is it a continous flow after the first flowering period


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Ooops sorry mate !!! I thought you were an experienced grower , my post wasnt aimed at you it was in reply to the post from buffachino . I`ll send you a PM with a rapidshare adress i found in the net where you can download 16 drug related books , several of wich are specificaly about growing cannabis . They are in english , if you can understand german better than english let me know and i`ll post you an adress where you can find some books in german .

The same goes for anyone else who wants to read a few interesting books . Tell me here or send me a PM and i`ll beam you the adresses over .


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
Cannabis is an annual, so you can only harvest once.

GOD, I agree about growing many small, 25-30 cm single column plants that don’t restrict space yet still, fan leaves on any plants are unavoidable (unless the strain has been bred to have very few and smaller leaves) and it seems that the more plants you have, the more males you will end up with. In the end you only get at most half of the original plants in bud at harvest while the rest are of the masculine persuasion and only good for an extraction of what little cannabinoid’s they retain.

In my case, the number of plants is often halved by the time we sex them and if they were not headed in veg growth then we only have an unquantified amount of bud per remaining female which is often around 2-4 from 10 original individuals, making the entire process of caring for 10 plants a bit of a waste. Again it all depends on the growing location, how big it is and the genetics of the plants.

I have found that to increase the yield to an acceptable level, the plants must be of ample size with multiple bud bearing columns on them so to say that they are large is a good word to use in comparison to the size of the room. This is only because we mostly end up with a small number of individuals and that if they weren’t that large, the yield would be a waste of time, basically.

Really, the best way is to grow on constant light for about 2 or more weeks, head the plants, re-pot them, wait a further 5 days for the new heads to establish and then begin 12/12 for another month or more to make a SOG (sea of green) style bud plantation only taking up a tiny amount of vertical space, saving the need to groom individuals and creating the biggest fattest buds on a very short stock. This will only be achieved if you plant an excess amount to the desired amount of final females to allow for male wastage if growing from seed, but using clones would bypass this step completely and you could have a much faster and more guaranteed crop each and every time.

Any way you do it, cannabis growing is a rewarding and fun endeavour…
